

A Study of Bendihua in the Middle and upper Reaches of Dongjiang Basin

【作者】 侯小英

【导师】 李如龙;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 目前关于东江中上游本地话的研究还比较薄弱,其方言系属尚有争议,其真实面貌及与周边方言的关系还有待揭示。本文选取六个代表点,对东江中上游本地话的语音、词汇特点进行较为全面、系统的考察:语音方面,梳理本地话的声、韵、调历史层次,分析音类分合与演变过程,重点考察了非敷奉及晓匣母逢u为主元音读h的演变、影母和云以母存在零声母与浊擦音j(或z)和v对立的特点、臻摄合口与山摄一等白读相混的层次、浊上字分化的性质等问题;词汇方面,提取出一批本地话特征词及与周边客、粤、赣方言的关系词。这两方面的考察研究,都非常注重与周边方言的比较,以在比较中揭示本地话自身特征及与周边方言的关系、为本地话系属的判断提供科学的依据。与此同时,结合历史背景材料,对本地话的形成和发展过程进行探讨,并力图说明本地话与周边方言的历史和现实联系。本文的研究表明:本地话语音、词汇的内部一致程度颇高,是个有机的整体;本地话有一批内部大体一致、外部不见或少见的方言特征词;两宋江西移民在本地话的形成和发展过程中起了关键性作用;本地话与客、粤方言都存在紧密的历史和现实联系;从今天的语言面貌看,本地话应划入客方言的范围,并宜视为其中的一个独立次方言;本地话受粤语的影响很明显,特别是词汇方面,且以靠近粤语区的惠城、博罗等地表现突出,这主要是地缘关系和粤语的强势使然;本地话与赣方言语音接近、词汇差别较大,二者是同源异流的关系。

【Abstract】 The study of Bendihua in the middle and upper reaches of Dongjiang River is insufficient.Many problems have not been solved well,such as which dialect system it belongs to and its relationship with surrounding dialects.This paper does a comparatively thorough research on the phonetic and vocabulary of Bendihua in the middle and upper Dongjiang.We analyze the historical strata of the initials,finals and tones,describe the types and process of the phonetic evolution,concentrate on some special phonetic phenomena of Bendihua as follows:the characters Hekou of initial"晓"and "匣" don’t read in labiodental when the main vowel is[u],there is opposition between initial "影"and"云""以",the finals ofZhen-She(臻摄) is the same with the colloquial of Yi-Deng(一等) of Shan-She(山摄),and so on.About vocabulary,after overall investigation,the paper exacts 49 Character-words of Bendihua,and find a batch of Relation-words of Bendihua and its neighbors.At the same time,we attach great importance to the dialects comparison,in order to clarify the essence characteristic of Bendihua and the relationship between Bendihua and surrounding dialects,and to provide reliable evidences for the classification of Bendihua.Additionally,we discuss the formation and developmation of Bendihua contacting with history background,and try to explain the historical and realistic connection of Bendihua and its neighbors.The main conclusions of this paper are as follows:(1) The internal consistency of Bendihua is quite high.(2)The immigration from Jiangxi in the Song Dynasty play a key role to the formation and developmation of Bendihua.(3) Bendihua has close contact with both Hakka and Yue Dialect.(4)Bendihua belongs to Hakka Dialect and it should be regarded as an independent sub-group of Hakka.(5)Bendihua is deeply influenced by Yue Dialect,especially vocabulary.And the geo-relation and powerful positon of Yue Dialet play important roles to it.

【关键词】 本地话方言比较方言系属
【Key words】 Bendihuacomparisonclassification
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】H17
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】557