

The Study and Application of Remote Sensing and GIS on Tidal Wetland Based on Object-oriented Technology

【作者】 田波

【导师】 周云轩;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 长江河口滩涂湿地是上海市社会经济文化可持续发展的重要战略资源和物质基础,也是上海市生态安全体系的重要组成部分。其巨大的资源潜力和环境、社会、经济、生态功能决定了上海市如何可持续开发利用和保护滩涂湿地这个科学管理决定问题存在的必要性、重大性和持久性。要解决上海市滩涂湿地中所面临的发展、保护和利用问题,首要和基础条件是要弄清楚滩涂湿地各种资源与环境对象如土地、植被、鸟类、底栖动物、水文、水质、土壤等的现状和动态变化,这种现状和变化不仅要体现在数量和质量上,更重要的是要体现在地理空间上。处理地学空间域的问题,遥感和地理信息系统是一种重要的高效的技术、方法和手段。遥感和地理信息系统是上世纪以来兴起的一种高新技术,已广泛应用到各行各业中,在滩涂湿地上的应用已初步涉及到资源、环境、生态、系统管理等各个层次层面,其主要应用有:一是弄清滩涂湿地资源与环境现状;二是监测资源与环境动态变化;三是湿地环境因子的遥感模拟以及资源生物量、物理生化指标模型遥感反演;四是滩涂湿地资源环境信息综合遥感和地理分析及评价;五是滩涂湿地资源与环境管理系统/决策系统的建立。在已有和潜在的应用中,如何运用好遥感和GIS技术和方法,实现简单、快速、有效、准确的获取所需要的滩涂湿地数据和综合信息,需要有理论思想上的先导指引、技术上的实践可行合理以及方法技巧上的具体灵活运用。这其中,基于面向对象的思想和方法是一种非常重要的思想论、认识论和方法论。面向对象思想和方法的本质就是对现实问题域进行分割,建立起遵循客观事物本质特征的对象模型,然后对现实世界的客观实体进行结构模拟和行为模拟,其过程强调了人类日常的逻辑思维方法和原则。本文以上海市滩涂湿地对象为研究对象,全面系统阐述了在面向对象思想、方法指导下如何进行遥感和地理信息系统技术应用实践。结果表明,基于面向对象思想和方法运用遥感和GIS技术和手段进行滩涂湿地资源与环境的调查、分析和管理,能简单快速有效准确的分析、获取滩涂湿地资源与环境数据,同时可有效地建立起资源与环境信息服务支撑平台,实现对现有滩涂湿地遥感与GIS运用方案方法的优化以及运用深度的提升,从理论和实践上开拓了滩涂遥感与GIS应用。基于面向对象的滩涂湿地遥感与GIS运用实践主要涉及了以下几个部分:从地学的角度对滩涂湿地进行面向对象的理解和分解,确立了滩涂湿地对象结构和边界,明确了滩涂湿地对象的不同层面上的问题,为遥感和GIS应用指明了目标;在对滩涂湿地理解的基础上,根据问题-目标-方案-分析-运行等环节对滩涂湿地的几个典型应用进行了分析,并阐述了遥感和GIS应用方案;基于对滩涂湿地理解和分析,从地学角度对其进行了地理建模,建立起了滩涂湿地空间数据库;对面向对象的滩涂湿地遥感信息提取方法进行了详细的说明和研究,主要涉及到遥感数据的分析处理、影像对象的生成、对象空间层次语义网络结构构建以及影像对象分类识别等方面;在对滩涂湿地对象的理解、分析和地理建模以及对面向对象的遥感应用方法研究的基础上,选取了滩涂湿地岸线冲淤变化、湿地时空演替分析、滩涂湿地植被等几个典型案例,进行了基于面向对象的遥感和GIS运用思想、方法、技术和技巧的实践;基于面向对象的理论和方法,对滩涂湿地如何进行系统管理进行了研究和实现,其过程涉及到面向对象的分析、面向对象的设计、面向对象的编码、面向对象的调试以及面向对象的维护,最后以地理信息系统组件为基础,集成遥感GIS、建立起了上海市滩涂湿地资源与环境信息管理系统。本文的创新之一:基于面向对象的思想和方法将遥感和GIS技术和手段全面运用于滩涂湿地资源调查与监测中,包括基于面向对象思想理解分析分解滩涂湿地对象、基于面向对象进行滩涂湿地对象的地理表达和地理建模、基于面向对象进行湿地对象信息的客观快速准确的遥感提取。本文创新之二:以滩涂湿地地理空间数据库为数据基础,通过面向对象的分析、设计、编码、调试和维护,建立起了一个系统的、开放的、可扩展的、兼容性强的、较完整的、能无缝支持滩涂湿地资源环境业务管理工作和信息服务的管理系统,实现了上海滩涂湿地资源环境数量、质量、空间分布信息以及动态变化信息的科学管理,为滩涂资源可持续利用的决策实施提供信息服务支撑平台。

