

Study on Intensified and Optimized Land Use in Small Towns

【作者】 王丽洁

【导师】 张玉坤;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 在中国经济快速发展、对"发展小城镇是带动农村经济和社会发展的一个大战略"的深刻认识、国家一系列鼓励小城镇发展的政策出台、社会主义新农村建设不断推进的背景下,小城镇在数量和规模上都得到了飞速发展。然而在小城镇快速发展的背后,由于不合理的土地利用,使原本紧张的人地矛盾更是雪上加霜。一方面我国耕地面积不断减少,土地后备力量不足;另一方面建设用地扩张严重,土地粗放利用不合理现象普遍存在。小城镇土地集约优化利用势在必行,对其研究更是有着极其重要的现实意义。本文以可持续发展理论为指导,从生态学、地理学、经济学、社会学、城市规划学等多学科角度出发,在对小城镇土地集约优化利用一般性问题分析的前提下,着重对个性问题展开深入研究。文章首先在调查分析小城镇土地利用存在问题及阐述土地集约优化利用理论的基础上,对小城镇土地利用存在问题的深层内因、小城镇建设用地扩张动力、土地集约优化影响因素及技术指标等展开系统分析,进而构建不同类型小城镇土地集约优化利用综合评价体系,为小城镇土地集约优化利用研究提供决策依据。其次,提出了利用片区规划、生态规划、动态规划等新的规划方法实现小城镇土地集约优化利用的新思路。然后探讨了城市边缘地区、城镇密集地区和欠发达地区等不同类型小城镇土地集约优化利用对策以及小城镇内部工业用地、居住用地、绿化用地等各类用地的集约优化利用模式。同时在对天津、唐山、张家口市小城镇实地调查与分析的基础上,把新方法与策略运用到实践中,提出三地市小城镇土地集约优化利用途径。最后,文章从保护生态环境景观、继承文化传统、加强城镇体系规划、提高公共参与程度以及小城镇总体规划与土地利用规划的协调五个方面,探讨如何真正实现小城镇土地集约优化利用,为以后的研究工作开启了新的方向。

【Abstract】 With the economy developing quickly and deep understanding about“expanding small towns is the strategy to drive the economy of village and the development of society”, the quantity and scale of small towns develops quickly under the chains of encouraged policies and advancing the new village constructing in socialist state. But, on the back of the small towns’fast development the contradiction between people and land become sharper and sharper because of the unreasonable land use. On one hand, the cultivated area in China is reducing and reserve resource of land is lack; on the other hand, the growth of built-up area is characterized by large scale and the phenomenon of irrational and extensive land use is common. It is necessary to carry out the intensified and optimized land use in small towns. So the study on it becomes more important.Guided by sustainable theory, the research of intensified and optimized land use in small towns is based on many subjects such as ecology, geography, economics, sociology and urban planning. After researching general problems, this dissertation discuss specific problems of the intensified and optimized land use in small towns. Firstly, this dissertation investigates the present situation and descibes the theory of intensified and optimized land use. Then, the paper analyses the deep reasons of the problems in land use in small towns, the growth forces of built-up area, the factors influencing intensified and optimized land use in small towns and some technical indice. In further study, this dissertation builds up the some synthetic evaluation systems of intensified and optimized land use for diverse types of small towns in order to offer decision basis for the study of intensified and optimized land use in small towns. Sccondly, the dissertation puts forward some new methods of planning such as district planning, ecological planning, and dynamic planning to realize intensified and optimized land use in small towns and also points out the tactics and methods of intensified and optimized land use for diverse small towns and diverse land in small towns such as industry land, living land and green land. At the same time, the dissertation puts these new methods and tactics into practice, and puts forward the tactics of intensified and optimized land use for the small towns in three cities: Tianjin, Tangshan and Zhongjiakou by investigating and analyzing. Lastly, this dissertation gives out some creative thoughts. The dissertation studies the ways to realize intensified and optimized land use in small towns by five aspects: protecting ecological environment and landscape, inheriting culture and tradition, strengthening urban system planning, raising the degree of public participation and coordinating master plan of small town and land use planning. This exploration will open a new direction for further research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 07期
  • 【分类号】TU982.29
  • 【被引频次】33
  • 【下载频次】3299
  • 攻读期成果