

Research of Evaluation and Planning of Urban Ecosystem Based on Complexity Theory

【作者】 杨馥

【导师】 曾光明; 刘鸿亮;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 环境科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本论文首先综述了复杂性理论及其在城市生态系统评价、恢复和规划模型应用中的研究进展,指出复杂城市生态系统模型现状研究中存在的问题,并具体针对复杂生态系统的城市生态环境质量评价模型、城市生态服务功能分区、城市河流生态系统健康评价模型、城市土地利用生态适宜性评价模型、城市河流生态系统恢复和城市绿地系统生态规划等方面,从数学理论、方法和应用相结合,定量与定性相结合的角度出发,系统的研究了基于复杂性理论的城市生态系统评价、恢复及规划方面的新理论、新方法,以期建立的复杂生态系统模型和研究结果更符合客观规律和事实。本文的研究工作和研究成果包括以下内容:(1)针对影响因素多,数据搜集困难的城市生态系统,基于遥感解译(RS)、地理信息系统(GIS)及空间模拟等方法与技术,建立了城市生态环境质量综合评价模型。选择位于湘江下游湘中丘陵结合处的长沙市作为研究对象,通过对长沙市生态系统现状的辨识与模拟和TM/ETM+遥感影像解译,分析了研究区域的生态环境现状及变化趋势,进行了生态环境质量评价。该方法的主要特征是突出树状层次结构的特点和层次排序的特性,模型层次分明,计算便捷。研究结果表明长沙市生态环境质量状况良好以上级别的区域面积仅有827.64 km2,占总面积的7.0%;而生态环境较差的区域其面积达到6187.14 km2,占总面积的52.4%。得到的结果与实际情况相符合,为确定生态敏感性和生态系统服务功能重要性空间分布格局和生态功能区划提供了重要的依据。(2)基于遥感解译(RS)、地理信息系统(GIS)及空间模拟等方法与技术,构建城市生态敏感性综合评价模型、生态服务功能评价模型及生态功能区划模型。选取适宜于长沙市红壤丘陵区域的相关评价指标,对区域内各级指标生态敏感性和各项服务功能分布进行综合评价和分级,得出长沙市综合生态敏感性等级图和生态系统服务功能重要性分区图。基于长沙市生态环境质量综合评价结果,生态敏感性分析和生态服务功能重要性分析,按照等级性原则及生态功能的重要性,将长沙市划分为5类生态功能分区,并分析各类生态区的重要性及生态功能,为制定长沙市生态系统恢复和规划方案提供科学依据。(3)分析确立河流生态系统健康评价指标中不确定性因素存在的原因和种类,构建适用于城市河流生态系统的定量与定性结合的健康评价指标体系。运用模糊层次分析法,建立基于不确定性的模糊层次综合评价模型,并将理论应用于长沙市河流生态系统,查明城市河流的健康状态,研究结果可丰富河流生态系统健康研究理论体系,弥补当前生态系统健康与修复研究中城市河流方面的缺乏,对退化城市河流生态系统的保护和恢复起到很好的指导作用。(4)针对土地适宜性评价中采用定性和单因素方法而产生的主观、片面和精度低等缺点,分析了土地适宜性评价中的不确定性因素,并提出基于不确定性和灰色系统关联度的土地生态适宜性评价模型。在野外生态调查和地理信息系统(GIS)和遥感(RS)的支持下,采用AHP法确定各评价因子的权重,运用改进的土地生态适宜性评价模型对长沙市城市土地利用进行定性和定量的评价,并根据评价结果提出城市用地规划的相应对策。(5)基于复杂性理论和恢复生态学理论,面向城市河流生态系统健康的需求,论述了城市河流生态系统恢复的概念内涵和河流生态系统恢复遵循的原则,提出了以河流生态完整性为终极目标的多目标整体恢复思想。以长沙市湘江生态廊道为例,从植被恢复、物种多样性保护和河流廊道景观设计三个方面探讨了长沙市湘江生态廊道规划和设计的技术途径,从功能和空间两个层面上提出和讨论了长沙市湘江生态廊道复合开发模式。(6)总结探讨了城市绿地系统规划的恢复生态学和景观生态学理论基础,在长沙市生态概况调查和综合评价的基础上,根据长沙市经济发展需求和创建国家园林城市的总体要求,探讨了长沙市生态绿地系统的总框架和城市生态绿地体系的规划布局策略。本文基于城市生态系统的复杂性特征,较为系统、深入地提出了基于复杂性理论的城市生态系统评价、恢复和规划的理论与方法,一方面丰富和完善了针对复杂城市生态系统的模型理论与方法,在本质上加深了对复杂城市生态系统内在机制和客观规律性的认识,具有一定的理论意义。另一方面,本文以长沙市生态系统为实例研究证明,基于复杂性理论的城市生态系统评价、恢复和规划模型和方法能够更加准确、有效的评价、模拟复杂的环境系统行为,为城市生态规划和管理提供了定量理论依据和技术支持,更有效的指导和协调城市可持续发展,具有一定的实践意义。

