

【作者】 陈大为

【导师】 郝春文;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 中古时代的敦煌是一座传统的佛教名城,寺院林立,又因为敦煌文献中保存了大量的相关材料,因而,敦煌佛教史一直得到学术界的关注。在寺院经济、僧官制度、僧尼生活等诸多方面都取得了重要成果,佳作迭出。这些研究成果多将敦煌寺院看作一个整体,这样的研究一方面大大地推动着敦煌佛教史的深入,同时也存在对各个寺院的具体情况不甚了然的状况。如果能对敦煌僧寺作个案分析,并与整体研究相结合,这对于推动佛教社会史研究的深入,无疑是一个新的研究视角。本文以“唐后期五代宋初敦煌僧寺”为一个特定的研究对象,采取个案研究与整体把握相结合的方法,对其历史沿革的过程进行历史学的考察。文章结构上分为上下两篇,上篇个案研究篇择取敦煌净土寺和龙兴寺两个僧寺进行研究,下篇整体研究篇涉及敦煌寺院的建筑、僧寺与尼寺的比较及敦煌寺院的福田事业三个部分。以传统的文献学、佛学研究方法为基础,侧重于对史料的甄别和历史进程的考索,注重揭示唐后期五代宋初敦煌僧寺变迁的过程和原因,探析敦煌僧寺在人们信仰世界中的地位和影响。在此基础上结合宗教学和社会学理论,重在从实证中提升观点和认识。虽无意也不可能如兰克(Leopold Rank)所言“重建过去如当时发生一样”,但仍力求做到“从史实中求史识”(陈寅恪语)。希冀为我们认识中国古代国家与社会、世俗与宗教、思想与信仰的关系等诸多问题提供一些新观点和新视角。由于敦煌的佛教僧团是个整体,许多活动都是在都司的领导下统一进行的,因此各寺的情形存在共同之处,即一般性;但由于寺院规模、经济实力、僧人情况等诸多因素的不同,使其各自的发展又呈现出不同之处,即特殊性。本文着重对敦煌僧寺的一般性和特殊性作具体考察,这是一个新的视角。本文还试图将敦煌僧寺纳入到整个中古社会佛教发展的这个大的历史背景当中去,考察这个时期作为中国佛教的一个重要组成部分,敦煌地区的佛教是如何发展的,探讨其在整个中国中古佛教发展中的历史地位,为我们进行中古佛教的研究提供了个案,同时也开辟了不同于以往研究方法的另一条道路。本文研究的另一视角系探讨敦煌僧寺在中古敦煌地区的活动情况,与不同阶层、不同民族人群的关系,从而展示其在敦煌乃至河西地区世俗政权、下层民众社会生活中的作用,凸现其作为社会群众的宗教性场所的人间性与世俗性的特征,全面体现佛教对世俗社会事务的渗透,并对佛教的社会功能的诠释上做出新的有益的尝试。研究表明:敦煌的佛教是社会化、世俗化很深的宗教,注重入世、注重人事是其重要特征。敦煌寺院并非遗世独立之所,而是敦煌地区宗教性的开放场所;敦煌僧侣也并非是“躲进小楼成一统”,而是与世俗社会息息相关。佛教寺院和僧侣通过政治、宗教、经济、文化、娱乐等各种途径来沟通并调整与世俗社会有机的互动关系,在社会秩序自我调适的方式上表现出同生共存、互相联结诸特征。寺院已经成为本地区人们宗教活动和社会活动的中心——这些中心往往不仅是空间意义上的中心(敦煌寺院一般位于沙州城内或者其附近),更是人们心目中的“中心”,即精神追求与物质倚赖之所在。敦煌寺院也不仅仅是建筑物,俨然成为佛教文化与世俗文化交流与连接的桥梁和纽带,从而在较大范围内维系共同生活。

【Abstract】 Dunhuang is a well-known Buddhist city where existed a lot of Buddhist monasteries during the mediaeval times. Because there are large numbers of relevant records in the Dunhuang manuscripts, many scholars are interested in Buddhist history of Dunhuang .They have made great progress in the study of the monastic economy, the monastic system and the social life of Buddhist monks and nuns.Treating Dunhuang as a whole, researchers have promote the study much more deeper, however, this kind of research can not give a particular description and detailed analysis of every monastery of its own. Thereby, it will provide new horizon by promoting a combination of detailed investigation and integrative research.In this study, we chose“the Dunhuang Buddhist Monasteries during the Late Tang, Five Dynasties and the Early Song”as a specific object of study, and analyzed its historical evolution from historical angle adopting both the case study and the whole research. This article is composed of two parts. One as the research of Pure-land Monastery and Long-Xing Monastery, the other includes not only the monastic architecture, the comparison between monk-monasteries and nun-monasteries, but also the FuTian work. Based on the traditional philology and Buddhism, we particularly emphasized on distinguishing the historical materials and discussing the historical process, and paid attention to the course and reason of the transition of Dunhuang Buddhist Monasteries during the Late Tang, Five Dynasties and the Early Song, moreover, to find out the influence Dunhuang Buddhist Monasteries had on the faith of people at that times. We further upgrade our view from demonstration based on the theory of religion and sociology. We didn’t planned to“reconstruct the history as the real one occurred in the past”(Leopold Rank)which seems to be impractical. But we still made every effort to“search for the history knowledge from the historical evidence”. (Chen Yinke). We cherish the hope that this study will provide some new viewpoints and new angle of view for the study of a great many questions such as the relations between nation and society, common customs and religion, thinking and belief .As a integrated organism, the activities of Dunhuang Buddhist group was under the guidance of Du-si . As a result, various Buddhist monasteries always had something in common, this is the generality. On the other hand, they also presented diversity on account of the scale of different monasteries, the economic power, and the individual Buddhist. In addition to general research, this paper also focused on the particularity which is a new angle of view.Furthermore, we attempted to investigate the Dunhuang Buddhist Monasteries from the context of Buddhist in the mediaeval times in order to reveal the evolution and the historical status of The Dunhuang Buddhist Monasteries which is a important constitutive part of Chinese Buddhism. In this paper, we provided the case for further study on Buddhism during the mediaeval times, simultaneously shed light on another method that differ from the former ones.The last angle of this paper was discussing the function of Buddhist Monasteries in Dunhuang area during the mediaeval times , analyzing the relationship between Dunhuang Buddhist Monasteries and various social stratums, different nationalities and so on, uncovering the function to the Government of Guiyijun and the social life of common people in Dunhuang and even Hexi area, manifesting the characteristic of its earthliness as the religious opening space of social populace, showed the infiltration Buddhism performed in the public business, and making new beneficial attempt to elucidate the social function of Buddhist.The research indicated that Buddhism of Dunhuang was a most socialized, secularized religion, focusing on social conventions adaption and social relationship are crucial characteristics . The Buddhism Monasteries did not renounce the society and lived alone, but was an open space, closely linked with the common custom society. It communicated with the common custom society through politics, religion, economy, culture, and entertainment etc. in order to adjust the organic interrelationships, then displayed coexistence and coupling in a kind of self-adjustment way of social order. Monasteries had already became the religious and social activity center of the local people - - not only in geographic significance, they always located in the city of Shazhou or around,but also in the local people’s mind, namely the spiritual pursue and cultural cohesive force for the locals.The Dunhuang Monasteries is not merely an architecture piece, but had evolved to be a connecting bridge between Buddhism culture and common custom cultural, thus maintained together in a wide range.
