

The Political Economy of China’s Free Trade Area Strategy

【作者】 李艳丽

【导师】 邓力平;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 国际贸易学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 随着多边贸易体系对全球贸易自由化的推动作用逐渐减弱,尤其是多哈回合的失败,一些国家开始转向了双边或多边自由贸易区战略,中国既是在这样的国际环境下启动本国的自由贸易区战略的。中国作为一个自由贸易区战略启动较晚的新兴大国,在制定和执行自由贸易区战略的过程中出现了较显著的“非经济”因素考虑的特征,传统的单纯从福利角度分析自由贸易区参与国经济得失的分析方法已经无法满足现实需要。本文运用政治经济的分析方法对中国自由贸易区战略进行解析,并同时参照美国、日本等大国的战略实践,为完善中国自由贸易区战略提供政策建议。自由贸易区战略作为一项国家战略,服务于一国多元化的战略意图。本文从三个层面来研究中国自由贸易区战略的目标与执行效果。首先研究中国自由贸易区战略的经济效应,并引用引力模型,将自由贸易区虚拟变量加入到引力模型中,研究其对双边贸易量的影响。回归结果认为自由贸易区的经济效应逐年下降,自由贸易区战略中的“非经济”因素考虑占据越来越重要的地位。其次研究中国自由贸易区战略与国际安全的关系,认为中国自由贸易区战略与石油安全以及反对国际恐怖主义密切相关。最后研究自由贸易区战略对中国大国“和平崛起”战略的影响,认为中国充分运用了自由贸易区战略,为大国崛起战略的执行谋求了有利的国际环境。本文的创新首先主要体现在研究视角的创新。本文运用政治经济的分析方法,不但对自由贸易区的经济效应进行研究,而且将国际关系的相关理论也纳入到分析中,研究自由贸易区战略在国际安全和大国战略中的重要作用。本文的创新还体现在观点的创新。本文认为自由贸易区战略可以运用到多个战略意图中去。促进国家石油安全、应对国际恐怖主义以及维护巩固大国地位等,自由贸易区战略都可以是比较有效的战略手段,为实现中国不同的国家战略意图作出贡献。

【Abstract】 As the pushing effects of multilateral international trade system on the global trade liberalization are getting weaker and weaker, especially because of the failure of Doha Round, some countries turn to the bilateral or multilateral free trade area strategies, in theses international environments, China has started her own free trade area strategy. As an emerging great power whose free trade area strategy has been formulated and started comparatively late, China shows obviously "non-economic" characteristics when she draws up and carries out her free trade area strategy, therefore the traditional methods which were used to analyze the gains and losses of the free trade area participant countries only from the economic welfare point of view could not satisfy the demanding of the reality any more. This thesis analyzes China’s free trade area strategy in a political economy way, meanwhile consulting the free trade area strategies of the United States and Japan, and then gives out several policy advices to improve and perfect China’s free trade area strategy.As one of the national strategies, free trade area strategy could be used to serve for one country’s multidimensional strategic intentions. This thesis studies the targets and the enforcing effects of China’s free trade area strategy in three aspects. Firstly, the thesis analyzes the economic effects of China’s free trade areas, and then introduces the gravity model to study the effects of free trade area on the bilateral international trade, in which the free trade area was used as a dummy variable. The outcome of the regressing is that the free trade areas have a positive connection with the bilateral international trade, but the economic effects of the free trade areas are getting down year after year, and the "non-economic" factors are occupying more and more important status in the choices of one country’s free trade area partners. Secondly, the thesis studies the relationship between China’s free trade area strategy and the international security. The study shows that China’s free trade area strategy has a strong connection with China’s oil security and the international anti-terrorism. Thirdly, the thesis analyzes the effects of free trade area strategy on China’s great power peaceful rising strategy. The study concludes that China has sufficiently used the free trade area strategy to serve for China’s peaceful rising strategy, especially has been creating favorable international circumstances for the enforcement of it. The innovation of this thesis firstly embodies the innovation of the perspectives of the study. This paper uses a political economy method to analyze free trade area strategy, it not only studies the economic effects of the free trade areas, but also brings the relative theories of the international relations into the research to analyze the important effects of free trade area on the international security and on one country’s great power strategy. The innovation of this paper secondly embodies the innovation of the point of view. The author discovers that free trade area strategy could be used to satisfy one country’s several different strategic intentions, for example, to enhance the oil security, to contribute to the international anti-terrorism and to practice the great power strategy and so on. Free trade area strategy could be used as effective measures to contribute to China’s different national strategic intentions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】F752.7
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】2099