

Study on Vegetable Productive Profit and Its Influencing Elements

【作者】 卢中华

【导师】 李岳云;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 根据经济效益理论,运用现代经济研究方法,结合具体的政策和制度环境,论文提出了我国蔬菜生产效益研究的分析框架,以期为蔬菜生产效益的提高和现代蔬菜产业体系的构建与发展提供科学依据。在第一章提出研究问题、综述相关文献和构建研究框架的基础上,第二章首先总结了经济效益理论以及与之相关的分工理论、规模经济理论、熊彼特的创新理论、产业组织理论、新制度经济学理论、产业区位理论、资源配置效率理论,形成了蔬菜生产效益研究的理论基础。其次根据上述理论和前人的研究,提出了包含主要影响因素的蔬菜生产效益的一个分析框架,即“环境—技术—组织—生产效益”理论模型。最后,根据山东省苍山县的数据,运用计量模型对理论模型进行了验证,结果表明在苍山县蔬菜经济发展的初期,影响该县蔬菜生产效益的主要因素是蔬菜价格指数、劳动力、露地蔬菜播种面积、蔬菜运输人员、有机肥、成灾面积、政府公共投资;在其发展阶段,主要影响因素为蔬菜价格指数、加工企业数量、集中度、大棚蔬菜播种面积、批发市场数量、运输总动力和公共投资。第三章先描述了我国蔬菜生产区域化发展的基本过程,然后为解决蔬菜生产布局中存在的各省区比较优势存在显著差异以及规模经济和集聚效应不明显这两个问题,构建了规模优势指数、效率优势指数和综合优势指数三个指标;接着运用中国大陆31个省级区域1997-2004年间的数据,系统分析了三个指数的变化规律并做出了解释;结果表明有13省或直辖市具有蔬菜生产的综合比较优势,有7省级区域具有弱比较优势。再通过聚类分析发现20个优势省区的蔬菜生产综合比较优势的排序为:北京、天津;河北、山东、浙江、福建、上海;河南、广东、江苏、湖北、辽宁;山西、陕西、青海、甘肃、重庆、四川、湖南和江西。以此为基础,提出构建和发展环渤海地区蔬菜产业带、黄淮地区蔬菜产业带、东南沿海地区蔬菜产业带和中南地区蔬菜产业带是我国蔬菜产业发展的基本趋势。第四章首先分析蔬菜加工对生产效益的直接和间接的影响,前者通过直接增加蔬菜需求提高生产效益,后者通过提高资源利用率、保障菜农收益、增强蔬菜质量安全、提高菜农素质、促进蔬菜产业集群产生而增加生产效益。然后系统归纳了我国蔬菜产业发展成就、存在的问题以及问题的根源,认为主要问题在于加工程度低、国际竞争激烈、蔬菜加工专用品种缺乏、加工原料基地建设乏力、产品的农药残留超标、行业法规及标准建设滞后、蔬菜加工技术整体落后于国际先进水平、企业间恶性竞争严重、品牌意识差,指出蔬菜产业管理体制不顺、科技创新能力不强、产业组织体系建设落后以及国际贸易环境恶化是问题的根源。最后从加强法律制度和标准体系的建设;发展龙头企业,发挥行业协会作用;建立出口蔬菜产业发展科技支撑体系;加强原料基地建设,促进区域化布局;建立现代营销体系;建立蔬菜产业信息网络,发展现代服务经济六个方面提出了发展思路和建议.第五章在以法律制度为典型分析了我国蔬菜产业相关制度的变迁过程之后,论文提出我国蔬菜产业制度是内因和外因在不同时期以不同的身份共同作用的结果,是以强制性制度变迁为始,以诱致性制度变迁为终,相辅相成的演化过程。接着,系统分析我国蔬菜产业制度在市场制度、合作组织制度、产业管理体制、保险制度、补贴制度、土地制度、科技创新制度、产业公共基础设施建设七个方面存在的问题,指出问题根源于我国微观主体的制度供给和需求主体地位的缺失。然后,根据群众思想和公共选择理论提出了经济群概念,并以此为基础构建起我国蔬菜产业制度优化的一个系统框架。最后通过案例分析验证了经济群的发展对蔬菜产业和蔬菜生产效益的促进作用。第六章通过纵向比较1994-2005年间中国大中城市露地西红柿和大棚西红柿的成本收益,发现后者比前者的净收益普遍的高;通过横向比较山东省寿光、苍山和莒南三市县2006年大棚蔬菜生产成本收益,发现同类型大棚蔬菜的肥料成本差别不大,但是产量、种子、农药成本的区域差异明显,因此生产效益的区域差别较大;原因在于蔬菜品种选择、区域分工、田间管理技术存在显著性差异;通过对2004年荷兰和中国河西走廊两地区温室蔬菜成本收益的比较,发现荷兰温室蔬菜的生产成本和效益明显高于河西走廊地区,技术比较优势明显。为提高我国蔬菜生产效益,不断优化蔬菜产业科学技术创新系统,形成科学与技术、科学技术与企业、创新与推广以及不同创新系统间的动态适应性的分工协同体制与运行机制,是必然的选择。第七章首先分析了蔬菜产业组织对其生产效益的影响,以及在我国传统的以家庭为基本单位的蔬菜生产模式面临的困境,提出蔬菜产业组织的转型和升级是农民摆脱困境、持续提高生产效益的基本途径,具有必然性;产业链和产业集群是两种有效的蔬菜产业组织。其次根据生命周期理论和企业自生能力概念可知,蔬菜产业链的构建的实质在于在蔬菜产业链不同生命阶段培育相应的产业链发展能力。最后,通过分别对1993年、1996年、2004年和2006年山东省寿光市蔬菜生产农户、加工企业和营销企业经济效益影响因素的计量分析和比较分析,发现:①价格因素是影响蔬菜生产农户、加工企业和营销企业效益的重要因素;②政府对科技、市场、产业结构调整、加工、新品种引进、标准化、会展经济的适时有力的推动,是寿光蔬菜产业集群产生发展的基础性因素;③农户和企业在示范效应和政府的影响下,形成了正确的经济理念、良好预期以及扩大生产规模的愿望,这促进了区域产业资源配置的良性累积循环,使集群产生和发展的重要因素。④蔬菜生产、流通、加工三个领域相互促进,产生更大规模的产业集聚优势,是促使寿光蔬菜产业集群持续发展的关键性因素。第八章在总结全文的基础上,从宏观、中观和微观三个层面提出了促进蔬菜生产效益持续健康发展的相应对策建议。宏观对策主要包括继承和发展我国优秀的传统文化,深入推进宏观产业制度创新,全面深入推进教育和培训事业的发展,加强科技创新与推广,积极开展国际科学技术合作。中观对策集中在区域蔬菜质量安全制度与管理创新、区域蔬菜产业组织创新、蔬菜产业系统整合、区域教育培训和科学技术创新与推广的发展四个方面。在微观层面提出乡镇村政府积极进行制度宣传与制度的微观创新,探索与我国现代市场经济相适应的蔬菜产业化运营机制,激励本地蔬菜生产专家、技术人员,发挥其带动效应;蔬菜生产农户应当逐渐认识到家庭生产模式不足,不断提高自身素质。

【Abstract】 According to the theories of economic profit, the methodology of modern economics and the concrete environment of policies and institutions, a systematic structure has been made to study the Chinese vegetable productive profit, in order to propose scientific bases to improve vegetable productive profit and construct a modern vegetable industrial system.Based on the problems, literate summary and analytical structure in Chapter 1, Chapter 2 has generalized and appraised the theory of economic profit and some relative theories, such as division theory, theory of scale economy, innovation theory of Schumpeter, theory of industrial organization, theory of industrial location, theory of resource collocation, which forms the theoretical base of studying vegetable productive profit. Then a theoretic model has been proposed, named "environment-technology-organization-productive profit", and including the main influencing elements of vegetable productive profit, to construct a structure of studying vegetable productive profit. A econometric