

【作者】 段晶晶

【导师】 丹珠昂奔;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 藏学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 佛教圣迹是佛教文化中颇具特色的一个层面。佛教为信仰者的宗教实践提供了“圣迹”文化背景,使他们的生活拥有了一种特殊的向心力。佛教圣迹现象在原始佛教时期就已经出现了,但是相对于部派佛教和大乘佛教时期,初期的佛教圣迹崇拜尚不属于繁盛发展的状态,在形式的多样性和崇拜的规模上是有局限的,但是就其性质与功能而言,的确已经具备了与部派佛教和大乘佛教时期之佛教圣迹相一致的意义与作用。至大乘佛教时期,佛教圣迹文化得到了鼓励与发展。大乘佛教教理、发展状态等条件为此时期佛教圣迹文化的发展提供了背景。佛教圣迹文化在大乘佛教兴盛的一段时期(公元4-5世纪左右)在形式与内容上已较成熟。需要特别说明的是,对藏地佛教圣迹产生重大影响的大乘佛教时期印度佛教圣迹文化是同时涵盖大乘层面和密乘层面的。佛教圣迹文化的形成,在于其在社会中形成了以佛教教理为核心的,对生活方式、行为方式、风俗文化等重新进行构造的,为佛教信徒所接受的文化要素和内容——圣迹形式、内容和供养方式。藏传佛教圣迹文化是佛教圣迹文化中的重要组成部分,在研究藏传佛教圣迹的过程中,将大乘佛教的圣迹观念视为背景是有必要的。藏传佛教圣迹文化并非藏地所独创,其基本形制主要是大乘佛教圣迹文化的延续,包括道场圣迹和加持品圣迹两类,其中道场圣迹可分为寺庙和圣地两类,道场圣迹本身不但可视为圣迹,而且还可以成为承载其它圣迹内容的圣迹承载体;加持品圣迹则以“身、语、意三依处”为根本内涵,此外还包括其它一些具“三依处”内涵的加持品形式,如各种具加持之物品与遗迹等。丰富的圣迹形式、圣迹内容与供养形式、供养行为契合在一起,架构出了藏传佛教圣迹在社会文化中的存在模式。藏传佛教圣迹以度化众生之本质,深入于僧侣及在家信徒的生活中,从方方面面影响到藏人的生活风俗和观念,与藏文化达到深度的融合,成为藏文化中一个独具特征的文化层面,即藏传佛教圣迹文化。藏传佛教圣迹文化以藏传佛教教理为基础,以教派发展历史与传承为脉络,逐渐形成了形式和内容丰富的藏传佛教圣迹文化,为藏传佛教度化众生营造出了一个能使理想境界与世俗生活相连接的文化背景。在对早期的藏传佛教圣迹文化现象进行整理的过程中,发现缺少把佛教时期与前佛教时期的圣迹现象严格区分开来的标准。佛教传入藏地之前因观念、历史事迹或物品遗留等因素所形成的圣迹,都有一个为佛教所解读和包容的过程,其最终受到佛教文化的深刻影响是难以避免的。虽然不同宗教存在教理差别,但是由佛教传入所引发的文化融合并不存在鸿沟。藏传佛教圣迹文化就是在这样的文化条件和背景下展开的。依据吐蕃时期佛教发展的不同阶段,可以发现:在松赞干布时期,佛教圣迹的基本架构,包括圣迹的承载体——寺庙、修行处、身、语、意所依及一些加持品等圣迹形式初步形成;在赤松德赞时期,藏传佛教圣迹的体系更为完备。莲花生大师将藏传佛教的圣迹文化体系丰富化并确立下来,寺庙建设、修行圣地建设、伏藏的创立以及加持品圣迹的遗留等等方面呈现出完整的体系,圣迹内容上也展现出了繁盛的景象;在其后的热巴巾时期前后,藏传佛教圣迹文化进一步在供养的方式、圣迹内容上得到了进一步发展。由此,藏地前弘期道场圣迹与身、语、意所依及诸加持品等圣迹形式经历了创立、体系化和发展的过程,逐步增加了圣迹内容的积累,圣迹的供养方式也经历了被逐渐推广的过程。在藏传佛教中有着丰富的佛教供养方式及供养仪轨,这与藏传佛教圣迹供养之间也有紧密联系。佛教圣迹供养是指:以圣迹为中心,为获取圣迹加持而行持的供养行为。针对佛教圣迹所展开的特殊供养形式有一部分是在前弘期形成的,而有一些则明显成熟于后弘期。煨桑、转经轮、玛尼堆、经幡与风马、转绕、涂金、哈达、涂抹白羊毛酥油等圣迹供养方式大约在公元13世纪左右就得以形成了。通过分析后弘期宁玛圣迹的承载体,可以发现涵盖藏传佛教圣迹内容的不同角度——圣地道场角度、寺庙道场角度以及成就者(传承上师)角度,前两者侧重空间的神圣性和加持力,后者则更加侧重教法传承的重要地位。在后弘期及之后,宁玛圣迹文化在发展中展现出三个重要的特点:①体现出以传承上师为中心的教法传播方式;②体现出宁玛派注重圣地修行的特点;③体现出寺庙与圣地结合的建设模式。这三条主要线索为宁玛圣迹文化在后弘期的继续发展提供了一个基本的背景。为此,对三个有代表性的传承进行分析可以展示宁玛圣迹文化的发展状况:其一为三素尔传承;其二为龙钦宁提传承;其三为噶陀传承。目前宁玛圣迹文化的发展特点以噶陀传承的方式为主。宁玛派居士佛教的特征与寺庙地位的逐渐确立过程构成了千余年宁玛圣迹文化演变的主线,且预示着诸圣迹承载体间的地位改变——面对着以成就者为主要承载体的圣迹内容易遗失的特点,道场这一圣迹承载体成为重点。在前弘期及后弘期很长的一段时期内,逐渐建设的宁玛寺庙在形制上更多的是一些崇拜场所,而修行圣地(包括静修院等)才是实践修行的重要道场;直到宁玛发展的中后期,才开始大力建设寺庙道场的讲、修功能,并在规模和稳定发展上获得突破,使得修行处与寺庙之间的圣迹地位发生了变化,寺庙的承载体地位处于了上升的状态。在漫长的历史发展中,宁玛圣迹文化拥有过长时期稳定发展的大趋势。宁玛派在发展过程中与其它派别的矛盾冲突较小,并在圣迹文化的发展上与其它教派保持着互相影响的关系,一些原属宁玛派的圣地道场和寺庙道场的主导权也可能在教派间转移。藏传佛教文化是藏文化的本质与核心,它们之间具有血肉相连的共生性,因此,当前的藏文化不可能脱离佛教文化而自足自立。藏传佛教圣迹文化是藏传佛教文化的组成部分,它经过千余年的社会锤炼,已经从单纯的宗教信仰深层细化为藏民族的生活方式,在藏文化中带有了普遍性。在传承的层面、加持的层面以及福德的层面,藏传佛教圣迹文化对藏文化起到了重要的维系作用。

【Abstract】 Buddhist secret site and sign is one outstanding part of Buddhist culture. As Buddhist adherents perform the religious practice, they find in Buddhism certain cultural environment that contains Buddhist secret site and sign. And this environment has exerted a special centripetal force in their life. The phenomenon of Buddhist secret site and sign worship appeared early at the primitive Buddhism. As far as its nature and function were concerned, the role of primitive Buddhist secret site and sign worship was similar to that at the time of Sectarian Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism, even though it was not so well developed in the primitive period with limited forms and scale.From Sectarian Buddhism to Mahayana Buddhism, Buddhist secret site and sign got encouraged and developed. Mahayana Buddhist doctrines and its prosperity furnished the development of Buddhist secret site and sign culture in this period. At the time when the Mahayana Buddhism was prosperous(about 4-5AC), Buddhist secret site and sign began to get matured in its forms and content. By analyzing Indian Buddhist secret site and sign phenomenon at this period of time, we can classify the Buddhist secret site and sign into different sorts . Here what need to be specially emphasized is that Indian Buddhist secret site and sign culture ( at the time of Mahayana Buddhism ), which profoundly influenced Buddhist secret site and sign of Tibetan area, covered both the layers of Mahayana and Tantrism.Buddhist secret site and sign culture took shape as it had incorporated in society such cultural elements as Buddhist secret site and sign forms, content and supply method. With Buddhist