

Kinmen War’s Research, 1949

【作者】 郑杰光

【导师】 陈支平;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 专门史, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 1949~2007年间,是中国翻天覆地的年代,中国由专制独裁走向民主富强,由落后步入现代化,国人在政治力的作用下,移民海内外,形成移民史、教育史、海商史、军政史、经济史、文化史…的巨大变动,完成了百年来追求现代化的夙愿。这一切都透过战争与和平的手段来呈现,当政治斗争无法解决政治路线的分歧时,内战就成了解决、争夺政治权力的唯一方式,它以中国人的热血洒在政治的大祭坛上,形成了中华民族的新生。1949金门之役是一个代表性的战役,此役标志着国民党军、解放军斗智、斗力的斗争,使中国人从烈火中复活、再生。这一切将透过中、美的公文书、档案、学者专家的著作、作者的研究成果呈现出来。1949金门之役笼罩着战争、历史的迷雾,解放军、国民党军在小岛对决,激战三天。双方出兵若干?如何备战交火?伤亡生俘虏获几许?近60年来各说各话,莫衷一是,本论著即在重建以上历史事实,澄清历史真相,影响现在,启示未来。本役所获历史教训至为宝贵。以后的小岛、沿海游击战之成败即为明证。以人民为主的军队战胜了依靠外力贵族型的军队。未来两岸是和是战,不待智者可知矣。金门人士呼吁建立「金门古宁头战役两岸阵亡将士、和平统一纪念碑」极具意义。21世纪,中国人极可能以武力、外交、法律、舆论、心理战拒斥外力介入,实行和平统一,新一国两制。将近50年前的战争、历史的迷雾,至今仍笼罩在战争史、军事史的领域中,本战役解放军出征近4个团9086人,面对国民党军3个军5个师10个团、战车营、海空军约61455人之攻击,以寡击众临危不怯,坚持苦战造成国民党军重大杀伤,虽以后援不继,慷慨捐生,全员玉碎金门岛:但其英勇雄风卓越战具(术),以少胜多,奋战到底,从容就义之精神,在世界军事史、中国军事史上均将永垂不朽,留取丹心照汗青;为爱国主义、革命英雄主义、民族精神教育、中国近现代史写下神哭鬼泣、光辉灿烂的历史新章。

【Abstract】 During 1949-2007, are the desperately changing periods of china, china, from dictatorship to the democracy, rich & strong. Chinese, under the function of political power, imigrating to domestic & oversea, forming the great changing of imigrate history、education hisstory、ocean merchant hisstory、military & political hisstory、economic hisstory、culture hisstory..., fulfillment the final desire of modernization’s searching for hundred more yrs.All of this, are shown through the method of war & peace. When political struggle couldn’t resolve the difference of political struggles. Civil war turns to be the only way to resolve/grasp political powers. It spread Chinese’s blood to the big rite of political & forming the new life of Chinese.Kinmen war of 1949 is a represent war. It shown the Chinese KMT Forces & PLA (People’s Liberation Army)’s struggle of wit & strength. Let Chinese revival from fires, turns to phenix. It’ll shown three the documents、vision of scholars、& the research fruit of the author of china、US.Kinmen war of 1949, Covers with the mist of war & history. PLA、KMTF dispatch all forces, wants to search life from dying, they fought for 3 days, it’s one of the historical war. How many both of them despatched? How to prepare for the war & fight? How many men wownd、die & captives? ...., they speaker different words for yrs. The dissertation is try to rebuild & clarified the histoncal facts, influence modern, hint & teach the future. The war’s histoncal teach was very precious. The victory & fail of islets wars are the proofs. The people’s army win the army depend foreign power & nobles. Does Us war/peace for Taiwan strait in the future? It is need not to ask the wit. Kinmenese suggest to build「Stone memorial of the martyrs of Kinmen war 1949&the peaceful urification」, it’s meaningful!In the 21th century, it’s most possible that Chinese could use forces/diplomacy to deter foreign power, fulfill peaceful unification, neo-1 state (one china with different names of state) 2 system(under existenced).

【关键词】 解放军金门战役国民党军
【Key words】 PLAKinnman campaignKMTF
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】K266
  • 【下载频次】650