

Comparison of the Growth Model of the Three Central Cities in San Francisco Bay Area after the Second World War

【作者】 韩忠

【导师】 王旭;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 世界史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文梳理了战后旧金山湾区三个中心城市经济结构和发展策略的变迁,在此基础上对三城市发展的阶段性、成长机制、空间发展模式、在湾区中的地位及相互之间的作用等进行比较。以此来探讨中心城市在大都市区化时代的演变规律。绪论阐述本文的选题缘起及意义,学术史回顾,并说明写作的角度、基本理论和方法、研究的主要问题、主要材料来源等。第一章,简叙旧金山湾区的地理特征和早期开发,回顾湾区中心城市从初创到19世纪末的发展脉络。第二章,回顾20世纪上半期湾区三个中心城市的发展过程。对这一时期影响其发展的重要历史地理及人为因素进一步论述。为理解二战结束时三个中心城市的经济特征和各自在湾区所处的地位奠定基础。第三章,从分析战后旧金山市所面临的区域发展背景入手,对其所进行的经济结构调整和策略选择进行探讨。指出旧金山市通过振兴市中心区,优先发展服务业,尤其是高级服务业,优化了产业结构,并借助高技术产业的迅速成长,成功的转变为一个后工业化城市。在经过一段时期的衰退之后,重新走向兴盛。第四章,首先论述战后奥克兰市从繁荣到衰退的具体表现,分析其内外部原因,然后对奥克兰市80年代后的产业结构调整和复兴经济策略进行阐释。指出复兴的艰巨性和希望并存。第五章,结合硅谷的出现,阐述了圣何塞市在战后新技术革命背景下,通过引进新兴产业和不断调整发展策略,迅速崛起。第六章,就三个中心城市的发展阶段性、产业结构特征、空间发展模式、在湾区中的地位、相互之间的关系等进行比较。进一步阐明了旧金山市的首位性,同时,阐明三个中心城市各有优势和特点,存在竞争与分工,同为大都市区的有机组成部分。结语总结全文并指出借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 This dissertation probes the evolution of the economic structure and development strategy of San Francisco, Oakland and San Jose, the three central cities of San Francisco Bay Area and compares the developmental stages, growth systems, space development patterns, the role in the Bay Area and the interaction among them, so as to explore the evolution of central cities in the metropolitan area.The paper begins with a brief introduction, tracing the development of the scholarship both in American and Chinese academic communities and introducing the methodology, major issues and resources.ChapterⅠgives a basic review of the geographic condition and early exploration of the Bay Area and outlines the growth of the three central cities from establishment to the end of 19th century.ChapterⅡexamines the development of the three central cities during the first part of 20th century, focusing on the major elements contributed to the growth and providing the background for analyzing the conditions of the three cities after the Second World War.ChapterⅢfocuses on the economic transformation and strategy of San Francisco after the Second World War. On the basis of revitalization of downtown, promoting service industries and high technology industries, San Francisco transforms to a post-industrial city and revives.ChapterⅣdiscusses the boom and decay of Oakland during the post World WarⅡand analyzes the backgrounds. The structural adjustment and economic revitalization strategy of the city after the 1980s are also explained. Oakland still needs hard work to revitalize its economy in the future.ChapterⅤexamines the rapid growth of San Jose driving by the high tech industries and effective development strategy. The location of the city in Silicon Valley plays a vital role.ChapterⅥcompares the developmental stage, growth system, space development pattern, the role in the Bay Area and the interaction among them. In the Bay Area, San Francisco plays a primary role, while the three cities with their own advantages and disadvantages compete and complement each other. The Conclusion briefly summarizes the previous chapters and demonstrates the valuable insight we can learn from evolution of the three central cities of the Bay Area.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】F299.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】580