

A Study of Tai Ping Guang Ji

【作者】 曾礼军

【导师】 严耀中;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 摘要:《太平广记》是宋初四大类书之一,也是中国古代重要的小说类书之一,对于保存宋前的文言小说起了重要作用。《太平广记》辑录的小说以志怪题材为主体,具有浓厚的宗教气息,辑录上也体现了宗教类分的特点。目前,对《太平广记》的宗教文化研究显得零散而又肤浅,故本文以宗教文化视角,从《太平广记》成书的宗教文化背景、编纂的宗教性体现、道教文化、佛教文化、传统信仰以及编纂的宗教文化意义等几方面对《太平广记》作全面系统而又深入透彻的研究。据此,文章依次分为六章。第一章从宋初三教合一的宗教发展态势,宋前辅教小说和志怪小说的宗教文化积淀,以及儒释道类书的编纂借鉴分析《太平广记》成书的宗教文化背景。第二章是对《太平广记》编纂的宗教性特点进行考察。首先对《太平广记》类目编排整体上呈道释儒三教合一的板块特点进行探赜;其次运用量化统计方法对引书的宗教性进行分析;最后以宗教性文本为个案考辨《太平广记》的文本编纂情况。第三、四、五章分别对《太平广记》中道教故事、佛教故事、传统信仰故事进行深入研究,探讨《太平广记》的道教文化、佛教文化和传统信仰文化内涵。第三章是以神仙故事为主要研究对象考量神仙的时空分布、类型特点以及神仙故事的主题类分;然后分析神仙意象的典型——白鹤与青竹,探求其宗教文化意蕴和文化渊源;最后对神仙故事中的“石”意象和“七”数进行探析。第四章是对《太平广记》中的异僧、佛经崇拜和因果报应故事进行探讨。异僧故事重点分析神通与佛教、犯戒与成佛的关系;佛经崇拜主要是考察《金刚经》、《法华经》和《观音经》的分布情况和宗教功效;果报故事侧重于分析佛教果报观念与儒家的现世关怀、伦理道德的关系。第五章对命数天定的符命观念、血食祭祀的神观念、人魂所归的鬼观念、物老为怪的精怪观念等传统信仰进行剖析,并且对每类故事都进行了类分和统计,力求探析故事中潜在的社会思想和观念。第六章分析《太平广记》编纂的宗教文化意义。这种意义表现在两方面:一是统治者以典籍编纂手段对宗教文化进行了整合;二是对后世宗教小说发展起了重要推动作用。全文以中间四章为重点内容,对《太平广记》的宗教文化内容作了充分的论述。文章研究注重文本分析与类目编排相结合、文本内涵与二次加工意义相结合,并充分运用量化统计方法,使论述具有很强的说服力。

【Abstract】 ABSTRACT: Tai Ping Guang Ji is one of four major collections in Song Dynasty, is also one of important novel collection in ancient China which collects a great deal of classic Chinese novels before Song Dynasty. The novels compiled in Tai Ping Guang Ji mostly relate strange stories which have religious content and are categorized by different religious content. At present, religious culture of Tai Ping Guang Ji is not studied completely, so this thesis makes a thorough and systematic study of it in term of the religious culture background of this book, the religious character of the compiling, Taoism culture, Buddhism culture, Chinese traditional religion and the religious culture signification of the book. So there are six chapters in the thesis.The first chapter studies the religious cultural background of compiling Tai Ping Guang Ji. There are three factors in the religious cultural background. The firs factor is the developing tendency of the religion of three-in-one which means the syncretism of three main Chinese traditions---Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism. The second factor is the novels propagating religion and relating strange stories. The third factor is the examples of compiling collections of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism.The second chapter studies the religious character of the omit compiling Tai Ping Guang Ji. Firstly, the items of Tai Ping Guang Ji which are the plate structure of Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism are researched. Secondly, the quoting books in Tai Ping Guang Ji are analyzed by statistical routines in religious character. Lastly, take the religious texts for example to study the compiling texts of Tai Ping Guang Ji.The third chapter, the fourth chapter and the fifth chapter respectively study the Taoism stories, Buddhism stories and Chinese traditional religion stories of Tai Ping Guang Ji, researching Taoism culture, Buddhism culture, and Chinese traditional religion culture of the book. The third chapter mainly studies fairy stories in order to analyze the space-time distribution and type character of the fairies, and the topic type of the fairy stories; then studies fairy representative imago---white crane and green bamboo and their religious culture meaning and culture resource; finally analyze the imago“stone”and the number“seven”of the fairy stories. The fourth chapter studies the stories of weird monk, sutra adoration and comeuppance in Tai Ping Guang Ji. To distinctive monk stories the study puts emphasis on analyzing the relationship between monk theurgy and Buddhism religion, disobeying commandment and becoming Buddha. To the sutra adoration stories the study puts emphasis on reviewing the distribution and religious function of Diamond Sutra, Fahua Sutra and Kwan-yin Sutra. To the comeuppance stories the study puts emphasis on the relationship between Buddhism comeuppance and caring for this life and ethic morality of Confucianism. The fifth chapter parses the destiny symptom conception in which destiny is mastered by Heaven, the divinity conception which are sacrificed by the mankind, the ghost conception in which the pneuma returns after man’s death, the monster conception in which the matters become monster when they are very old; trying to research social ideology and conception which were embodied in these stories.The sixth chapter analyzes the religious cultural significance of compiling Tai Ping Guang Ji. The signification reflects two sides. First, it reflects the dynast integrated religious culture with compiling collections; second, it is important to impulse the development of the following religious novels.The middle four chapters in the thesis are the main content, which state the religious culture of Tai Ping Guang Ji adequately. The thesis emphasizes the bond of texts analyzing and item compiling, and that of texts meaning and recompiling significance, using statistical routines adequately, so that it is convictive intensively.

  • 【分类号】I207.419
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1960