

Research on Chinese Feature in Modern Mass Production Design

【作者】 巫濛

【导师】 柳冠中;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 设计艺术学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 “现代设计的中国特色”不仅是我国设计界的一个热点,而且成为了一个颇受关注与争议的社会现象。本文以此为切入点,聚焦于现代大众产品,意在全面理解这个问题,突破设计现状的局限与偏颇,并提出解决途径,为现代设计之中国特色的最终呈现奠定基础。以质的研究为基本指导思想,本文研究运用了扎根理论与设计事理学贯穿始终;在不同阶段,根据实际需要采用了文献法、个案分析、文本分析、比较法。多种方法的融贯有利于将研究对象放入社会的、历史的语境中分析,在不断的理解与解释过程中建构自己的观点。依据研究过程,本文首先阐释了对于现代设计之中国特色的建构性理解:现代设计从工具理性到价值理性,生活方式成为设计研究的重要内容及设计实践的主要目标与评价标准之一;探寻中国特色则从价值理性动因转化为工具理性主导,偏离了现代设计的核心价值——创造更好的生活方式;传统符号几乎成为表现中国特色的唯一方式,从工业社会之初至今,由延续吉祥寓意到追求民族象征与消费化的中国风格,演变为工具理性行为的工具。接着论文提出了多元化建构中国特色的原由与途径:一方面,现代产品向多元化发展,表现在传统与现代、意义功能与使用功能等多重维度上,产品特色不仅表现在外观的显性特色,也表现在功能、技术等内在的隐性特色。另一方面,现有的中国特色尽管可以归纳为八种方式——仿古、借古造今、中国新古典主义、现代中式、传统外衣、传统器物造型、传统材质与生活方式,然而,明显偏重于传统符号产生的显性特色与意义功能,呈现单一化,难以适应现代产品的多元化属性,更难以满足人们的多元化需求。因此,具有中国特色的设计需要从现代设计的核心价值出发,从适合当代大众的生活方式中产生,以此完善设计方法自身的多元化建构。最后,本文通过比较自行车在中国大陆、台湾地区与欧美国家的不同发展,分析了自行车的中国特色,并结合“移动新主张”的设计研究案例,说明从生活方式构建现代设计的中国特色的必要性与可行性。

【Abstract】 This paper is about Chinese feature in modern design, which is not only a hot topic in the design field, but also a social phenomenon full of attention and different opinions. Focusing on the mass production, the author aims at understanding Chinese feature overall and putting forward some suggestions. All researches are the groundwork for the Chinese feature in modern design coming true.Basing on qualitative research, this paper adopts the grounded theory and design affairology in the research process thoroughly. Further more, different research methods are carried out in different phases, such as documentary historical method, case study, text analysis, comparative study and so on. Multiple methods integrated are effectual to analyzing the research objects in the social and historical context and resultingly constructing the viewpoints. This paper discusses the constructive understanding of Chinese feature in modern design firstly. From instrumental rationality to value rationality, lifestyle comes to being the main purpose and evaluating rule of design, as well as one of the key points of design research. On the contrast, from value rationality to instrumental rationality, Chinese feature is deviating from the core value of modern design: creating a better lifestyle. The traditional symbols become the tool of instrumental rationality finally, passing through three phases: continuing lucky meanings, pursuing national symbol, and becoming Chinese style in consumer society.In succession, this paper brings forward the cause and way of diversifying Chinese feature. On the one hand, modern productions become diversified increasingly, since modern productions interweave tradition and modern, symbolic and functional features, which are presented not only on visible feature from appearance, but also on invisible feature from function, technology and etc. On the other hand, most approaches to Chinese feature nowadays echo the traditional form that brings to Chinese visible and symbolic feature, which sounds monotone and does not fit into the diversification of modern production. So, the author argues we should pay more attention on the core value of modern design, and present Chinese feature diversifiedly through lifestyle research.In last part, the author argues the necessity and feasibility of constructing Chinese feature through lifestyle researching. To do so, the author analyzes Chinese feature of bike by comparing its different development on Chinese mainland, in Taiwan and in Western countries, and introduces a case study‘new solution for mobility’, a new electric bike for personal rental in a public transportation system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期