

Study on the Risk Management of Seed Industrial Enterprises

【作者】 陈李宏

【导师】 程国平;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 种子是最重要的农业生产资料,优良品种对农作物增加产量和改善品质起着至关重要的作用。控制种子,就掌握了农业竞争的主动权。因此,在当今世界,各国政府都把加强种子科技研究,推动种子产业发展,列为促进农业发展的重要举措。种子产业的发展要想取得更多更大的成果,必须依靠广大种业企业的蓬勃发展。由于种业企业的生产和经营是以农业这一系统为背景,而农业是一个高风险的行业,农业系统的高风险性也意味着种业企业生产经营的高风险性。对于种业企业来说,风险管理是其必须关注的重要课题。本文在农业风险特殊性的基础上研究种业企业的风险管理问题,介绍我国种业企业生产经营过程中面临的各种风险因素并分析风险形成的原因;在传统风险评价指标的基础上,引入适应于种业企业风险评价的新的指标体系,并通过实证的方式进行研究;探讨了种业企业应对和规避风险的对策。全文共分为六章。第一章介绍本课题的研究背景、目的和意义、研究内容、论文的结构、研究方法、相关的国内外研究动态。在国内外研究动态部分主要从风险管理、农业风险管理、种业企业风险管理三个层次对相关文献进行介绍。第二章介绍种业企业发育的背景、内涵、特征及功能,种业企业风险管理的目标、要素、组织、及方法。种业企业风险管理的目标包括战略目标、经营目标、报告目标和合规目标;种业企业风险管理的要素包括内部环境、目标设定、事件识别、风险评估、风险对策、控制活动、信息和交流、监控;种业企业风险管理组织应包括各个职能部门、各条业务线及下属子公司。第三章介绍种业企业面临的各种风险并分析风险形成的原因。种业企业面临的风险主要包括:环境风险、R&D风险、营销风险、融资风险、人力资源管理风险。其中环境风险分为政治环境风险,法律环境风险、经济环境风险,科技环境风险、自然环境风险和社会文化环境风险;R&D风险分为决策风险、技术风险、资金风险;融资风险分为融资结构风险、融资规模风险、融资时机风险以及融资资金使用风险;营销风险分为市场选择风险、营销策略风险、竞争风险和组织管理风险;人力资源管理风险分为招聘风险、培训风险、人事变动风险。第四章介绍种业企业风险评估的过程:确定评估目的,风险环境分析及评估资料收集,种业企业风险评价体系的建立,建立评估模型,得出评价结论;提出了对农业高科技企业风险评价的方法——模糊综合评价模型,并对该方法进行应用。第五章提出了对种业企业风险进行管理的对策。对于环境风险主要通过保险和期货市场来规避自然灾害风险;对于R&D风险通过选择合理的决策模型、采用合适的技术风险控制策略、通过预算控制来规避资金风险等来进行管理;对于融资风险通过确定合理的融资结构、确定适当的负债规模、选择恰当的融资时机和融资规模、加强对融资资金的管理来进行管理;对于营销风险主要通过树立正确的营销理念、建立科学的营销决策程序、关注企业的外部环境、认清自身优势、和相关群体建立良好的关系、建立营销风险管理机制、设计合理的组织结构来进行避免;对于人力资源管理风险主要通过做好人员的招聘、培训及人员变动的管理来进行控制。第六章是对文章的总结与展望。

【Abstract】 Seed is the most important means of agricultural production,superior varieties play a vital role in increasing production and improving the quality of crops controlling of seeds means grasping the initiative of the agricultural competition,therefore,in today’s word all governments regard strengthening scientific and technological research of seeds to promote the development of the seed industry as an important measure to promote agricultural development If we want to get more and bigger result in seed industry development,we must depend upon the vigorous development of seed industrial enterprise.As the background of agriculture enterprise’s production and operation is the agricultural system which is a high risk profession,which means the high risk of the agriculture enterprise’s production and operation.As to the seed industrial enterprise,the risk management is the important topic which its must pay attention.This article studied the risk management question of the seed industrial enterprise in the foundation of agricultural particular risk.Introduced each kind of risk factor which was faced by the Seed industrial enterprise in the management process and analyzed the reason which the risk formed.Introduce the new indicator which adapts to the seed industrial enterprise risk assessment on the basic of the traditional risk assessment indicator and conducted the research through the real diagnosis way.Proposed the methods to control the risks.The content concludes six chapters.The first chapter introduced the research background,the research content, the paper structure,the research technique and the correlation domestic and foreign research tendency of this topic.The domestic and foreign research tendency was introduced from three levels which are the risk management,the agriculture risk management,the seed industrial enterprise risk managementThe second chapter introduced the growth background of seed industrial enterprise,connotation,characteristics and function as well as risk management goal,essential factor,organization and method of risk management of seed industrial enterprise.The risk management of the seed industrial enterprise includes the strategic target,the management goal,the report goal and the gauge goal.The essential factor of seed industrial enterprise risk management includes internal environment,the goal hypothesis,the event distinguishing,the risk assessment,the risk countermeasure,control,the information and the exchange and the monitoring.The risk management organization of the seed industrial enterprise should include each functional department,each professional line and the subsidiary companyThe third chapter introduced each kind of risks that seed industrial enterprise faces and analyzed the reason causing the risk.The main risk that the seed industrial enterprise faces concludes the environment risk,the R&D risk,the marketing risk,the financing risk and the human resources management risk.The environment risk was divided into the political context risk,the legal environment risk,the economic environment risk,the technical environment risk,the natural environment risk and the social culture environment risk The R&D risk was divided into the policy-making risk,the technological risks and the fund risk.The financing risk was divided into the financing structure risk,the financing scale risk,the financing opportunity risk as well as the financing fund using risk The marketing risk was divided into the market choice risk,the marketing strategy risk, the competition risk and the organization management risk The human resources management risk was divided into the employment advertise risk,the training risk, the personnel changing risk.The human resources management risk was divided into the employment advertising risk,the training risk,the personnel changing risk.The fourth chapter introduced risk assessment process of the seed industrial enterprise,it concludes determining the goal of the appraise,analyzing risk environment and collecting the appraisal information,establishing risk assessment system of the seed industrial enterprise,establishing appraisal model,drawing the appraisal conclusion.Proposed risk assessment method--fuzzy quality synthetic evaluation model,and applied this method.The fifth chapter proposed methods of risk control.Dodge the natural disaster risk through the insurance and the futures market.The R&D risk can be managed through selecting reasonable decision-making model,adopting the appropriate technological risks control strategy,dodging the fund risk through the budget control.The financing risk can be managed through determining reasonable financing structure and suitable debt scale,selecting appropriate financing opportunity and the financing scale,strengthening the management of the financing fund The marketing risk can be avoided through setting up correct marketing idea,establishing science marketing decision-making procedure, paying attention to enterprise’s external environment,recognizing own superiority, establishing good relations with community,establishing marketing risk management mechanism,designing reasonable organizational structure carries The human resources management risk can be controlled through doing well in personnel’s recruiting,training and the personnel changing.The last chapter is the summary and the forecast of the article.
