

【作者】 王传金

【导师】 谢利民;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 幸福是人生的主题和根本问题,是所有人的需要和追求。没有对幸福的渴求,就没有人类的过去与今天,更没有人类的未来。时代发展到今天,在我国全面建设和谐社会和深入推进素质教育的背景下,教师与学生的幸福问题日益引起人们的重视,进入了教育研究者的视域。从教师自身生存与发展的角度来说,教师的职业人生理应是幸福的。从教师职业的特点来看,教师职业幸福关涉到学生的幸福、教育的发展以及社会的和谐与进步。我们认为,教师职业幸福是教师在教育工作中,实现自己的职业理想,体味人生价值并获得自身发展的精神愉悦状态。它是一种精神幸福,是心理体验与职业伦理的统一,是主观努力与客观条件的统一,是享受与发展的统一,是开放的动态系统,具有教育性、整体性、精神性、无限性、给予性、劳动性等特征,可以划分为利己幸福与利他幸福、过程幸福与结果幸福、创造性幸福与消费性幸福等不同的类型。为了深入了解当前教师职业幸福的状态,挖掘其幸福与不幸福的原因,从而为教师职业幸福之路的探寻提供现实依据,我们采用访谈和问卷调查两种方法,对C市小学教师职业幸福的现状进行了实证研究。①在被调查的教师中,有54%的人认为自己在职业生活中总是或常常能体验到职业幸福,有46%的人认为自己没有或基本没有体验到职业幸福。②教师职业幸福与性别、学历、地域等因素没有明显的关联性,但与年龄、教龄、职称、职务、收入等因素有较为明显的关联性,年龄大、教龄长、职称高、在学校担任行政职务教师的职业幸福状况好于年龄小、教龄短、职称低、没有行政职务的教师。③学生的拥戴、同事的认可、领导的欣赏、自身的专业成长、工作稳定等是教师职业幸福的主要来源。人际关系不和谐,不适合从事教师工作,不热爱教师工作,缺乏安全感和稳定感,身体不好,学生成绩排名与升学压力,没有成就感,对管理与制度不满意,个人发展机会有限,社会地位低,学生难教、难管理,工作烦琐机械,工作压力大,收入低,学生家长的不理解,上级部门的检查太多,社会对教师职业的误解和偏见等是教师在职业生活中感到不幸福的主要原因。在实证研究的基础上,借鉴哲学、心理学等学科研究的成果,结合教师职业的特点,我们认为怀有教师职业理想、确立正确的教师职业价值观念、提升教师职业道德素养、具有一定的教师职业能力并有所作为是教师职业幸福实现之路径。①调查结果表明,如果有其他工作可以选择,有69.9%的教师会选择离开或基本上会选择离开教师岗位。策动教师的职业理想,使他们愿意继续做教师并热爱教师职业是促进教师职业幸福实现的首要问题。②教师职业幸福的获得总是基于教师自己的价值标准。教师的职业价值观念对教师成为什么样的教师、过怎样的职业生活或以什么方式进行职业活动具有决定性作用。③教师职业道德贯穿于教师职业生活的全过程,始终关联着教师对职业生活的创造和享受,是构成教师职业幸福的一种较为稳定的因素。④教师职业幸福并非自然天成。无论是来自学生成才的幸福,还是来自自我实现的幸福,抑或来自和谐关系的幸福,都需要教师不断提高职业能力和自身素养。⑤教师职业幸福是在教育活动中通过教师的作为实现的。教师的职业人生有成功不成功、幸福不幸福的问题,这在某种程度上取决于其职业作为的大小。教师职业幸福的实现不仅要依赖教师自身的条件和努力,而且也要以一定的外在条件为前提和基础。影响教师职业幸福的外在条件很多,我们主要探讨了教师职业幸福实现的物质保障、社会基础、文化导引、教育支持和健康基础等问题。①一定的物质保障是教师职业幸福的必要支持。在物质财富还没有达到非常充足的情况下,现有物质资源的分配是否公正合理是影响教师职业幸福的重要因素。②教师职业幸福无法脱离他人和社会而存在。创设有利于教师职业幸福实现的社会环境,提高教师的社会地位,让教师职业成为令人羡慕的职业是政府和社会的责任。③教师是在文化环境中从事职业活动的,文化环境会对其职业幸福产生直接的影响。和谐、进取的文化环境能为教师的职业活动提供条件和激励,形成人人都想有所作为的氛围,可以促进教师职业幸福的实现。④教师的专业素养会影响教师职业生活的幸福,而教师专业素养的提高需要政府部门提供制度支持,需要教育理论工作者提供理论支持,需要学校提供切合的行动支持。⑤当前教师的健康状况令人担忧,有74.5%的教师经常带病工作,使他们的生活质量和职业幸福受到了很大影响,我们应在改善教师的健康状况方面做出努力。

