

Legal System of Indemnity in Marine Cargo Insurance

【作者】 张贤伟

【导师】 司玉琢;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 海上货物运输保险在当今世界的经贸领域中扮演着不可或缺的重要角色。综观我国目前的海上货物运输保险赔偿制度,尚不够系统、完善和全面,保险实务中也存在诸多争议,仍需进行深入地研究和探讨。本文在对整个海上货物运输保险赔偿制度进行研讨的基础上,针对制度中存在的问题,从海上保险立法、海事司法及保险实务操作等角度,提出了完善意见,以期能够对制度的系统性研究有所帮助。本文分为两部分。第一部分概论在总结海上货物运输保险赔偿的特点的基础上,论述了海上运输业、贸易业和保险业对海上货物运输保险赔偿制度的影响、海上保险基本原则在海上货物运输保险赔偿制度中所处的地位以及海上货物运输保险赔偿制度与海上货物运输赔偿制度的异同点。第二部分在概论的基础上,对海上货物运输保险赔偿制度包含的内容作了进一步阐述。主要包括:1、构成海上货物运输保险赔偿制度的基础是被保险人支付一定的保险费以换取保险人承担相应的货物损失风险。重点论述了海上货物运输保险中的各类风险、我国保险条款中关于风险约定存在的缺陷与完善以及保险费的支付、加收与返还等问题;2、当保险事故发生后,被保险人能否获得保险赔偿,取决于其能否按照“海上货物运输保险的赔偿证明”的要求完成举证责任。重点论述了海上货物运输保险赔偿的证据特点、举证规则、证明标准以及近因原则等问题;3、如果保险人同意赔付被保险人的损失,其将按照“海上货物运输保险的赔偿范围”中的赔偿原则、方式、期限和损失范围等进行赔付。重点论述了赔偿原则、赔付期限以及货物损失中的推定全损及施救费用等问题;4、如果保险人不同意赔付,其将根据“海上货物运输保险的赔偿限制”限定或免除其赔偿责任。重点论述了保险人的限制赔偿方式,并对其中被保险人对保险标的没有保险利益、被保险人违反告知义务以及被保险人的损失未发生在保险期间三种具体的限制赔偿方式进行了深入探讨;5、保险人是否有权限制其赔偿责任,又取决于其是否遵循了“海上货物运输保险的限赔受阻”中所论述的原则。重点论述了保险人限赔受阻的基本理论,分析了保险人限赔受阻的三个主要方式:保险人因未履行说明义务而限赔受阻、保险人因弃权和禁止反言而限赔受阻及保险人因疑义利益解释原则而限赔受阻;6、当保险人赔付被保险人的损失后,可根据“海上货物运输保险的赔偿填补”中所列举的权利向有关各方索赔或变卖保险标的物以填补其赔偿损失。重点论述了海上保险人填补赔偿损失的成因、意义及包括海上保险人行使代位求偿权、委付条件下保险标的的处置权以及重复保险条件下的分摊权等在内的五种填补损失途径。

【Abstract】 Marine cargo insurance plays an indispensable part in the field of international trade, whereas, in China, the whole legal system in relation to indemnity of marine cargo insurance appears not systematic and comprehensive, resulting in many disputes in practice. It seems that profound research and study is very necessary in this field. On the basis of an overview to the whole legal system relating to indemnity of marine cargo insurance, this paper is trying to put forward some valuable suggestions for the problems in the said system from different viewpoints such as legislation, judiciary and practical operation. Hopefully, this paper could be helpful for the systematization of theories in the said field.This paper consists of two parts: The first part is a general overview of the whole legal system in the said field, and the second part is intended for concentrating on those detailed issues.On summarizing the characters of indemnity in marine cargo insurance, the first part will discuss the affections of shipping, trading and insurance industries to the legal system of indemnity in marine cargo insurance, and then the status of the basic principles of marine insurance in the legal system of indemnity in marine cargo insurance. In the first part, some comparative study is also made between the legal system of indemnity in marine cargo insurance and the legal system of indemnity in carriage of goods by sea.The second part is intended to make further research on the detailed content in the legal system of indemnity in marine cargo insurance on the basis of the first part. The content is mainly as follows: 1, The foundation of the legal system of indemnity in marine cargo insurance is the fact that the insured pay the premium in exchange for the duty of the underwriter to take the burden of risks. From this point of view, this paper will discuss various kinds of risks in marine cargo insurance, some demerits of the provisions relating to risks in Chinese insurance clauses, and some issues about payment, additional payment and return of premium; 2, Whether the insured shall be able to be indemnified against an accident, depends on whether he could provide enough evidences in accordance with the requirement of the proof of indemnity in marine cargo insurance. In this regard, some discussion will be made to the characters of evidences required by indemnity in marine cargo insurance, the rules and criteria of evidences, and the principle of proximate cause.3, If the insurer agrees to indemnify the loss of the insured, he shall do it according to the principles, manners, time limit, and extent discussed in this chapter, the extent of indemnity in marine cargo insurance, in which some arguments will be made to the principles of indemnity, time limit of indemnity, constructive total loss and salvage fees, etc.4, If the underwriter rejects the claim of indemnity, he should contend he shall not be liable or his liability could be deducted in accordance with this chapter, limitation of indemnity in marine cargo insurance. This chapter will discuss the manners of indemnity limitation of the insurer, and make further detailed discussion on three main occasions, namely, where the insured has no insurable interests, where the insured has breached the duty of disclosure, and where the loss of the insured is not covered within the insured period. 5, Whether the insurer shall be able to limit its indemnity liability also depends on whether he has followed the principles discussed in the chapter, frustration of limitation of indemnity in marine cargo insurance. In this chapter, some basic theories about frustration of limitation of indemnity will be discussed, three main manners of frustration will also be analyzed, I.E., failure of the underwriter to fullfill the obligation of explanation, the waive and estoppel of the underwriter, and the contra proferentem rule against disadvantage to the underwriter. 6, When the insurer has indemnified the loss of the insured, he may make a claim to the relevant person liable or sell off the subject-matter of insurance according to the right enumerated in the recoupment of the indemnity of marine cargo insurance. The chapter makes mainly discussions on the cause, function and the five methods of the underwriter’s recoupment of the loss which embrace the right of subrogation, the right of disposition of the subject-matter of insurance in the condition of abandonment and the right of contribution in the condition of double-insurance executed by the underwriter etc.
