

Research on Low-permeability and Thin Reservoir Development by Horizontal Wells

【作者】 周贤文

【导师】 汤达祯;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 油气田开发工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 为经济有效地开发低渗透薄差边际油田,本论文利用构造解释、反演、建模、数值模拟、室内试验和经济评价等方法,有针对性地开展了敖南油田水平井区的精细构造解释、地震反演、精细地质建模与储层预测、水平井优化设计、随钻分析调整、投产完井方式优化和注采井网优化及调整等方面的研究。通过研究,取得了以下成果:(1)运用三维精细构造解释技术和三维地质精细构造建模技术,解释了敖南水平井区葡萄花一油组(PI)顶、底构造,并分区建立了构造模型,精细地描述了各小层的微构造,使构造误差小于1‰。(2)针对储层薄、非均质性强的特点,应用构造解释、储层反演和沉积微相研究等成果,应用地震约束多井波阻抗反演与岩性预测、相控随机建模方法,预测了储层,使储层预测精细到1m以下的薄差层。并从储层的沉积特征、砂体展布特征、渗透率、含油性、岩性和砂体连通性等方面,多角度进一步认识了水平井区储层的非均质特征。(3)从油藏类型、油藏参数、储层性质及技术经济界限等方面,建立了水平井开发薄差层的适应性标准,认为水平井可以应用到0.5m~1m的特薄储层,评价认为敖南油田南部总体上适合水平井开发。(4)建立了一套适合低渗透薄层油藏地质特点的水平井参数优化方法,开展了低渗透薄层水平井的优化设计,取得了较好的效果。(5)建立和应用了薄差层水平井的随钻分析与调整方法,包括随钻地质建模、随钻测量技术、地层对比、含油性分析等,使水平井的砂岩钻遇率达68%。(6)通过建立非均质地质模型和数值模拟方法,研究了水平井投产完井方式,形成了薄差层水平井投产完井方式的地质油藏优化设计与研究方法,投产的水平井产量达到周围直井产量的2~5倍。(7)在分析水平井区的储层特征、注采井砂体对应关系、注水开发特征的基础上,应用数值模拟方法研究了注水调整原则、方法及不同注水政策下的开发效果。(8)通过对敖南油田水平井开发技术的多学科研究和应用,形成了一套适合特低丰度、低渗透薄互层油藏水平井开发的多学科一体化研究与设计技术,使水平井成功突破应用于1m以下、非均质性较强的低渗透薄层,提高了油井单井产量和油藏采收率,使经济有效开发低渗透、低丰度、薄差边际油藏成为现实。

【Abstract】 The purpose of this paper is to effectively develop marginal oilfields with low abundance, low permeability and thin reservoirs using horizontal wells. The horizontal well technology study includes accurate structure interpretation and inversion using 3D seismic data, 3D geological model building, reservoirs prediction, horizontal well design optimization, analysis while drilling, completion mode design optimization and modification of well pattern based on methods of accurate structure interpretation, inversion, geological model building, reservoir simulation, lab experiment and analysis with drilling, etc.. The achievements are as follows:The structures of top and bottom of Putaohua I formation in the area of horizontal well are interpreted using 3D structure interpretation and 3D geological model building, structure models are built by well region, and the micro- structures feature of subdivisions are accurately described with error less than 1‰.The distribution of reservoirs have been predicted accurately using seismic wave impedance inversion and lithology prediction, stochastic model building controlled by sedimentary microfacies integrated with seismic data, sedimentation facies, cores, well log data to fit in thin reservoir with strong heterogeneity and to use it to the thin reservoir less than 1m .The geological models including fine structure models, sand distribution models and property models are built to describe structure feature and reservoirs’properties to characterize heterogeneities by stochastic model building using the results of structure interpretation, inversion, and facies study in horizontal area of Aonan field.The heterogeneities of thin Putaohua reservoirs including sedimentation, permeability, lithology, sand distribution and sand body connectivity are recognized to further knowing reservoirs.Horizontal wells are suitable to develop thin reservoirs of Aonan field by feasibility evaluation of horizontal wells including reservoir type, reservoir property parameters, and technical & economical limiting of horizontal well development. A set of parameter optimization method of horizontal well suitable to low permeability and thin reservoir characters have been built. Horizontal well design has been optimizated and good drilling results have been gotten.Horizontal well analysis while drilling and adjustment in thin reservoir have been built and applied including geology model building, LWD, formation correlation, oily property analysis of sand bodies by integrating geology, reservoir engineering, drilling engineering and well logging to assure success of horizontal wells with 68% ratio of sand to horizontal section.The horizontal well completion programs have been studied to get optimum horizontal well completion mode in thin reservoirs using heterogeneous geologic model building and reservoir simulation and get 2 to 5 times average production rate of horizontal wells than those of vertical wells.Based on reservoir feature and sand body correlation relationship, well pattern have been evaluated, the character of horizontal wells under water-flooding, the principle and method of injection and production adjustment, and development results have been studied under various strategies of water injection of various injection pressure, injection-production ratio.Based on multidisciplinary study and application of horizontal wells, a set of integrated oilfield development study and design method of horizontal wells have been formed to suit specially low abundance and low permeability & tin reservoir, helping horizontal wells to be applied to development of thin reservoir with strong heterogeneity and less than 1m thickness, and increasing production rate of individual well and recovery factors of oilfields to economically develop thin and marginal reservoirs with low abundance and low permeability.
