

On the Interrogative Sentence in Zu Tang Ji

【作者】 叶建军

【导师】 袁宾;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文以句法、语义、语用三个平面语法理论为主,以语法化理论、语用学理论等为辅,采取定量分析与定性分析相结合、共时研究与历时研究相结合、静态描写与动态解释相结合的研究方法,力图对《祖堂集》疑问句进行全面、系统、深入的研究,并探讨《祖堂集》疑问句或疑问范畴的源流演变等。全文共分为十一章。第一章为绪论。简要介绍、说明了《祖堂集》概况、《祖堂集》疑问句研究现状、本文的研究意义与研究方法等。着重讨论了《祖堂集》疑问句分类问题,构建了《祖堂集》疑问句二层级分类系统。第二章全面考察了《祖堂集》特指询问句。认为特指询问句中疑问代词及其复合形式丰富多样,来源于不同的时代层次,它们很少用于反诘问句或其他疑问句。认为新兴的特指询问句“如何是X?”等为禅录语法格式,来源于汉译佛经;新兴的特指询问句“NP聻/尼/你?”是现代汉语特指询问句“NP呢?”的源头。第三章全面探讨了《祖堂集》是非询问句。认为是非询问句一般要使用疑问标记,即疑问副词或疑问语气词。着重讨论了疑问副词“还”的来源问题,并用类化机制进行了解释。第四章全面描写了《祖堂集》正反询问句。认为正反询问句“VP(也)无?”可能具有晚唐五代时期南方地域特性;从正反问句可以看出《祖堂集》的口语化程度较高。着重探讨了“VPNeg?”句末Neg的虚化问题,认为Neg仍是否定词语。第五章全面描写了《祖堂集》选择询问句。认为选择询问句倾向于由“意合”走向“形合”;选择询问句中的关联标记“为复”、“为当”、“为”、“是”均来源于中古汉语,可能与汉译佛经有亲缘关系。第六章全面考察了《祖堂集》测度问句。认为《祖堂集》测度问句几乎是一个全新的系统。着重探讨了“莫(不)VPNeg?”句末Neg的虚化问题,认为句末的Neg仍是否定词。探讨了“莫”系测度疑问副词的来源问题,提出类化是语法化或词汇化的重要机制之一。第七章全面考察了《祖堂集》反诘问句。认为特指反诘问句中疑问代词及其复合形式来源于不同的时代层次,并有“何曾”、“岂况”等反诘标记。探讨了疑问代词“什摩”的反诘用法,认为现代汉语中疑问代词“什么”丰富多样的反诘用法可上溯到《祖堂集》。探讨了连词“争奈”的来源问题,认为省略和重新分析是“争奈”词汇化的重要机制。认为是非反诘问句倾向于使用反诘标记;反诘格式“岂不闻(道)X?”等来源于汉译佛经。认为新兴的选择反诘问句“VP那作摩?”可能是晚唐五代时期闽语的反映,也是现代汉语选择问句“VP是怎么的?”等的源头。第八章考察了《祖堂集》特殊疑问句。提出并阐明了“糅合式疑问句”、“复句式疑问句”等概念。认为一些疑问句格式如设问句“所以者何?”、“何以故?”等与中古时期汉译佛经有亲缘关系;现代汉语中的一些疑问句格式如招呼问句“你来了?”、附加问句“P,是不是?”等的源头可以上溯到《祖堂集》。第九章全面考察了《祖堂集》疑问句句末语气词。认为新兴的语气词“摩”使用频率最高,用法上要广于现代汉语中的“吗”;相对于庞大的疑问句数量来说,句末使用语气词的还是极少数,且主要集中于数量尚不多的是非询问句。第十章探讨了《祖堂集》疑问句的语用功能。认为询问句基本语用功能是探询,附加语用功能有勘验、启示、规避等;测度问句语用功能较单纯,即要求证实;反诘问句基本语用功能是强化,附加语用功能有责备、提醒、反驳、劝说等。第十一章为余论。总结了《祖堂集》疑问句的三个重要特性:时代特性,地域特性和行业特性。从《祖堂集》疑问句这一视角揭示了禅宗文献与汉译佛经的亲缘关系。从《祖堂集》疑问句等句式出发阐明句式的糅合现象具有普遍性,认为汉语史上很多“奇特”的句式唯有从句式的糅合这一视角才能得到合理而一致的解释。