【Abstract】 Well-being is the theme and basic concern of human life, and it is all human’s needs and pursuit. Without the pursuit for well-being, there would be no human’s yesterday and today, let alone human’s tomorrow. Nowadays, with overall building a harmonious society and deepening quality education, teachers’and students’well-being is a growing concern of the people and enters the world of education. From the perspective of the teacher’s self survival and development, the teacher’s career life should be well-being. Viewed from the professional characteristic, the teacher professional well-being is closely related with the student well-being, the development of education and social harmony and advancement.The teachers’professional well-being is a spiritually pleasant state in which they realize their professional ideal, experience the value of life and gain self development in their jobs. It is a kind of spiritual well-being, a combination of psychological experience and professional ethics, a combination of objective efforts and subjective conditions, a combination of enjoyment and development. It is an open and dynamic system. The teacher professional well-being is characterized by education, wholeness, spirit, boundlessness, giving, labor and so on. It can be divided into the following categories: self-beneficial well-being and others-beneficial well-being, process well-being and result well-being, creativity well-being and consumption well-being and so on. In order to better understand the current situation of the teacher professional well-being, and explore the reasons for well-being and unwell-being to provide real basis for the teacher professional well-being, we conduct an empirical study on the current situation of the teacher well-being in C city through two instruments: questionnaire and interview. The results of the study are as follows:①54% of the subjects hold the view that they can always or often experience professional well-being in their career life while 46% of the subjects think they do not or rarely experience well-being.②There is no significant correlation between the teacher professional well-being and the factors such as sex, educational background, and region, but there is relatively significant correlation between the teacher professional well-being and the following factors: teacher’s age, teaching age, academic position, administrative position, and income. Those who are older, have longer teaching years, higher academic positions and hold administrative positions have more sense of well-being than those who are in the opposite situation.③Students’admiration and respect, colleagues’acknowledge, leaders’appreciation, development of expertise, stable jobs are the major sources of the teachers’professional well-being. The major sources of the teacher unwell-being are as follows: interpersonal inharmony, unfitness to be teachers, disliking being teachers, lack of security and stability, poor health condition, students’performance ranks and pressures from students’admission to a higher school, having no sense of accomplishments, dissatisfaction about management and regulations, limited scope for self development, low social status, students being hard to teach and control, complicated and mechanical work, great pressure from work, low income, parents’misunderstanding, too much inspection from the authorities, and social misunderstanding and prejudice.On the basis of the empirical study and the results in the philosophy and psychology fields, combined with professional characteristics, we claim that having professional ideal, establishing correct professional values, promoting professional qualities, having professional competence and achievements are the ways of realizing the teacher’s professional well-being.①The results of the study shows that 69.9% of the teachers will leave their job or basically they will choose to leave their job. Instigating the teacher’s professional ideal, making them willing to be teachers and love their job is the priority in order for the teachers to promote the realization of well-being.②The achievement of the teacher professional well-being always derives from the teachers’standard of values. The teachers’professional values play a critical role in what kind of teacher they want to be, what kind of life they desire to live and what kind method they want to adopt in conducting their professional activities.③The teacher’s professional morality goes through the whole process of their career life. It is connected with the creation and enjoyment of the professional well-being. It is a stable factor that leads to the teacher professional well-being.④The teacher professional well-being does not form naturally. Whether it comes from the students’growth or the happiness of self accomplishment, it requires the teacher to constantly promote their professional competence and accomplishment.⑤The teacher professional well-being is achieved by the teachers’action in the teaching activities. Whether a teacher’s professional career is successful and happy or not depends on in some way how great the professional accomplishments are.The realization of the teacher professional well-being depends on not only the teacher’s own qualities and efforts, but also certain external factors as premise and basis. There are many external factors affecting the teacher professional well-being. We mainly explore the material guarantee, social foundation, cultural guidance, educational support and health condition.①A certain material guarantee is indispensable for the teacher well-being. If the material fortune is not sufficient, whether the current material resources are distributed fairly is the crucial factor affecting the teacher professional well-being.②The teacher professional well-being does not exist without having connections with others and society. Creating favorable social environment to achieve the teachers’professional well-being, raising the teacher’s social status, making teaching an admiring career are the duty of the government and then society.③The teacher conducts professional activities in cultural environments, which can directly affect professional well-being. Harmonious and enterprising cultural environment can provide conditions and stimulation for teacher professional activities, creating an atmosphere in which everyone wants to have achievements. It can also promote the realization of the teacher professional well-being.④The teacher professional qualities can affect the teacher professional well-being. However, the enhancement of the teacher professional qualities requires the government to provide support in system. Theoretical educationalists need to provide theoretical support. Schools need to provide appropriate support in conduction.⑤The current health condition of the teacher is worrying. 75% of the teachers are at work even if sick, which greatly affect the quality of their life and their professional well-being. We need to make great efforts to improve the teacher’s health condition.

  • 【分类号】G625.1
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