

The Impact of Cost Reduction Approaches on Product Innovation Speed

【作者】 莫长炜

【导师】 翁君奕;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 随着市场日益表现出超竞争的特点,产品创新速度已成为与成本、质量具有同等重要性的业务层战略维度之一,那么,澄清产品创新速度与其他战略维度之间的关系便是非常有意义的理论议题。但是,波特对通用战略的划分由于过于笼统而失去有效性,当前的竞争环境要求必须从精准层次上对其进行考察。本文主要考察各精准成本领先战略是如何对产品创新速度产生影响的,并指出各精准成本领先战略与提高产品创新速度进行组合的条件。具体地,本文首先在理论上论证了产品创新速度应被纳入业务层战略分析框架的必要性,阐明了产品创新速度和各精准成本领先战略的内涵,并在此基础上提出本文的研究假设。然后,本文通过内容分析法对各相关变量进行度量并对研究假设进行实证检验。本文的主要结论如下:第一,在市场日益趋于超竞争状态的环境下,产品创新速度具有重要的战略含义,企业应从战略层面将产品创新速度纳入分析范围。第二,实证研究发现,规模经济成本领先战略对产品创新速度有抑制作用;精明经济成本领先战略和苗条经济成本领先战略对产品创新速度有促进作用;在整体上,简朴经济成本领先战略与产品创新速度没有显著的相关关系;延展经济成本领先战略对产品创新速度的影响不显著。本文的创新点和主要贡献有以下几个方面:第一,从战略层面将产品创新速度纳入业务层战略分析框架,阐明了产品创新速度的战略含义。而之前的研究主要从管理工程的角度侧重于分析加快产品创新速度的手段和措施。第二,在翁君奕(2006,2007)提出的精准战略理论的基础上,探讨了精准成本领先战略对提高产品创新速度的影响,并探讨了二者进行组合的可能性。第三,在研究方法上,引入内容分析法对业务层战略进行研究。具体地,通过内容分析法对精准成本领先战略进行了度量,并在此基础上对有关精准成本领先战略与产品创新速度的关系的假设进行了实证检验。本文的意义在于,在理论上进一步深化了精准战略理论的研究,并为其提供了实证支持;在实践上为企业将产品创新速度纳入战略管理视角以及如何在各精准成本领先战略与提高产品创新速度上进行权衡取舍提供了理论基础。

【Abstract】 In hypercompetitive environment, product innovation speed has become one business-level strategy as important as cost and product quality. Therefore, it is of theoretical significance to clarify the relationship between product innovation speed and the other two strategies. Porter’s typology on business-level strategy has proved to be too general to be effective. Today’s highly competitive environment calls for a more specific study of business-level strategies. The current study mainly examines how specific strategies for cost leadership affect product innovation speed and the conditions under which the former are executed in combination with the latter. Specifically, this research theoretically explained why product innovation speed should be incorporated into business-level strategy framework, the definition of product innovation speed and every specific strategy for cost leadership. Based on these theories and definitions, this research proposed five hypotheses and tested them with content analysis.The main findings of this research are as follows:Firstly, in the increasingly hypercompetitive environment, product innovation speed is of important strategic significance and shall be considered at the strategy-level by firms.Secondly, according to the empirical research, economy of scale has negative impact on product innovation speed; economy of smartness and economy of slimness have positive impact on product innovation speed; economy of simplicity and economy of spread have no significant effect on product innovation speed in general.The main contributions of this research include:Firstly, unlike previous studies focusing on how to increase product innovation speed from the perspective of management engineering, this research incorporated product innovation speed into business-level strategy framework and emphasized its strategic significance.Secondly, on the basis of Weng Junyi (2006,2007)’s proposal of specific strategy theory, this research explored the impact of five specific strategies for cost leadership on product innovation speed and the conditions under which they are combined.Thirdly, in terms of methodology, this research adopted content analysis in measurement and hypotheses testing.Theoretically, this study not only expanded research domain of specific strategy theory, but also provided empirical support. Practically, this study also provided theoretical foundation for firms to improve product innovation speed at the strategy level and decide the trade-off between each specific strategy for cost leadership and product innovation speed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】F273.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】866