【Abstract】 This paper used research methods mainly to 3D grammatical theory of syntax, semantics, pragmatics, supplemented by grammaticalization theory, pragmatics theory etc., and combined with research methods of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, synchronic study and diachronic study, statisch deskription and dynamisch interpret. The paper tried to study interrogative sentences in Zu Tang Ji(《祖堂集》) comprehensively, systematically, thoroughly, and to explore the origins, evolution and so on of questions and question category in Zu Tang Ji (《祖堂集》) .The paper is divided into 11 chapters.Chapter 1 is an Introduction. It briefed on the general situation of Zu Tang Ji(《祖堂集》). It explained the research on questions of Zu Tang Ji《(祖堂集》), and the significance of this study and other research methods; focused on questions of classification issues of Zu Tang Ji(《祖堂集》), and constructed the level two classification systems.Chapter 2 inspected specific interrogations in Zu Tang Ji(《祖堂集》) comprehensively. It concluded that interrogative pronouns and composite forms is diverse in specific interrogations of Zu Tang Ji(《祖堂集》), they from a different era levels, and they are rarely used for rhetorical question or other interrogative sentence. Emerging specific interrogation sentence formats, such as“Ru He Shi X?”(如何是X?), are unique grammar format for dhyana sect quotations. Emerging specific interrogations format“NP聻/尼/你?”is the source of interrogative sentence format“NP呢?”in modern Chinese.Chapter 3 studied right-wrong interrogative sentences in Zu Tang Ji(《祖堂集》) comprehensively, which generally marked by interrogative adverb or interrogative mood particle. The chapter focused on the problem of the source of interrogative adverb“Hai”(还), and explained by analogize mechanism.Chapter 4 inspected the positive and negative interrogative sentences, from the perspective it can be seen that Zu Tang Ji(《祖堂集》)have a higher degree of spoken. It included that question format“VP (也)无?”may have geographical characteristics of South in the Late Tang and the Five Dynasties. It focused on the fictionization problem of“Neg”at the end of the format“VPNeg?”.Chapter 5 described alternative question in Zu Tang Ji (《祖堂集》) comprehensively. It concluded that alternative Question tend to turn from the integration of sense to the integration of formal. Association marks“Wei Fu”(为复),“Wei Dang”(为当),“Wei”(为),“Shi”(是) of alternative Question are derived from middle Chinese, and may have translation of Buddhist scriptures.Chapter 6 inspected speculate question in Zu Tang Ji(《祖堂集》)comprehensively which is almost a completely new system. The chapter focused on the fictionization problem of“Neg”at the end of the format“莫(不)VPNeg?”. It discussed on the problem that the source of speculate interrogative adverb is the negative adverbs“Mo”(莫) for deny. It refers to analogize as one of the important mechanism of grammaticalization or lexicalization.Chapter 7 inspected the rhetorical question in Zu Tang Ji (《祖堂集》) comprehensively. It refers that the interrogative pronouns are from different era levels, and it have rhetorical question mark such as“He Ceng”(何曾),“Qi Kuang”(岂况). It inquires into the rhetorical question usage of the interrogative pronouns“Shen Mo”(什摩), and a variety of rhetorical question of the interrogative pronouns“Shen Me”(什么) in modern Chinese can be traced back to Zu Tang Ji(《祖堂集》). It discusses on the source of conjunction“Zheng Nai”(争奈),and considers that omit and reanalysis is important mechanism for its lexicalization. It considers that the right-wrong rhetorical question tends to use the mark; the source of rhetorical question formats such as“Qi Bu Wen Dao X?”(岂不闻道X?) is Buddhist scriptures; emerging that the choice of rhetorical question“VP Na Zuo Mo?”(VP那作摩?) may is a reflection of Min Dialect in the Five Dynasties period, and the source of the choice of rhetorical question formats such as“VP Shi Zen Me De?”( VP是怎么的?) in modern Chinese.Chapter 8 inspected the special question in Zu Tang Ji(《祖堂集》), proposed and explained concepts as amalgamierung question, complex sentence question. It refers that formats as“Suo Yi Zhe He?”(所以者何?),“He Yi Gu?”(何以故?) have translation of Buddhist scriptures in the medieval Chinese; the origin of a number of formats such as“Ni Lai Le?”(你来了?),“P, Shi Bu Shi?”( P,是不是?) can be traced back to Zu Tang Ji(《祖堂集》).Chapter 9 inspected the mood particle at the end of interrogative sentence. The emerging mood particle“Mo”(摩) has the highest frequency and rich usage wider than“Ma”(吗) in Modern Chinese. Compared with so many interrogative sentences, the use of mood particle at the end of question is still very few, and is still focused on right-wrong question which still has a small number of cases.Chapter 10 inspected pragmatic function of question. The basic function of question is to explore, with additional function of inquest, enlightenment, evasion etc. Pragmatic function of speculate question is to request confirmation. The basic pragmatic function of rhetorical question is strengthen, with additional function of blame, remind, refute, persuasion, and so on. The last chapter is the conclusion. It summed up three important characteristics of questions in Zu Tang Ji (《祖堂集》): age characteristics, geographic characteristics and industry characteristics. From the perspective of questions in Zu Tang Ji(《祖堂集》), the paper reveals the translation of dhyana sect literature and Buddhist scriptures. On the basis of the discussion on Zu Tang Ji(《祖堂 集》), the paper reveals that amalgamierung of sentence is a universal phenomenon that many special sentence in Chinese history can only be explained reasonable and consistent from the perspective of it.
