

Globalization of Higher Education: An Interpretation from the Perspective of Glocalization

【作者】 康瑜

【导师】 谢安邦;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 进入20世纪下半叶,高等教育学界在理论上兴起对全球化的关注和讨论,从把全球化看作高等教育发展改革的背景转向探讨全球化的政治、经济、文化因素对高等教育的影响,进而转向将高等教育全球化作为研究对象加以分析和阐释。当前世界高等教育发展表现出来的显著矛盾对现有的高等教育全球化研究提出了挑战。世界各国高等教育在加强交流与合作的同时表现出明显的趋同发展态势,同时又不断强调自己的独特性和本土建构,保持着显著的差异性特征,。人们对当前高等教育的现实发生也存在冲突的看法。本土批评者面临着巨大的困境,既希望摆脱西方高等教育范式对本土高等教育的全面宰制,又发现纯粹本土、西方无涉的建构和生长无法付诸现实。这些矛盾聚焦于一个根本性问题,到底什么是高等教育全球化?如何才能更有效地解释高等教育全球化表现出来的矛盾现实?基于怎样的认识和阐释才能使我们将其利用而非简单排斥?这一系列问题的提出要求选择一个有效的理论工具对高等教育全球化展开解读,并且剖析当前高等教育全球化得以发生的动力因素,在因素分析的基础上进而考察当前高等教育全球化在现象层面的具体发生、以及在发生进程中表现出来的矛盾性特征,最后对当前高等教育全球化做出价值判定并提出推进高等教育全球化发展的路径主张。基于这一“提出理论框架—因素分析—现象考察和特征分析—价值判断和路径思考”的研究路径和逻辑线索,论文对高等教育全球化展开尝试性解读。论文分为五章。第一章为导论,论文提出解读高等教育全球化的必要性,综述了当前国内高等教育全球化研究的特点和问题,解析了涉及高等教育全球化的几个核心概念。第二章梳理了把世界看作一个整体的历史传统,进而提出随着这一历史基础的延续,全球化理论逐渐呈现多维的理论发展态势,在纷繁芜杂的理论群中,论文考察了两种当前用于分析高等教育全球化的主流理论——新自由主义理论和批判理论,分别提出了两种理论对于高等教育全球化研究的适切性和局限性,在此基础上提出罗兰·罗伯逊的全球化理论和全球地方化概念,依据罗兰·罗伯逊的全球化理论和全球地方化概念建立了一个解读高等教育全球地方化的理论框架。第三章依据高等教育全球地方化视角对高等教育全球化展开因素分析,提出影响当前高等教育全球化发生的四种主要因素:市场、超国家行为主体、民族国家和高等教育的内在逻辑。四种动因与高等教育全球化有着不可分割的关系,并且推进高等教育全球化呈现同质化和异质化特征。第四章依据高等教育全球化视角具体考察高等教育全球化在现象上的具体发生。论文从观念、制度、课程三个维度立体地分析了自20世纪80年代以来世界各国高等教育全球化在现象上的表现和呈现出来的特征。从观念层面看,高等教育全球化表现为全球意识和本土意识共同加强的态势;从制度变迁的层面看,各国高等教育在制度上表现为相互关联性的不断加强和同质化异质化特征的矛盾共存;从课程层面看,各国高等教育课程采纳整体知识观,在知识体系结构上表现为对普遍性知识和特殊性知识的整合。第五章对当前现象中的高等教育全球化进行价值考察。在指出两种现有的对高等教育全球化的价值取向:把高等教育全球化看作一个市场意识形态渗透的进程和把高等教育全球化看作一个以强势国家高等教育为中心的不均衡发展过程的基础上,论文依据全球化内蕴的“离家一归家”隐喻提出一个强调本土地方维度的高等教育全球化的价值诉求,并根据这一价值诉求提出相应的高等教育全球化的路径思考。

【Abstract】 The late 20th century has witnessed the rise of attention to and theoretical discussion on globalization in the field of higher education research. More discussions are focused on exploring the impacts on higher education from the political, economical and cultural dimensions of globalization, as well as analysis and interpretation of occurrence of globalization of higher education (GHE), rather than regarding globalization only as the background of higher education development.The Distinct paradox displayed in current worldwide higher education brings challenges towards present research in GHE. With more communication and cooperation in the world, higher education in various countries turns out to be both homogeneous and notable heterogeneous. In addition, views on higher education phenomena and development contain sharp contradictions and conflicts. Supporting voice as well as critics on GHE coexists. Meanwhile, local critics are in front of great dilemma. Since regarding globalization as westernization, local higher education should tries to escape from the total control of western higher education paradigm. But the pure, west-free construction and growth of local higher education can not be put into practice rather than an ideal theoretical point. All these above contradictions can be focused on one basic question. What on earth is GHE? From what perspective can we make a more effective and valid explanation of the contradictory reality of GHE? How could we make a better understanding of GHE so as to take advantage of rather than get rid of it in a simple way?The presence of these questions requires a strong interpretation of GHE from an appropriate theoretical tool and perspective, as well as makes an exploration of the dynamical factors driving GHE. On the basis of factor analysis, the specific occurrence of current GHE in phenomena and its contradictory features should be displayed. Then GHE should be valued and its growth root should be discussed. From the logic thread of ’theoretical framework - factor analysis - phenomenon review and feature analysis - value judgment’, the thesis makes an attempt to interpret GHE in the perspective of glocalization.The introduction, Chapter One discusses the necessity to interpret GHE based on the review of current research in GHE, as well as explains some key concepts concerning GHE.Chapter Two explores the historical tradition of regarding the whole world as one, and points out that there are a variety of theories on globalization following the historical tradition. Among varies theories, this chapter emphases two mainstream theories, neo-liberalism theory and critical theory with their pertinence and weaknesses in the use of interpreting GHE. Based on which, the globalization theory from Roland Robertson as well as the concept of glocalization are used to establish the framework to make an interpretation of GHE.Chapter Three makes an analysis of the dynamics driving GHE from the perspective of glocalization. Four factors influencing GHE are discussed, which are market, supranational agencies, nation state, and inner logic of higher education. These dynamics have close relations with GHE and cause the homogeneous and heterogeneous of higher education as well.Chapter Four makes an exploration of the specific phenomenon of current GHE from the perspective of glocalization. From the three dimensions of consciousness, institution and curriculum, the phenomena and features of GHE since 1980’s have been displayed. In the aspect of consciousness, global consciousness and local consciousness in higher education are both strengthened. In the aspect of institutional transition, higher education in various nation states has been more and more interrelated, thus displaying the features that homogeneity and heterogeneity coexist in paradox. In the aspect of curriculum, the knowledge system in higher education curricula has been integrating universal knowledge and particular knowledge together.Chapter Five values current GHE in phenomena. Current GHE has been valued in two ways. One is regarding GHE as a process with the penetration of market ideology, the other as an unbalanced process with dominating higher education controlling the whole higher education system as the academic centers. According to the metaphor of ’living home and going home’, the thesis values the locality of GHE more important and put forwards some thinking on the growth road of GHE based on the value.

  • 【分类号】G640
  • 【被引频次】4
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