

【作者】 杨肖光

【导师】 梁鸿;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 社会管理与社会政策, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 社会政策是政府为增进社会福利和解决社会问题而采取的一系列行动准则和规定的总称。2003年以来,随着党的执政理念向科学与和谐的方向转变,以及社会问题的不断凸显,“社会政策”正在从一个政策研究概念发展成全社会共同关注的议题。社会政策对于中国的发展是必要和紧迫的,但就中国目前的情况来看,社会政策的成功制定和有效执行还面临着诸多问题,如利益关系平衡、决策方式选择等。鉴于此,本研究试图通过一个广西家庭暴力干预政策作为具体的个案,用环境、过程、参与者三位一体的视角来分析中国社会政策制定与实施的过程中的影响因素,并探讨社会组织这一特殊行动者在社会政策过程的角色和作用。广西家暴政策是在国家的宏观环境与政策导向下的渐进发展的过程,从个别项目、到社会维权行动再到正式的立法,家暴干预的程度随着人们意识的增强而不断深入。从政策环境来看,反家暴政策的出台是国内外政策环境的促动的结果。中国政府在国际上对妇女权益保护问题的承诺是家暴干预行动的外部推动力,而新一届政府在民生与和谐社会上的政策导向又为反家暴政策的制定提供了机会。同时,不断增加的家暴案件以及这些案件严重的社会后果也给决策者带来了不小的政治压力,迫使其出台专门的政策。但从大的社会背景来看,在经济增长为主旨的发展模式下,使得妇女权益保护问题并不处于政府优先序的前列,这也使得家暴政策在政府议程中处在一个边缘化的位置。从政策过程来看,政策议程的设定体现了妇联这一关键的政策参与者对于政策时机的把握,在环境成熟的条件下成功的打开了“政策之窗”。但在政策执行上,干预的效果还不是很理想。其原因主要在于专业化人力资源的匮乏、有效协调机制的欠缺,资金支持的不力以及政策法规的笼统化等,而这些困境的根本原因还是在于政府部门对家暴干预的重视程度仍然不够。从政策参与者角度看,在反家暴政策过程中,各司其职的部门在预防与制止家庭暴力的政策目标下,通过各种正式与非正式的机制,形成了一个家庭暴力干预的共同体,或者说是政策系统。这一系统中,有着各自目标与利益诉求的不同的参与者通过各种正式与非正式的关系进行着协作、信息传递、资源交流等多种形式的互动,共同推动着家暴干预。而妇联这一介于政府与群众之间的社会组织在政策的制定与执行中起到了至关重要的作用。作为一个社会组织,妇联既没有执法权力,也没有足够的资源,但是它仍然属于体制内的组织,便于与政府部门沟通,可以利用体制内的关系推动其他部门采取行动,如人大议案、宣传倡导等,这也是妇联这一社会组织在家暴干预中的行动逻辑。总起来看,广西反家暴政策过程体现出制定上“顺利”而执行上困难的巨大反差。也就是说,作为一个多部门参与的地方法规,在国内外环境的促动下,在相对规范的立法程序下,家暴干预的政策制定过程是比较“顺利”的,没有遇到很多利益上的冲突与争议。但是在执行过程中,直接的干预者却遇到了很大的困境。首先,在家暴干预机制设计上的不足造成了执行上的困难。反家暴决议并没有很详细的执行方案与评估机制,也没有系统的干预计划,从而影响了干预的效率与效果。其次,条块分割的行政体制使得家暴干预系统比较松散,在没有上级部门协调的情况下,各个不同的部门对家暴干预漠不关心或者各行其是的现象比较普遍。第三,家暴干预一般不列入政府考核计划,也使得各部门缺乏干预的压力和动力。最后,作为一个准政府部门,妇联的权力和地位还是相对较弱的,在协调多部门参与上显得力不从心。综上所述,家暴干预以及与之类似的社会政策的完善途径在于:首先要通过加强立法、增强社会意识、有效把握政策时机等途径,争取主流政治上的关注。其次,调动来自国际组织、政府部门、民间组织等各方力量,并完善多部门间的参与协调机制。最后,要更多的注重政策制定与执行的统一,使政策具体化和可操作化。例如对人员配给、财物支持、干预方案等都要有明确的规定,建立干预服务的激励机制,执行资源的保障机制以及多部门的协调机制,从而避免政策流于形式,确保政策目标有效实现。

