

Military Bigwigs and Gentry Level of Henan Province in Ming Dynasty

【作者】 李永菊

【导师】 郑振满;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 本文主要依据地方志、文集和族谱、墓志铭等民间历史文献,考察明代河南归德府的世家大族,探讨军事权贵与士绅阶层的地域支配体制,揭示明清之际河南地域社会的基本矛盾与演变趋势。全文共八章,约16万字。地处中原的河南归德府地区,原是宋王朝的龙兴之地,北宋时期为全国的政治文化中心,金元时期遭到严重破坏。明初为了重新开发中原地区,采取了迁民垦荒和设置卫所屯田等一系列措施,使归德府地区成为军民杂处的移民社会。然而,由于河患频繁,赋役不均,里甲编户大量破产,土地兼并日益严重,拥有世袭特权的军事权贵占据了地域社会的支配地位。明中叶的赋役改革与清理屯田,限制了军事权贵的政治特权。与此同时,大批卫所军户的后代经由科举入仕,逐渐形成了以士绅为中心的世家大族,确立了士绅阶层的地域支配体制,导致了明后期的“衣冠之虐”。为了缓和社会矛盾,以沈鲤、吕坤、杨东明等为代表的开明士绅,提倡经世致用的实学思想,致力于重建社会秩序的地方实践,但未能真正解决世家大族滥用特权的社会问题。明末归德府的乡宦豪强势力恶性膨胀,社会矛盾异常尖锐。在明末战乱中,社会各阶层纷纷展开与乡宦豪强的斗争,统治阶层内部也出现了认同危机,地方精英与盗贼流寇相互纠结,世家大族受到了全面的冲击,最终导致了士绅支配体制的瓦解。在清代前期的社会重建过程中,归德府的世家大族试图卷土重来,继续维持士绅阶层的地域支配体制。但是,雍正年间实行的赋役改革与限制绅权,使世家大族与士绅阶层的特权逐渐被剥夺。清中叶以后,归德府地区的士绅支配体制已经完全解体,而民间社会又未能形成有效的自我管理机制,难以维持稳定的社会秩序,为近代以来的捻军、土匪、红枪会等提供了深厚的社会基础。明代归德府地区的世家大族,是在河患频繁的生态环境和国家权力的有效干预下形成的社会权势集团。这种以军事权贵和士绅阶层为中心的世家大族,不同于华南地区的民间宗族组织,呈现出河南地域社会的特殊发展形态。

【Abstract】 According to folk history documents such as local chronicle, anthology, epitaph and genealogy etc, this article investigates prominent families of Gui-de Prefecture of Henan Province in Ming Dynasty, and discusses regional control system of military bigwigs and gentry level, in order to reveal basic contradiction and evolution trend of Henan local society between Ming and Qing Dynasty. This thesis is divided into eight chapters, about 16 million words.Locating in the central plain, Gui-de Prefecture of Henan Province was used to be dragon arising of Song Dynasty and political-cultural center of China in Northern Song Dynasty, but it was seriously destroyed in Jin and Yuan periods. In order to strengthen rule of central plains region, Zhu Yuanzhang took a series of measures, such as reclaiming wasteland to immigrate, seting up Wei-so, which made Gui-de become a mixed migration society of military household and county people. However, because of Yellow River flood and ineqality of taxes and corvee, a large number of households in lijia went bankrupt, land centralization was increasingly serious, and military bigwigs who have hereditary privileges dominated in local society.Because of reform of taxes and corvee and clearance of wasteland in Mid-Ming Dynasty, political privileges of military bigwigs were restricted. Meanwhile, a multitude descendants of military households gradually became prominent families centered around gentry level via imperial examination, and established regional control system of gentry level, which led to many negative effects in Late Ming Dynasty. In order to alleviate social contradictions, enlightened gentry represented by ShenLi LuKun and YangDongMing, advocated pragmatic thought of practical principle, and devoted to local practice for reconstructing social order, but the social problems led by prominent families abusing privileges had not been really resolved.Vicious expansion of official family’s force made social contradictions of Gui-de very sharp in Late Ming Dynasty. In Peasants’ Uprising of Late Ming Dynasty, people at all levels fighted against official families. Meanwhile, ruling class produced internal identity crisis, and local elites and bandits tangled each other, which finally led to thorough shock of prominent families and disintegration of control system of gentry level.In process of social reconstruction in Early Qing Dynasty, prominent families of Gui-de Prefecture attempted to comeback and maintain regional control system of gentry level. However, reform of taxes and corvee and limitation of gentry power in YongZheng Reign made privileges of prominent families and gentry level gradually deprived. After Mid-Qing Dynasty, control system of gentry level in Gui-de Prefecture was disintegrated completely, and folk society didn’t form effective self-management system, so it was difficult to maintain stable social order. All these provided deep social base for Nian Army, bandit and the Red Spears of Modern Times.Prominent families of Gui-de Prefecture in Ming Dynasty were social power group which had been formed in ecological environment of Yellow River Flood and effective intervention of state power. Prominent families centered around military bigwigs and gentry level were different from folk clan organizations of South China, which showed a special development formation of Henan local society.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】K248
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】873