

Mineralization Related to Post-collisional Mafic-Ultramafic Complex in North Xinjiang

【作者】 王玉往

【导师】 王京彬;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 新疆北部发育了一套与后碰撞镁铁~超镁铁质杂岩有关的矿床组合,即铜镍硫化物(Cu-Ni-PGE)矿床、钒钛磁铁矿(V-Ti-Fe)矿床和磁铁矿-钴(Fe-Co)矿床,它们构成了北疆地区后碰撞构造演化阶段特色的成矿谱系。该成矿谱系的矿床特点及其内在联系,以及形成的深部构造背景,是研究和探讨中亚成矿带后碰撞构造-成矿作用的热点和急待解决的问题。本文在消化吸收了前人研究成果的基础上,从重点类型典型矿床研究入手,通过野外实地调查研究,室内镜下鉴定,岩石学、矿石学和矿物学及其主量和微量元素地球化学、同位素年代学和地球化学研究,以及综合对比分析,研究了典型矿床地质特征、成矿作用和成矿机制;结合区域地质背景分析和与有关地区成矿作用对比,建立了该成矿谱系的岩浆演化-成矿模式,并在上述研究基础上,对区域找矿预测和战略选区提出了建议。取得了以下主要成果和认识:1、对铜镍硫化物矿床进行了系统的研究,建立了幔源岩浆底侵-内侵-上侵的多级次侵入-分异成矿模式;发现了铜镍硫化物矿床流体参与成矿的证据;指出流体活动和同化混染作用,是诱发岩浆不混熔作用,导致硫化物熔离的有利因素。2、首次研究确定了香山西铜镍-钒钛铁矿复合型矿床,揭示了铜镍硫化物与钒钛磁铁矿成矿之间的内在联系,为建立该区与幔源岩浆作用有关的成矿谱系提供了重要依据。3、对东天山尾亚钒钛磁铁矿矿床开展了深入研究,建立了成因模式,弥补了前人研究的薄弱环节。4、深入分析了新疆北部地区与镁铁-超镁铁质杂岩有关成矿作用形成的构造背景、演化规律,建立了成矿谱系。5、依据理论研究成果,总结了后碰撞铜镍矿床和铜镍-钒钛铁复合型矿床的找矿预测准则,提出了4个铜镍矿床找矿战略预测区和3个铜镍-钒钛铁复合型矿床找矿战略预测区。

【Abstract】 A set of mineral deposits related to post-collisional mafic-ultramafic complex develops in north Xinjiang, i.e. copper-nickel sulfide (CNS) deposit, vanadic titianomagnetite (VTM) deposit and magnetite-cobalt (MC) deposit, which constitute a distinctive metallogenic spectrum in post-collisional tectonic evolution stage. The characteristics and intrinsic relationship of deposit types, and the deep tectonic environments of this metallogenic spectrum are the focus and urgent issues for post-collisional tectonic-mineralization of the Central Asia metallogenic province. Based on the study of previous results and by starting with typical deposit anatomy for some important types, this thesis has discussed the characteristics of mineral deposit, mineralization and metallogenic mechanism by means of research of field investigation, microscope observation, petrology, mineralogy, ore petrology, major and trace elements geochemistry, isotope chronology and isotope geochemistry, and comprehensive comparative analysis. In conjunction with the regional geological setting and mineralization contrast with relevant area, magmatism-mineralization model of the metallogenic spectrum is built up. Strategic regional prospecting prognosis and target also have been suggested in this PhD thesis. The main achieved advancements from this thesis are as follows:1. CNS deposits in the area are systematically studied, and a metallogenic model by multilevel intrusion-differentiation of mantle-derived magma is set up; It is discovered that hydrothermal fluid may participate in mineralization of CNS deposit; It is pointed out that hydrothermal activity and assimilation-hybridization are favorable factors to induce magma unmixing and to lead to sulfide liquation.2. For the first time, this thesis studies and confirms the Xiangshanxi CNS-VTM composite deposit, which reveals an intrinsic relationship between the CNS deposits and VTM deposits and offers a crucial evidence for building metallogenic spectrum related to mantle-derived magma in north Xinjiang.3. The Weiya VTM deposit in eastern Tianshan area is first in-depth studied and its metallogenic model is established, which supplies a gap of previous studies.4. A distinctive metallogenic spectrum is constructed in the thesis by in-depth study on the evolvement regularity and tectonic setting of mineralization related to mafic-ultramafic complex in north Xinjiang.5、A series of prediction criteria for prospecting of post-collisional CNS deposit and CNS-VTM composite deposit are summarized according to the results of theoretical research. Four strategic Cu-Ni deposit prospecting prognosis areas and three strategic CNS-VTM composite deposit prospecting prognosis areas are suggested.