【Abstract】 Social policy is general term of a series of guideline and provisions developed by government to promote social welfare and solve social problems. Since 2003, with the Party’s governance philosophy turning to scientific and harmonious direction, as well as the continuous highlight of social issues, "social policy" is changing from concept of policy research to focus of the whole society. Social policy is essential and urgent for China’s development, but taking current situation into account, the success of social policy development and effective implementation is still faced with lots of problems such as balance of interests and choice of the way for decision-making. In view of this, through a specific case of domestic violence intervention in Guangxi, this study analyzes the factors which affect the process of social policy development and implementation in China from the perspective of three-in-one of environment, process and participant, and explores the special actor—social organization’s role and function in the process of social policy.Domestic violence policy in Guangxi experienced a progressive development within the country’s macroeconomic environment and policy, from individual projects to social action for protection of women’s right to formal legislation. The degree of domestic violence developed continuously with the enhancement of common sense.When it comes to policy environment, the development of anti-domestic violence policy was promoted by domestic and abroad policy background. The commitment of Chinese government for protection of women’s rights in the international community is the external driving force of domestic violence intervention, and new government’s policy direction of the people’s livelihood and harmonious society also provides opportunity for development of anti-domestic violence policy. At the same time, increase of domestic violence cases as well as the serious social consequences of those cases also brought great political pressure on decision-makers and made them develop specific policies. However, from the point of view of macroscopic social background, under the development mode of economic growth as main goal, the protection of women’s rights is not at the forefront of the Government’s priority order which made domestic violence policy in the government agenda is on a marginal position.When it comes to policy process, the setting up of policy agenda reflected the key policy participant—Women’s Federation grasped the timing of policy and opened "window of the policy" successfully under the condition of mature environment. However, on the aspect of policy implantation, the effect of intervention is not very ideal. The main reason is the lack of specialized human resources, effective coordination mechanisms, financial support as well as generalization of policy and regulations, and the most important reason of these difficulties is that government departments still put not enough attention on domestic violence intervention.When it comes to policy participants, during the process of anti-domestic violence policy, led by policy objective of prevention and prohibition of domestic violence, through a variety of formal and informal mechanisms, the relative government departments is made up of a community which can be seen as policy system. In this system, by various of formal and informal relationships, different participants who have their own goals and interests made all kinds of forms of interaction including collaboration, sharing message and resources etc. These actions push forward domestic violence intervention together.As the social organization between government and the people, Women’s Federation played a crucial role on policy development and implementation. As a social organization, Women’s Federation has neither power of law enforcement nor adequate resources, but it has advantage of relatively closeness with government and it can make use of relationship in the system to push forward other departments to take actions such as agenda of the National People’s Congress and advocacy which is the social organization—Women’s Federation’s logic of action on intervening domestic violence.In a word, the process of anti-domestic violence policy in Guangxi reflects the obvious contrast of "smooth" development and hugely difficult implementation. As a local laws and regulations with involvement of different departments, with the promotion of domestic and abroad environment and under the relatively formal legislation process, the process of policy about domestic violence intervention is relatively "smooth" which didn’t arouse too much conflict and controversy of interests.However, during process of implementation, the interveners encountered great difficulties. First of all, deficiency in the design of domestic violence intervention mechanism caused difficulties of implementation. Anti-domestic violence resolution has no implementation programs and assessment mechanism in detail which affects efficiency and effectiveness of intervention. Secondly, fragmentation of administrative system makes the system of domestic violence intervention very loose, without coordination of a higher level department; the phenomenon that different departments neglect domestic violence intervention or take actions in their own ways is very common.Thirdly, domestic violence intervention is not listed in the general assessment plans of government, so government departments are lack of pressure and driving force on intervention. Finally, as a quasi-government department, power and status of Women’s Federation is still relatively weak, it has a lot of difficulties to co-ordinate multi-sectoral participation.To sum up, the ways of improving domestic violence intervention as well as similar social policies are: first of all, attempt to gain concern of dominant politics by strengthening legislation, enhancing social awareness and grasping timing of policy effectively. Secondly, mobilize all kinds of organization including international organizations, government departments and non-governmental organizations etc. and improve multi-sectoral participation and co-ordination mechanism. Finally, pay more attention on unification of policy development and implementation, make policy specific and operable. Such as make clear rules on personnel ration, financial support and intervention program, set up incentive mechanism of intervention service, safeguard mechanism of resources of implementation and multi-sectoral co-ordination mechanism in order to achieve policy goals effectively and avoid formalization of policy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】C913.9
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1504