doctrines at the core, these elements recognized Buddhist adherents’ way of life and behavior as well as customs, and found general acceptance among its adherents. Tibetan Buddhist secret site and sign culture is one important component part of Buddhist secret site and sign culture, when we study the Tibetan Buddhist secret site and sign, we ought to put it under the Mahayana Buddhism’s view of Buddhist secret site and sign.Tibetan Buddhist secret site and sign culture is not created originally by Tibetan area. Actually its basic forms are primarily developed from Mahayana Buddhism. These basic forms include bodhimandala secret site and sign and empowerment halidom secret site and sign. The bodhimandala secret site and sign can be classified into two sorts-temples and sacred spaces. Bodhimandala secret site and sign itself is secret site and sign. Furthermore, it can also act as the carrier of other forms of secret site and sign; The trager of body, speech and mind is fundamental of empowerment halidom ,and there are some special kinds of empowerment halidoms and remains too. The various forms and rich content of secret site and sign combing with supply methods and supply actions constructed the living model of Tibetan secret site and sign in the social culture.Based on its essence-delivering all beings from torment, Tibetan Buddhist secret site and sign blended itself into the life of monks and lay Buddhists. Besides, Tibetan Buddhist secret site and sign has deeply influenced the Tibetan’s life style and views and mixed itself with the Tibetan culture. It also becomes a unique layer of Tibetan culture which is called Tibetan Buddhist secret site and sign culture. Taking the doctrines of Tibetan Buddhist as its foundation and the history and lineage as its thread, Tibetan Buddhist secret site and sign is gradually becoming a sort of Tibetan Buddhist secret site and sign culture which is various in forms and rich in content. Tibetan Buddhist secret site and sign culture produced a culture environment for the Tibetan Buddhism to deliver all beings from torment and under this culture environment dream world is able to be connected with the earth life.During the process of studying early Tibetan Buddhist secret site and sign culture, we find that there was no strict standard used to differ the secret site and sign phenomenon at the time of Buddhism from that at the time of pre-Buddhism. Before Buddhism was introduced to Tibet, secret site and sign which formed from the character of idea, history stories and articles remains, had gone through a process deciphered and involved by Buddhism. Ultimately, the secret site and sign was profound influenced by Buddhist culture inevitably. The culture integration which was started by the introduction of Buddhism was logical, although there are different doctrine between religions. Tibetan Buddhist secret site and sign culture developed on these couture conditions and social background.According to the different stages of Buddhism’s development, we can find the followings: at the period of stong-btsan-sgam-po, the basic structure of Buddhist secret site and sign including the carriers of secret site and sign, such as temples, the tragers of Body, Speech and Mind, and the empowerment halidom got their early forms; at the time of Khri-srong-lde-btsan, the system of Buddhist secret site and sign became matured and completed; Later, Padmasambhava enriched and set the secret site and sign culture system of Tibetan Buddhism. And during the time of Padmasambhava the matured systems can be found in different aspects, such as in construction of temples and scared spaces for meditation training, creation of Terma and remaining of the empowerment halidom secret site and sign. The content of secret site and sign also got enriched at this time; After the time of Padmasambhava, at the period of Khri-gtsug-lde-btsan, Tibetan Buddhist culture got further development in the supply method and the content of secret site and sign. For this reason, during the period of the first dissemination of Tibetan Buddhism, the secret site and sign as bodhimandala ,the tragers of Body, Speech and Mind, kinds