【Abstract】 This dissertation first reviews the research progress on complexity theory and its applications to the models of urban ecosystem, and accounts for the current problems on complex ecosystem models. Then from the respective of the mathematic theories, methodologies and applications and based on complexity theory, the focus is given on the development of new theory and new methodology for the urban ecological modeling establishment. This dissertation systematically studies the urban ecosystem problems in such areas as follows: evaluation of ecological environmental quality, ecological functional regionalization, river ecosystem health evaluation, land-use suitability evaluation, river ecosystem restoration, and urban greenway planning. By means of complexity theory and ecology, we hope to found some ecosystem models which are more accorded with the objective rules and facts.The main work and novel results of this dissertation includes the following elements.(1) Under the condition of complex ecological environment and inexact cognition of parameters, by the methods of remote sensing (RS), geographic information system (GIS) and space simulation, an evaluation model of ecological environmental quality was proposed. By interpreting Landsat TM/ETM+ remote sensing image, Changsha City, a typical hilly region of red soil, has been taken as an example to the availability and reliability of the evaluation model. The results showed that only 7% of the total land areas (approximately 827.64 km2) are maintaining at higher or the highest grades of the ecological environmental quality in Changsha City. However, there are 52.4% of the lands (approximately 6187.14 km2) are getting worse or the worst grades of the ecological environmental quality. The results of the case study indicated that the evaluation model of ecological environmental quality offered an effective reference for analysis of ecological services importance and ecological functional regionization. (2) Based on the methods of remote sensing (RS), geographic information system (GIS) and space simulation, evaluation models for ecological sensitivity and ecological services importance were proposed. The indicators systems of ecological sensitivity and ecological services importance evaluation were established to analyze ecological functional regionization. Based on the results of ecological sensitivity grade, ecological services importance evaluation and Chapter 1, the map of ecological functional regionization in Changsha City was obtained. The results can be used as scientific references to carry out ecological restoration and planning strateges. (3) Based on analyzing uncertainties when determining indicators system of ecosystem health assessment, an indicators system and a model for the evaluation of urban river ecosystem health was proposed. The model could offer the feasible and reliable base of decision-making for the river environment management. (4) An integrated method for land suitability evaluation (LSE) based on geographic information systems (GIS) under uncertainty was proposed. The method of grey relational analysis (GRA) was incorporated into analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to address the uncertainty during the process of evaluation. The systematic evaluation approach has been tested by using Changsha City as a case study. The research outcome can be used as a basis for urban planners and researchers to deal with the development of cities and their surroundings in regions of highly ecological and environmental sensitivity. (5) On the basis of the theory of restoration ecology, the concept and principles of urban river ecosystem restoration were discussed. According to the research results of river health evaluation in Chapter 4, the milti-objective urban river restoration mode was proposed,which including three parts, vegetation restoration, biodiversity protection, and landscape design of river corridor. It was dementrated that the final purpose of urban river restoration should be maintaining the ecological integrity. The compound development mode of urban river corridor was also discussed, which including functional and spatial development mode. (6) Based on the discussion on the theory of restoration ecology and landscape ecology of urban green space system planning, according to the need of economic development and the results of the above research, the framework and measures of Changsha green space system planning was proposed.Based on the complexity characteristics of urban ecosystem, the systematical theory and ecology, assessment and planning of urban ecosystem were developed furtherly. This study has been helpful to develop ecosystem modeling based on complexity theory and further improve cognition to the development law of urban ecosystem. Moreover, the case study of Changsha City proved that the models based on complexity theory could more accurately and effectively account for the complex behaviors of urban ecosystem. The study could offer theoretical and technical bases for urban ecological planning and promote the sustainable development of urban ecosystem more effectively.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期