

The Evolution of Public Housing Policy in the United States

【作者】 李莉

【导师】 王旭;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 世界史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文试图全面回顾美国城市住房政策的发展历程,重点讨论低收入阶层住房政策的演变,并对联邦政府三种主要住房保障方式——正统公共住房计划、补贴住房建设计划和房租补贴计划进行深入考察。绪论简要回顾国内外学术界对美国公共住房政策的相关研究和代表性观点,对住房保障和公共住房一些基本问题做出说明,最后点明本文研究的主要思路、方法和意义。第一章主要叙述19世纪末20世纪初以改善低收入阶层住房为目标的公共住房想法的产生过程,并考察一战时期联邦首次公共住房建设的情况。第二章分析美国新政时期住房政策产生的背景,重点考察公共工程局主持下的公共住房工程与1937年美国住房法实施下的公共住房建设计划。第三章集中讨论美国城市更新运动中的联邦公共住房政策.无论是1949年住房法还是1954年住房法,在城市贫民窟清理方面都取得了明显的进展,但低收入阶层住房的再建工作却未得到足够的重视。第四章探讨20世纪60年代出台的两种新型住房补贴计划。一种是1965年住房法推出的直接面向住房需求方的房租援助计划;另一种是1968年住房法推出的面向住房供应领域的补贴住房建设计划。第五章讨论1974年住房法推出的第8条款存量住房计划(也称租金证明计划)。该计划标志着联邦住房政策由住房供应领域向住房需求领域的重大转变。第六章考察80年代以来房租补贴类计划、HOPE VI计划和其他联邦住房政策的新动向。1984年出现的租金优惠券计划与租金证明计划相似,不同之处在于前者的住房选择范围更宽。1998年实施的住房选择优惠券计划将这两项计划正式合并。而1992年出台的HOPE VI计划则是专门负责改善严重衰败的公共住房的一项全国性计划。第七章比较和评估三种住房保障方式(正统公共住房计划、补贴住房建设计划和房租补贴计划)在实现住房供应与住房公平两个基本政策实施目标方面的能力。第八章概述世界其他国家(地区)的主要住房政策,并在更广泛的领域内对比三种住房保障方式。结语总结了导致美国低收入阶层住房政策演变的主要因素,并提出了如何善加利用不同类型住房保障方式的意见。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is an attempt to describe and highlight the process and dynamics of the urban housing policy of the United States. It will focus principally on changes of low-income housing policy, and examine the three federal housing guarantee modes, including the public housing program, the housing construction subsidy program and the rental subsidy program.The dissertation begins with an introduction which includes a review of the literature, a brief analysis on the housing guarantee and public housing, and an explanation of main ideas, methods and significance of this research.Chapter 1 describes the idea of public housing which was derived from late-nineteenth-century and early-twentieth-century designs for better housing the urban low-income families, and examines the birth of federal housing policies during World War I.Chapter 2 carries the housing story into the Great Depression-New Deal era. It analyzes the origins of New Deal housing policies, and emphasizes the public housing programs under the Public Works Administration, and the public housing projects initiated by the first public housing act of the United States enacted in 1937.Chapter 3 focuses on the federal public housing programs in urban renewal. The policymaker opted for slum clearance with the passage of major housing acts in 1949 (urban redevelopment) and 1954 (urban renewal), while the provision of low-income housing assumed secondary importance.Chapter 4 analyzes two new types of federal housing subsidy programs during the 1960s. One was a direct demand-side subsidy program named "the rent supplement program" and initiated by the Housing Act of 1965, the other was a supply-side subsidy program that offered subsidies for builders to supply decent housing for low- and moderate-income families by the Housing Act of 1968.Chapter 5 discusses the section 8 Existing Housing Program (also known as the rental certificate program) authorized by the Housing Act of 1974. It signaled a significant shift in the federal housing strategy from supply-side housing subsidy programs to demand-side approaches. Chapter 6 explores the rental voucher program, the housing choice voucher program, the HOPE VI program, and other new directions of federal housing policy since 1980. The rental voucher program since 1984 was similar to the rental certificate program, but it allowed families more options in housing selection. The housing choice voucher program since 1998 finally combined the Certificate and Voucher Programs. The HOPE VI program since 1992 was a national action plan to improve the severely distressed public housing.Chapter 7 compares and assesses the abilities of the three housing guarantee modes (the public housing program, the demand-side subsidy program and the supply-side subsidy program) to meet supply objectives and equity objectives.Chapter 8 provides an overview of the main national(regional)housingpolicies in other countries(reg i ons), and compares the three housing guarantee modes in a more extensive field.Epilogue summarizes the main factors which affected the changes of the federal low-income housing policy, and provides some suggestions on how to utilize the different types of housing guarantee modes.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】F293.3
  • 【被引频次】62
  • 【下载频次】3093