model based on the data of Cangshan County of Shandong Province, has tested the theoretic model, which has also shown that price index, labor, vegetable planting acre without greenhouse, transporter, fertilizer, acre of disaster and governmental investment are the main influencing elements of vegetable productive profit at the earlier developing stage of Cangshan County, and price index, vegetable processing enterprise, concentration degree, acre of greenhouse, marketplace, transportation power and government investment are the main influencing elements at the latter developing stage of Cangshan County.Chapter 3 has firstly described the basic course of Chinese vegetable productive regionalization, then constructed scale comparative index, efficiency comparative index and integrative comparative index. Using the vegetable data of 31 provinces of China from 1997 to2004, the changes of the indexes have been analyzed and explained, which shows that 13 provinces of them have aggregate comparative advantage, 7 provinces have lack aggregate comparative advantage. The 20 provinces have been divided four groups through clustering analysis method, that is Beijing, Tianjin are in the first group, Hebei, Shandong, Zhejiang, Fujian, Shanghai are in the second one, Henan, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Hubei, Liaoning are in the third one, Shanxi, Shanxi, Qinghai, Gansu, Chongqing, Sichuan, Hunan, Jiangxi are in the last one. According to these conclusions four vegetable belts should been built, which are Bohai circle, Huanghuai, Southeastern seaboard and center-south area.Chapter 4 has firstly analyzed the direct influences, through increasing vegetable demand, and indirect influences, through improving the efficiency of resource utilization, ensuring the productive profit of farmers, enhancing the quality and safety of vegetable products, improving the diatheses of farmers and propelling the emergence of vegetable industrial cluster, of vegetable processing enterprises to vegetable productive profits. Then it has generalized the achievements, problems an their reasons, and thought the low degree of vegetable processing, the violence of international competition, the lack of special vegetable seeds for processing, the low constructing level of the bases of vegetable processing materials, the occurrence of pesticide residual of vegetable processing products, the lack of regulations and standards of vegetable industry, the low level of vegetable processing technologies, the vice competition among vegetable enterprises and the lack of the consciousness of rank are the maim problems, which come from the bad management system of vegetable administration, the low technological innovation and industrial organization and the bad environment of international vegetable trade. Finally countermeasures have been proposed according to vegetable regulation, standards, dragon enterprises, industrial association, technologies, material bases, regionalization, market system, information network and modern service.After analyzing the vicissitude of Chinese vegetable relative laws, Chapter 5 has proposed that the interior and exterior reasons have propelled the occurrence of vegetable industrial system, which propelled by government at early stage and by the power of marketplace. Then the problems have been analyzed systematically according to the systems of vegetable marketplace, cooperative organization, industrial administration, insurance, subsidy, land, technological innovation and industrial public goods, which caused by the lack of the function of micro-individuals in the supply and demand of vegetable industrial systems. And then according to mass thought and the theory of public choice, the concept of economic group