

【作者】 张苗苗

【导师】 滕星;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 少数民族教育, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 本文是在参加中央民族大学“985工程”、中国少数民族语言文化教育与边疆史地研究哲学社会科学创新基地、教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地—中国少数民族研究中心的重大项目《中国少数民族新创文字在教育教学中应用状况及存在问题的调查研究》(壮族部分)的基础上完成的。目前我们正处于社会的转型期中,在知识经济的宏观背景下,教育设置除了遵循自身的社会责任之外,还顺应了市场需求与人才需求的双重规律进行自身调整以便与社会发展同步。然而这个过程给壮文教育和其他民族文字教育的发展除了带来动力,还带来了一种难以诉说的隐痛。在这个变迁的社会中,民族语文教育事业经历了怎样的发展历程,它将如何继续生存,民族学校将如何调整,怎样能够更好发展,教育如何继续其民族文化传承的责任,在主流文化和社会压力的冲击之下,学校能否在传承主流文化和民族文化之间找到一种平衡的发展之路?当今世界,文化的发展呈现开放性和多元化的发展趋势,文化的发展选择了教育,同时教育也执行着选择文化的功能。学校作为教育的主要机构,直接承担着这一系列的责任。因此笔者特地在研究中选取广西壮文学校作为个案研究,以期能够更好的考察学校在民族文化的传承,选择和适应过程中的功能和作用。本研究通过广西壮文教育五十年来发展历程的回顾,以及对广西壮文学校的个案研究,围绕以下问题进行讨论:全面回顾、整理广西壮文教育五十年来的发展历程,以及社会的变迁对其发展产生了什么样的影响?这种影响又是如何产生的?以市场为导向后,民族学校是如何调整自身结构和发展方向以适应社会发展的?在主流文化的冲击下,学校如何能够完成其传承民族语言与文字的责任?民族学校对社会变迁的应对与选择,对民族教育有何启示?学校教育在保留文化多样性、传承民族文化的过程中应担负起什么样的责任?在当前情况下,如何发展、普及壮文教育?论文主要分为以下六个部分:第一章导论部分主要说明本课题研究的背景及选题的价值与意义,介绍壮族语言和新创文字的历史概况,在阐述本研究的理论范式和方法论的同时界定了本文研究的主要概念,并附有本课题研究的详细的文献综述。第二章主要介绍了壮族及其语言文字的概况,对广西地理及民族分布、壮族源流、广西壮族人口分布和语言分布情况、多语和双语掌握情况和壮族文字发展情况进行了简要的介绍。第三章主要描述了广西壮文教育发展现状及田野调查情况。首先回顾了五十多年来,新创壮文的推行与发展历史,尤其研究了20世纪80年代后新创壮文在学校教育中的发展情况。其次,针对新创壮文在教育教学中的应用现状对几所壮文实验小学所在的田野点进行了调查,发放了教师、学生和入户问卷,讨论了目前新创壮文在学校教育中的所起的作用,新创壮文在扫盲教育中的所起的作用,并提出了目前广西壮汉双语教学中存在的主要问题及对策。第四章运用布迪厄的场域及文化资本理论为视角,以广西壮文学校为个案,研究了社会变迁下的广西壮文教育发展。首先对广西壮文学校五十年的发展历程进行了整理,分析了其所处的政治、经济、文化场域,即影响壮文教育发展的社会环境因素。然后运用文化资本理论透视了广西壮文学校毕业生的个人生活境遇与壮文教育发展之间的关系。第五章对壮文教育的前景进行了分析。首先讨论了推广壮文教育的现实意义;然后分析了目前推广壮文教育的消极因素,结合田野调查结果,分析了民委部门、教育部门、政府其他部门、教师、学生、家长等对壮文前景的看法;最后结合多元整合教育理论带来的启示,提出民族教育应担负起文化传承的责任,以开发以壮文教育为内容的校本课程为壮文教育的发展铺就普及发展之路。第六章是本文的主要结论和下一步要深入研究的方向。

【Abstract】 The dissertation is based on the participation in the project of ’Investigation and Research on the Current Use and Problems of New-created Writing System for Ethnic Minorities in Teaching and Education in China’, and take charge of the investigation and research on current use of new-created writings of Zhuang ethnic minorities in schooling and eliminating illiteracy education in Guangxi.Our society is changing greatly now, on the background of knowledge economy , education structure has to not only take the its own society responsibility ,but also develop with the market economy. However, this process brings motivity and pressure to the education of characters of ethnic minority. How does the education of characters of ethnic minority develop in this changing society? How do schools of ethnic minority survive? And how can the education take its responsibility of developing culture of ethnic minority?Today, multi-culture is accepted by more people. The development of culture chooses education, and the education is also the executive which choose the culture. As the main organization of education, schools take the direct responsibility. So the author chooses the Ethnic Minority School of Guangxi as a case to study the foundation of schools in developing culture for ethnic minority students. The dissertation is trying to make historical review and summary on the above the new-created writing system used in schooling and eliminating illiteracy education in Guangxi and takes the Ethnic Minority School of Guangxi as a case study. The author tried to answer these questions: How does the changing society affluent education of new-created writing system in Guangxi? How does the school of ethnic minority develop and change with the market economic? How does the schools take its responsibility in developing the culture of ethnic minority? How can we develop the education of new-created writing system in Guangxi?The contents of this dissertation contain six chapters:Chapter One is introduction, in which the author discussed the origin and aim, background, research value and significance, research literature summary, theory structure and methodology, concepts analysis and definition.Chapter Two makes a brief introduction of the population, tradition, language use, characters, culture and history of Zhuang ethnic minority.Chapter Three reviews and summarizes the achievement, experience and lessons encircling the Zhuang new-created writing system, to present the function and significance of the new-created writing system. Makes a detailed fieldwork by virtue of varies of research methods such as literature, questionnaire, interview, observation participated, case study etc, and achieved the first-hand original data. Makes a current research on the new-created writing system used in schooling and eliminating illiteracy education through fieldwork, and makes an attributive analysis on the development trouble of teaching of new-created writing system, and gives some advice.Chapter Four takes the Ethnic Minority School of Guangxi as a case study. The author uses the field and the culture capital theory of Bourdieu to analyze the developing of Zhuang new-created writing system in changing society.Chapter Five analyzes the future of education of Zhuang new-created writing system; the existing significance and needs of new-created writing system data; analyzes the factors of affecting and limiting the development of new-created writing system for the above three ethnic minorities. And the author has the opinion that the school courses can be an efficient way in developing the Zhuang new-created writing system.Chapter Six is the part of conclusion, research contribution and the author’s research plan in the future.
