

Wine, Wineset and Traditional Culture

【作者】 黄亦锡

【导师】 杨国桢;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 中国古代史, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 物质生产既是精神世界的源头,又是精神文明的参与者,由此形成兼具物质与精神双重特性的文化现象,酒文化便是一例。酒及酒器为古人于物质生产中创造出来后,就渗入民俗、文学等精神领域当中,创造出褒贬利弊、功过毁誉、善恶并举、雅俗共见的“酒文化”,并随着人类物质生产和精神文明的发展而不断丰富,对国家和社会有相当的影响。既往有关酒文化的研究偏于片面,本文冀从传统文化的历史进程出发全方位考察中国酒文化,综合分析不同时期、不同地区、不同层面酒文化的发展概况,阐明酒文化在传承中国传统文化中的重要地位。本文分以下章节进行阐述:绪论部分介绍选题动机和综合研究酒文化的意义,而后对酒文化研究历史作一回述,并对史料来源及酒文化的概念等问题略加诠释。第二章主要叙述酒的起源及其发展概况。首先从人物、神话、谷物及动物等方面论述酒的起源,说明酿酒技术的掌握是人类生产劳动的结果;其次分时代叙述中国古代酿酒技术的发展,指出曲蘖酿酒法是中国古代酒文化的一个重要成果;再次对中国古代酒政作一历史回顾,旨在探讨酒在国家社会中的重要作用。第三章着重从名酒、药酒与酒器等方面阐述中国古代物质酒文化。在名酒方面分浓香、酱香、清香、米香诸类介绍中国古代名酒;随后将药酒的历史、种类、功能及饮用禁忌等方面论述中国古代药酒的应用;最后从酒器的历史、分类及酒器礼仪文化等方面全面阐述中国古代酒器文化的发达。第四章突出论述民俗、文学及酒令等反映精神酒文化的内容。首先分习俗酒、民俗酒等方面说明民俗与酒文化之间的密切联系说明酒对人们生活习俗的影响;其次从诗歌、小说等方面论述文学与酒文化之间千丝万缕的关系说明酒对人们人生观、价值观的影响;最后,通过对古代各种酒令的叙述,体现酒文化增添生活色彩的娱乐功能。第五章在总结古代中国酒文化的灿烂辉煌后,对如何弘扬酒文化提几点意见。在研究过程中,本人尽量捕捉散存于笔记小说、书画中有关酒文化的相关史料,并广泛收集有关的考古及实物资料,力图通过文献与实物的比较参照而有所发现。但由于涉及的时间长、范围广、层面多,相关材料的缺乏仍然是本论文面临的最大困难,且囿于才学识见,在写作过程中难免挂一漏万,冀望日后能逐步完善。

【Abstract】 Material production is the source of the spiritual world,but also a spiritual participant,which gives rise to a cultural phenomenon,that has the character of both material and spirit.The culture of wine is a typical instance.After being created,wine and wineset has been revolved in folk-custom,literature,etc,generating the wine culture,which is increasing prosperous along with the development of human civilization.The former study of wine culture was somewhat not conprehensive,thus, the aim of writing up this paper is to analyze,I could mean from all aspects,the culture of wine in ancient China,to discuss the issue from different periods,different distincts & different level of the growth wine culture,so as to illustrate the key position of wine culture in Chinese traditional culture.This paper is made up of the following parts:Preface Contexts(Chapter 2,3&4) and Summary(Chapter 5).The prologue reveals the motivation of choosing this topic and the purpose of this study.Also,the first part explains the origin of some historical datum and certain concept of wine-culture.The second part mainly discuss the origin of wine and how it has developed.A threshold point is that,discussing the origin of wine from the views of characters,tales,grains and animals,proves that mastering the method of wine making is the resultof human labors.Then pursue the wine-making and liquor policy history in different time period.The main content of the third chapter is about the substance civilization of wine,which can be explained from the aspects of famous vintage,medical wine and excessive stoup.After this chapter,you can find that the civilization of wine in anciet China was so upgrowth.Following the third chapter is something about the spiritual civilization of wine,which could be illuminated in the literature,the convention and the drinking games.From the literature we can concluded that the wine had a deeply impact on people’s values. Through the convention we know that the wet goods which was so important in people’s life run through the history,and that drinking games serves as an important role in entertainment in anciet times.In the end,it is a sum-up of the culture of the drink in ancient China and some advice for how to developing the culture of wine in the future.During the process of my research,I tried pretty hard to catch the fragmentary material,which is related to the culture of wine,like the history data from notes, arecdotes,paintings,and at the same time,compared those datum with practicality in order to find something special & new.However,as this paper has covered such a long period of history,it’s rather difficult for me to collect all relavert stuff,especially things before Ming Dynasty.I have tried my best to describe and explain "wine culture" by the use of various analyses,but it’s for sure that there’re still a few weak points in my paper.It’s my sincere hope that I could improve that later.

【关键词】 酒器名酒民俗文学酒文化
【Key words】 winesetvintage winethe folk-customsthe literatureThe culture of wine
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】K875
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】6134