has been proposed, which leads the construction of a optimal structure of vegetable industrial system. At last, a case study has been used to illuminate the effect of economic group.In Chapter 6, the costs and profits contrasts between tomatoes grew in greenhouse and grew without greenhouse in big and medium cities of China from 1994 to 2005, have shown that the profits of the latter is bigger than the former. The costs and profits contrasts of vegetable among greenhouses of Shouguang City, Cangshan County and Junan County in 2006, have also shown that fertilizer costs are almost same among same sorts of greenhouses, but vegetable production, seed cost and pesticide costs are quite different among different regions, which come from the different vegetable seeds, regional division and vegetable management technologies. The fact that costs and profits of vegetable fanners in Holland are bigger than Chinese farmers in Hexi Corridor has been found by contrast. In order to improve vegetable productive profit, the optimization of vegetable industrial scientific and technological innovation system have to be done, which should formed a dynamically adaptable system of division and coordination between science and technology, between technology and enterprises, between innovation and popularization.After having analyzed the influences of vegetable industrial organization and the difficulties of Chinese traditional vegetable productive model, Chapter 7has proposed that the transition and upgrading of vegetable industrial organizations are necessary to improve vegetable productive profits, egetable industrial chain and cluster are two effective industrial organizations. Secondly, according to theory of life cycle and the concept of enterprise validity, the construction of vegetable chain means the cultivation of different developing capabilities at different stages. Finally, by the econometric and comparative analysis of vegetable farmers, enterprises and transporters in 1993,1999, 2004 and 2006, it has been shown that (a)price is the more important elements than others for vegetable fanners, enterprises and transporters, (b)the effects of technology, marketplace, industrial adjustments, processing, the new vegetable weeds, standardization, which caused by the promotion of government, are keys to the occurrence of vegetable cluster, (c) influenced by profits and government, vegetable farmers and enterprises have formed correct economic ideas, good expectation and strong wishes of enlarging productive scale, leading to the good cumulate cycling of industrial collocation, (d) the enhancement of vegetable production, processing and transportation has made the emerge of great industrial cluster, which will propel Shouguang Vegatable Cluster to develop continuously.Based on the generalization of the former chapters, Chapter 8 has proposed macro-policies, medium-policies and micro-policies. The macro-policies include the development of Chinese traditional culture, systematic innovation, the development of education, cultivation, scientific and technological innovation and international cooperation. The medium -policies include the regional vegetable quality management and administrative innovation, vegetable industrial organization innovation, the conformity of vegetable industry, regional education and cultivation, regional scientific and technological innovation. The micro-policies include that town government should propagandize the polices of its upper governments, should explore the mechanism of vegetable industrialization, should encourage the local specialists and technicians and let them guide more people, and vegetable farmers should gradually realize the lack of family production model and improve their diathesis step by step.
