

Networked Market Intermediary: The Brokerage in Modern Guangxi (1885-1956)

【作者】 刘爱新

【导师】 戴一峰;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 经纪业是商品流通领域的中介行业,在我国发展历史悠久,商业地位显著。本文以近代广西经纪业作为考察对象,借助于历史学、区域经济学、新经济社会学等多学科理论方法,探讨近代广西经纪业由逐步建立到主导商品流通、再到执掌商界之牛耳的发展进程,并详尽剖析近代广西经纪业在发展过程中所建构的市场空间网络、商业经营网络及社会关系网络,揭示近代广西经纪业发展的区域性特征和网络化特征。本文分六个部分进行阐述。第一,对广西经纪业发展进行历时性分析,探讨经纪业在古代、晚清、民国初期、抗日战争时期和抗战结束后五个阶段的发展状况及特征,并指出形成不同时段经纪业发展特征的根本原因所在。第二,依据广西的自然地理特征和区域人文环境,把施坚雅中心地理论和广西经济发展实际相结合,将近代广西市场体系划分为中心市场、中间市场和初级市场三个层级,详细分析经纪业在三个市场层级的发展特点,并考察经纪业在三个市场层级间的互动关系。第三,考察分析经纪业在谷米、桐油以及洋杂百货贸易中的营运状况,揭示经纪业在近代广西三级市场中的运作实态。第四,对经纪业经营网络进行结构性剖析。在分析经纪行号组织形式、规模与人员构成的基础上,进一步考察经纪行营业职能的演化及其以联号为特征的经营形态,并将视角从经纪行业内部转到行业外部,探究经纪业的跨行业经营网络。第五,利用社会资本理论分析近代广西经纪业社会关系网络。首先从血缘地缘关系网络入手,进而深入分析经纪业的行业组织网络、跨行业组织网络以及经纪业与政府及地方势力之间的社会关系网络,最后通过梧州个案揭示经纪业社会关系网络的运行过程。第六,总结和评估近代广西经纪业发展的区域性特征和网络化特征

【Abstract】 The brokerage is a kind of intermediaries that promotes circulation of commodities. The brokerage has a long history in China, and its function is remarkable. Based on the theory concerned in history, regional economics and socioeconomics, this dissertation focus on the brokerage in modern Guangxi, explores its development history from a weak commercial trade to top in the business circles, and also analyzes the network constructed in its developing process. This dissertation also analyze the market network, operation network and social network which were constructed at the development process of Guangxi brokerage in modern time. The dissertation mainly includes six parts.First, the dissertation explores the development history of the brokerage in modern Guangxi, and also describes the brokerage in ancient times, the later Qing period, the beginning of the Republic, times during the Anti-Japanese War and after the Anti-Japanese War. Based on this, it points out the root cause why the brokerage in Guangxi have different characteristic in different times.Secondly, basing on the Central Place Theory of William Skinner, and according to the physical geography and human environment in Guangxi, the dissertation divides the markets into three levels: primary markets, middle markets and central markets., then analyze the development characteristic of the brokerage in such markets. At the same time, the dissertation pays close attention to the interaction of the brokerage in different kinds of markets.Thirdly, in this part, in order to illustrate operation pattern of the brokerage, the dissertation provides detailed examinations of grain markets, wood oil markets and general merchandise markets in modern Guangxi.Part four is analysis operation network of the brokerage. The dissertation at first analyzes the type of brokerage firm’s organization and its size, investigates the evolution of itself-organization, and then changes the direction from the internal operation to external operation network,studying the cross-trade relationship of the brokerage.Fifthly, depend on the Social Capital Theory, this part emphatically analyzes how social networks of the brokerage in modern Guangxi. The analysis begins with the kinship and geographical relation network, probes into the brokerage’s trade organization network, cross-trade organization network and collusion network between business and the Government, and then reveals a case in Wuzhou of social networks operation of the brokerage.At last, this dissertation summarizes the developments of the brokerage in modern Guangxi mainly from the two aspects of its regional characteristic and networked characteristic.

【关键词】 广西经纪业近代
【Key words】 GuangxiBrokerageModern Times
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】K29
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】352