

Research on Theory and Practice of Multilateral Trading System

【作者】 庄惠明

【导师】 黄建忠;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 国际贸易学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 当前国内外学界对世界贸易体制的研究主要基于国际法学角度,国际贸易体系作为国际贸易研究的三大方向之一,其研究范式理应与传统国际经济学的研究框架保持一致。20世纪90年代后期,多边贸易体制经济学研究范式的提出,使得对世界贸易体制的研究“回归”到国际经济学研究框架中,初步实现了经济学与国际法学的交叉融合。本文的逻辑结构主要分三个层次展开,一是基于经济学研究范式对多边贸易体制的理论基础、制度特征、多边贸易谈判的三大特征等进行分析;二是对多边贸易体制的实践与绩效进行考察,并从多哈发展议程视角剖析多边贸易体制的深层危机;三是在多边贸易体制框架下探讨中国参与WTO的绩效与应对策略。首先通过对多边贸易体制不同研究范式的比较,重点阐述了多边贸易体制经济学研究范式的基本框架,分析了该体制的内在逻辑,回答了贸易协定存在的目的,即各国在特定目标函数下,通过制度化的合作博弈(贸易协定),提供一个能避免陷入由贸易条件变化导致的“囚徒困境”,改善整体福利水平的制度框架。并对多边贸易体制的主要制度特征进行进一步的扩展分析。在此基础上,从博弈的角度,指出多边贸易体制的规则导向、国际贸易利益分配和成员实力的非对称性,决定了多边贸易谈判过程是一个动态的竞争又合作的博弈过程,分析了多边贸易谈判的三个明显特征:基于演化的共赢性博弈;基于最优关税组合的多层合作博弈和一揽子议题谈判下的市场准入交换博弈。这也是本文的主要创新点之一。其次,对多边贸易体制的实践与绩效的考察,基本证实了多边贸易体制经济学研究范式得出的结论:虽然“多哈发展议程”的进展中遇到一些挫折,突显多边贸易体制的深层危机,但并非意味着多边贸易体制的毁灭;战后世界经济发展的实践证明,一个具有权威的、合理的多边贸易体制是符合各方利益的。本文试图从多哈发展议程视角分析多边贸易体制的困境,为多边贸易体制的健康发展寻找改革的方向。最后,基于上述对多边贸易体制的理论和实践的认识,本文认为,随着我国过渡期基本结束,作为WTO成员和一个发展中的贸易大国,中国在推动多边贸易体制发展与和参与多边贸易体制中应有自己的立场和作为,必须在维护中国主权和国家利益、进一步开放市场和促进改革的前提下,积极推动多边贸易体制的改革和发展,享受多边贸易自由化的成果,并从多边贸易体制、区域经济合作、国内贸易改革三个方面提出相关的对策建议。本文的主要结论是,多边贸易体制制度安排的内在机理是实现互惠性的合作共赢博弈,也是目前为止最理想的国际贸易体制,其所代表的共赢贸易理念是在国家界限存在情况下,国际贸易理论演化的最高阶段,一个具有权威的、合理的多边贸易体制是符合各方利益的。多边贸易体制的实践和绩效表明,在多边贸易体制发展进程中出现的一些困境和挫折是正常的现象,符合事物发展的客观规律,各成员方只有积极推动多边贸易体制的改革和发展,才能更好地享受多边贸易自由化带来的成果。

【Abstract】 Currently, the domestic and foreign academic world study the world trade system mainly based on the aspect of international law. Being one of the three major aspects of international trade research, the research model of international trade system should be in accordance with the traditional international economics research frame. In the late 1990s, with the raising of the research model of the economic of multilateral trading system, the research of the world trade system "comes back" to the international economics research frame, and the goal of combining the economic with the international law has been reached initially.This thesis, through the comparison of different research model of multilateral trade system, mainly presents the idea of research model of the economic of multilateral trading system, analyses its internal logic, provides the answer to the purpose of the existence of trade agreement—every country under the specific government objective function, through institution cooperation game (trade agreement), prevent the government from falling into "the convict difficult position" which is caused by the changes of trade agreement, and carries on the further analysis to the leading feature of multilateral trading system. Based on the above statement, from the aspect of game, the paper points out that the asymmetry in the guidance of the rule of multilateral trading system, the division of international trade profit and the member’s strength have determined that the multilateral trade negotiation process is a dynamic game process which competes and cooperates unceasingly, analyses the three obvious features of the multilateral trade negotiation: win-win games based on the evolution; multi-layered cooperation games based on the most superior customs duty combination and the exchange games of market access under wholesale negotiations.The conclusion of the research model of the economic of multilateral trading system has been confirmed by the inspection of the practice and the achievement of multilateral trading system. Although "Doha developing agenda" comes across some setbacks, underlining the deep crisis of multilateral trading system, it doesn’t mean the deconstruction of multilateral trading system. The practice of the economic development in the postwar world has proved that: an authoritative and reasonable multilateral trading system benefits all quarters. This article analyzes the difficult position of multilateral trading system from the aspect of Doha round, attempting to find a way for the reform of the healthy development of multilateral trading system.Based on the above understanding of the theory and the practice of multilateral trading, the writer of this paper believes that with the end of our country’s "compulsory redemption-period", as one member of WTO and a developing trading country, China must have its own standpoint and the action in promoting the development of multilateral trading system and participating multilateral trading system. China should promote the reform and development of multilateral trading system, further open the market and devote itself to the domestic reform and enjoy the achievement of multilateral trade liberalization on the stage of defending Chinese sovereignty and national interest. Finally, the paper proposes some relative suggestions.

【关键词】 多边贸易体制理论实践策略
【Key words】 Multilateral trading systemTheoryPracticeStrategy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期