

Study on Community-based Forest Eco-tourism in Wuyishan Nature Reserve

【作者】 郭进辉

【导师】 孙玉军;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林经理学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 我国森林旅游业始于20世纪80年代初期,虽然起步较晚却发展迅速。随着人们生活水平的提高与生态意识的觉醒,森林旅游正逐步向森林生态旅游发展。我国以森林生态系统为主要保护对象的自然保护区具备开展森林生态旅游天然优势。自然保护区开展森林生态旅游,不但可以缓解了自身保护经费不足的局面,还可以促进当地社区的发展,缓解当地居民因资源利用受限而产生的负面影响。然而,国内外学者的调查表明,生态旅游的利益绝大部分流向了旅游企业,而社区居民从生态旅游受益很少,甚至有的社区与旅游企业因生态旅游利益问题发生了冲突。基于我国自然保护区开展森林生态旅游存在的问题,本研究以武夷山国家级自然保护区为研究对象,采用文献研究、深入访谈、案例研究和问卷调查,通过实地资源勘查、社区走访,野外数据统计分析等方法,从社区参与的角度,研究森林生态旅游的开发、经营与利益分配等主要问题,得出如下主要研究成果:(1)对武夷山自然保护区森林生态旅游资源进行重新勘察、定量评价、分类,解决了原有生态旅游资源不清晰问题;结合保护区森林生态旅游发展现状,提出了大众型森林生态旅游、过渡型森林生态旅游与高级森林生态旅游并存的森林生态旅游产品开发模式。(2)通过对武夷山自然保护区森林生态旅游经营模式存在的问题,以及森林生态旅游经营中的主要利益相关者的深入分析,提出了武夷山自然保护区的经营与利益分配模式:基于社区的多元股份制共同经营生态旅游资源;以社区个体为主体、保护区参与共同开发社区旅游餐饮住宿业;旅游商品加工业以引进外来公司为主、社区参与经营的模式;提出了以社区股份合作制分配为主,提取生态补偿金,其他个人收益分配相结合的森林生态旅游利益多元分配模式。(3)从社区居民角度研究生态旅游产生的影响,以武夷山自然保护区社区居民为对象进行问卷调查,结果表明社区居民对森林生态旅游产生的社会、经济、环境影响感知明显。进一步分析表明社区居民不同性别、年龄、职业、教育程度、收入水平都对旅游感知存在差异。模糊聚类结果表明生态旅游积极支持者主要是具有初、高中文化的中青年人;而高收入、高学历者往往是理性支持者;低收入、文化程度较低的农民、老年人由于没有机会参与成为主要的漠然主义者。(4)鉴于国内生态旅游评价体系较少关注社区利益,本文选用动态、可监测的指标,构建了基于社区的森林生态旅游动态评价体系;并结合武夷山自然保护区进行实证评价,结果表明武夷山自然保护区森林生态旅游处于可持续发展状态,其中资源效益优势明显,社区参与效果较好,生态旅游经济效益不够理想,森林生态旅游整体上还有较大改进空间。本研究从社区角度对森林生态旅游经营的关键环节进行系统探讨,旨在为我国森林生态旅游开发与经营提供理论指导与实践参考,使之既发挥应有的旅游经济效益,又能兼顾生态效益与社区利益,最终实现我国森林生态旅游健康持续发展。

【Abstract】 Forest eco-tourism industry emerged in the early 1980s in China, nearly 20 years later than in the developed countries but with a rapid development. It is estimated that the number of forest tourists in China will reach 400,000,000 people till 2020.With the excellent natural resources, nature reserve becomes a good base to carry out forest eco-tourism. According to the survey, 82 out of 100 provincial-level nature reserves have carried out tourism programs. Eco-tourism not only provided part of fund for conservancy, but also promoted the development of local communities. However, the survey about the eco-tourism income distribution by The International Eco-tourism Society (TIES) indicated that local residents have benefited little in tourism.Considering the above problems in the operation of forest eco-tourism in nature reserve, some researches were carried out in Wuyishan National Nature Reserve (WYS N.R.), which is typical in china, with Many methods used, such as the literature research, residents interviews, case studies, and statistics analysis. The major achievements are as follows:(1) A thorough research, quantitative evaluation and classification of tourist resources was carried out in WYS N.R. Regarding to the development of forest eco-tourism in china, a public forest eco-tourism products, transitional forest eco-tourism products and advanced forest eco-tourism products were designed. Eco-tourism space layout was planned again which concerned more on the community interests.(2) On the basis of the main stakeholders, the existing problems about business investment model and benefits distribution model in forest eco-tourism in WYS N.R., new business model was suggested: multi-joint-stock cooperative enterprise operates the forest eco-tourist resources, the formation of individual communities operate tourist catering and accommodation, and foreign companies carry out the tourism product development with participation of community residents. The reasonable benefits distribution model should be composed of incomes of joint-stock cooperative benefit, ecological compensation and other personal income.(3) In order to make sure community residents’ perception of eco-tourism in WYS N.R Likert-style questionnaire were designed and carried out. survey showed that residents of the different sex, age, occupation, education level, income levels have different perceptions on forest eco-tourism. Results of the fuzzy clustering showed that active supporters are mostly made of the young people with middle high school education; and high-income, highly educated people tend to support with the rational attitude, low-income and poorly educated farmers and the elderly keep indifferent toward to eco-tourism for short of opportunity to take part in.(4) The dynamic assessment system of community-based forest eco-tourism were established, and the evaluation criteria were built. Example test of the system showed that WYS N.R. is still at the mid-level stage of the Sustainable development in forest eco-tourism, with the obvious advantages of tourist resources, but short of community participation, which will make great improvement in the future.The key problems during the operation of forest eco-tourism in WYS N.R were investigated and discussed in the study. Results of study provide reverences for the operation of forest eco-tourism, and finally contribute to the sustainable of forest eco-tourism in nature reserves.