【Abstract】 As the important strategic resources and material things for society economical and cultural sustainable development, the tidal wetland at Yangtze River estuary in Shanghai is also considered to be a significant part in eco-security system. Its giant resource potential and environment, economy and ecological functional value determine that it is necessary to rationally and scientifically exploit, utilize, protect and maintain this tidal wetland. Among those complex wetland research, the primary and crucial thing is entirely understand, insight and mapping quality and quantity distribution and variation of all kinds of wetland resource from spatial view, which including land-use, vegetation type, Aves, benthos, hydrology, soil and so on. Moreover, the remote sensing and GIS technology have been proved to be an effective and preferred approach to settle a particular geographic problem especially in mapping and visualizing.Remote sensing and GIS technology, which begun from last century and has been widely using in various aspects, and even now are being involved with resource, environment, ecological and information system development for tidal wetland. There are some tidal wetland applications benefited from remote sensing and GIS technology, which include investigation of resource, monitoring resource and environment dynamical change; remote sensing on wet biomass evaluation; resource and environment geo-analysis and assessment; geo-information software system development for decision-making. how to suitably and rationally using remote sensing to conveniently, quickly and precisely acquire important tidal wetland information depends on the general principal, reasonable technical practice and flexible application of varied skills and methods. And object-oriented principal is a critical and popular theory among those theories and methods people often used before.The essential of object oriented theory is identifying reality object, then building an object-oriented model followed by its internal characteristics, and simulating the structure and behavior of the real world’s object, from which the process emphasis on the people’s general logical thinking and principles. Based on the object oriented theory, this paper elaborates the remote sensing and GIS application on investigating and monitoring the resource and environment of tidal wetland in shanghai. The result shows that: following on object-oriented thinking and theory, the use remote sensing and GIS method for investigating, analyzing and managing on tidal wetland resource and its environment prove to be effectively and quickly way to get and analyze the resource of tidal wetland and the environmental data; the object-oriented method also could effectively build resource environment information service platform; it is obviously and remarkably optimize and broaden current tidal wetland remote sensing and GIS approach and application, which in turn theoretically and practically enlarge and enhance remote sensing and GIS application principle.Object-oriented tidal wetland remote sensing and GIS technology’s application can be divided into the following sections. Section I describes the object-oriented knowledge and identification on tidal wetland, establishing its structure and boundary, and analyzing tidal wetland object’s problem from different levels, as formulating a clear target for remote sensing and GIS application. Section II elaborates the procedure of practical application on wetland according to basic knowledge of tidal wetland, which is following Question-Aim-Case Selection-Analysis-Reality steps. And also gives a specific approach for remote sensing and GIS technology. How to build up tidal wetland geo-database is available in section III, which also particularly explains the method of picking up tidal wetland remote information and does some research on remote sensing data analyzing, object’s image creation, and object space semantic network building and identification on object-image. Based on knowledge and method mentioned above, section IV selects the coastline erosion and accretion in Yangtze River, the alternate investigation of tidal wetland resource and the tidal vegetation analysis as examples to utilize and carry out object-oriented remote sensing and GIS technology in image pre-processing, image segmentation, image object hierarchical network building and image classification. The last section concerns how to build up an integral tidal wetland geographic information system which including the object oriented software analyses, design, development, deployment and maintenance.There are two primary innovative ideas in this study. The first one is the approach of how object oriented theory synthetic to remote sensing and GIS method for investigation, monitoring on tidal wetland resource and environmental situation, of which mainly focuses on analyzing varied tidal wetland based on object-oriented, geographically expressing and building model according to tidal wetland object data, quickly and precisely acquiring and extracting tidal wetland information. The other one is the development of tidal wetland resource and environment geographic information system which involving object-oriented theory to system analyses, design, code, debug and maintain. The systems are service-based information system and have some characteristics featured as simple, systematic, developed, expanding and seamless. Deployment of this tidal wetland geographic information system provides a platform for decision-making and scientific management of resource and environment for all policy-making, supervisor, mangers and researchers, who closely associated with tidal wetland in Shanghai.

【关键词】 滩涂湿地面向对象遥感GIS上海市
【Key words】 tidal wetlandobject orientedremote sensingGISShanghai
  • 【分类号】P237;P208;P748
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】2090
  • 攻读期成果