

The Study and Application of "Planting-bar" Anti-floating Rock Bolt

【作者】 赵乐华

【导师】 夏柏如;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 地质工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着高层建筑的增多和埋深的增加,地下建筑物的抗浮问题也就越来越突出。目前在工程实践中采取的抗浮方法主要有配重法、降截排水法、抗浮桩和抗浮锚杆四种,这四种方法中,抗浮锚杆由于造价低、工期短、结构稳定和安全性高等优点,在工程实际中得到了广泛的应用,但是由于抗浮锚杆存在长度过长,而且无法在动水压力注浆等缺点,使其工程应用领域受到较大局限。本文主要提出了一种处理地下水浮力的新型抗浮锚杆——“植筋式”抗浮岩石锚杆,是将植筋技术与抗浮锚杆技术相结合,可以有效的解决抗浮锚杆的上述问题,具有钻孔较浅、施工简便、成孔容易,造价低廉,工期较短,建筑材料消耗量低等优点,具有很好的发展潜力。本论文在分析研究抗浮锚杆的抗拔机理的基础上,将植筋技术引入抗浮锚杆中,对其工作机理、锚固剂的配制、施工工艺等方面进行了系统的研究,具体工作如下:(1)对“植筋式”抗浮岩石锚杆工作机理、锚杆与岩土体的应力传递模型进行了理论研究与推导,建立了影响锚杆锚固力的力学模型,系统分析了锚杆杆体材质、长度、锚固深度、锚杆布置形式、锚固剂、杆体粗糙度和锚杆安装工艺等因素对锚杆锚固力的影响。(2)在分析无机锚固剂研究现状及特点的基础上,研发了适用于岩石抗浮锚杆的锚固材料,并就锚固材料的性能进行了现场试验、室内模型试验,与抗浮桩及有机胶植筋施工实例进行了对比分析,获得了锚杆抗拔力与养护期、锚固深度、锚固剂等影响因素的关系。(3)应用FLAC3D(Fast Lagrange Analysis of Continua,连续介质快速拉格朗日分析程序)软件探讨了“植筋式”抗浮岩石锚杆的工作原理,建立了相应的计算模型,分析了单根锚杆和多根锚杆不同的工作机理,并对多种不同工况下的计算结果进行对比分析研究。(4)研究了“植筋式”抗浮锚杆的现场施工工艺及技术方法,并通过一个采用“植筋式”抗浮岩石锚杆的工程实例来说明其在抗浮基础施工中的应用,并与其他抗浮措施进行对比分析,证明应用该工法具有较好的经济和社会效益。

【Abstract】 With the number and depth of foundation of high-rises increasing, the anti-floatability of underground structuress becomes more and more prominent. Nowadays, four kinds of anti-floating methods applied in practical projects are basically weight-matching, water-draining with stake-cutting, anti-floating stake and anti-floating bolt. Among them, anti-floating bolt is widely used for its advantage of low-cost, short construction time, steady structure and high safety performance. However, as anti-floating bolt is too long and grouting is difficult under the pressure of flowing water, its applicatin in projects is rather limted The paper chiefly poses a new type of anti-floating bolt ----“planting-bar”anti-floating rock bolt to deal with groundwater buoyancy. It conbines the technology of planting-bar with that of anti-floating bolt, and can solve effectively the problems with anti-floating bolt mentioned above. Meanwhile, with the advantage of shallow borehole, construction convenience, ease of pore-forming, low-cost, short construction time and low consumption in building materials, it has greater potential for development.The paper makes a detailed ananysis and study of the pullout resistance mechanism of anti-floating bolt. Based on the analysis, the paper introduces planting-bar technology and gives a systematic description of its working mechanism, concoction of anchorage substance, construction techniques and so on. The detailed studies are as follows.(1) Carry out theoretical study and derivation of the working mechanism of“plant-bar”anti-floating rock bolt and stress transmission mode between anchor bolt and ground, and formulate mechanical model of anchoring ability that affects anchor bolt. Analyze systematiclly the effect that such factors can have on the anchoring capacity of anchor bolt as bolt material, bolt length, anchoring depth, bolt layout, anchorage substance, bolt roughness, installation techniques of anchor bolt, and so on,(2) On the basis of analyzing the present studies and features of inorganic anchorage substance, develop the anchoring material applied in anti-floating rock bolt and carry out on-the-spot and indoor modeling experiments on the performance of anchoring materials. By comparison with anti-floating stake and organic glue planting-bar construction, establish the relationship between pullout resistance capacity and influencing factors like maintenance time, anchoring depth and anchorage substance.(3) In terms of numerical calculation, apply FLAC(Fast Lagrange Analysis of Continua) numberical simulation calculation to the study of working mechanism of“plant-bar”anti-floating rock bolt, and formulate corresponding calculation models. Analyze the differenct working mechanisms between single bolt and multiple anchor bolts, and make a comparative study of the calculation results in various working conditions.(4) Make a study of the field construction techniques and technology of“planting-bar”anti-floating bolt, and take the project using“plant-bar”anti-floating rock bolt as an exmple to illustrate its application in anti-floating elementary construction and make a comparison with other anti-floating measures to show its substantial economic and social benefits.