of empowerment halidom have witnessed the process of establishment, systematization and development, increased the quantity of the content of secret site and sign, and the supply methods of secret site and sign have been witnessed the process of becoming more widespread gradually.In the Tibetan Buddhism there are various Buddhism supply methods and supply rituals which have a close relationship with the action of Tibetan Buddhist secret site and sign supply. The supply of Buddhism secret site and sign means a certain kind of supply actions , treating secret site and sign as the centre and acting for the secret site and sign’s empowerment. Some of supply methods for Buddhism secret site and sign formed during the first dissemination period, others formed during the second dissemination period. the forming procession completed before 13AC.A study on the carriers of Nyingma secret site and sign during the second dissemination of Buddhism tells the three aspects covered in Tibetan Buddhism secret site and sign activity, that is, sacred spaces, temples, and lineage masters. The first two put special emphasis on divinity and empowerment of space , while the last one focuses on religion lineage. Nyingma secret site and sign cultural has taken on three main features since the second dissemination of Buddhism:Firstly, it spreads religion with lineage masters as the main conductors to do missionary work. Secondly, it puts special emphasis on practicing Buddhism in sacred spaces.Thirdly, it is constructed in a mode that temples integrate with scared spaces.The three main features mentioned above form the basic environment for the subsequent development of Nyingma secret site and sign culture in the second dissemination of Buddhism. In view of this situation, the development of Nyingma secret site and sign culture can be learned through an analysis of its three representative ways of lineage: Zur-gsum、Longchen-snying-thig and Ka-thog. At present, Ka-thog plays a main role on the development of Nyingma secret site and sign culture.The features of Kulapati Buddhism of Nyingma and the gradual reinforcement of temples’ position have threaded the development of Nyingma secret site and sign culture for thousands of years, which also forebodes a shift of positions among the secret site and sign culture carriers: as secret site and sign culture is easily lost with lineage masters as its main carrier. Buddhist rites have established a clear superiority. For quite some time in the second dissemination of Tibetan Buddhism as well as the first dissemination , Nyingma temples were originally built more as places for worship in form, while sacred spaces, including monasteries, were the main sites to practice Buddhism. It was not until Nyingma developed to its middle period that temples began to enhance their functions in preaching and practicing Buddhism, and temples also made a breakthrough in their scale as well as steady development. This lead to a shift of carriers’ positions between sacred spaces and temples , with that of temples taking on the superiority.As time passes by, Nyingma secret site and sign culture has enjoyed long years of steady development. In this process of steady development, there is little conflict between Nyingma and other branches. The various branches affect one another in developing secret site and sign culture. The ownership of sacred spaces and temples which originally belong to Nyingma may also be transferred to other branches .Tibetan Buddhist culture is the essence and core to Tibetan culture. The two maintain flesh-and-blood ties with each other due to their intergrowth. Consequently, the present Tibetan culture can never separate itself from Buddhist culture. the culture of Tibetan Buddhist secret site and sign is a component part of Tibetan Buddhist culture. Through thousands of years’ refinement in society, the culture of Tibetan Buddhist secret site and sign has evolved from a mere religious belief into a way of life for Tibetan people. With respect to its lineage, empowerment as well as merit, Tibetan Buddhist secret site and sign culture has played an important role in maintaining Tibetan culture.
