

Study on the System Reform and Sustainable Development of the State-owned Forest Farms in China in New Period

【作者】 王自力

【导师】 翟中齐;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 国有林场是以生态公益林管护为主要经营内容的基层林业单位,在发展过程中取得了巨大的成就,是我国生态安全的重要屏障,重要的后备森林资源基地和木材生产基地,国有林场的可持续发展对于我国生态、经济和社会实现协调、永续发展具有重要意义。但是近年来,国有林场面临严峻的危困局面。国有林场问题,已经和正在影响到国有林场有效开展森林保护和营林工作,影响到实现林业建设的跨越式发展,影响到我国生态、社会的全面协调、可持续发展,与新时期林业发展形势不相适应。目前我国政府正积极推动事业单位的分类改革,国有林场面临着严峻的发展战略选择的问题。该文首先系统归纳了国有林场改革与可持续发展研究中涉及的主要经济和管理理论,探讨了研究中可能使用的相关概念,综述了相关研究进展。为了深入了解和掌握国有林场改革和发展的实际情况,选择广东省肇庆市国有林业总场的北岭山国有林场和大水口国有林场、辽宁省通远堡国有林场和湖北省太子山林管局的仙女国有林场等4个国有林场作为典型案例的研究对象,进行了全面调查,为本研究奠定了比较坚实的理论和实践基础。在我国国有林场发展现状部分,该文介绍了我国国有林场建设成就,总结了国有林场的重要地位和作用,指出了我国国有林场发展面临严重的危困局面,探讨了我国国有林场普遍存在的困难与问题,介绍了我国政府、林业主管部门对国有林场改革和发展的重要举措和部分地区对国有林场改革和发展的举措和成效。在我国国有林场改革与发展分析和比较研究部分,该文通过研究国有林场改革历程,分析国有林场的宏观管理体制和微观运行机制,借鉴国外国有林业管理与经营体制经验,比较分析国有林场与集体林场、私营林场成效,研究优秀国有林场经营与管理经验,认为国有林场体制不顺、动力不足是制约国有林场可持续发展的主要原因。该文对影响我国国有林场可持续发展的自然因素、社会因素、政策因素等外部因素,和资本、资源、人员、技术等等内部因素,以及国有林场自身性质与定位、管理体制、经营机制等体制因素进行了分析,运用利益相关者理论构建了国有林场改革的利益相关者分析框架,通过确定利益相关者的位置和国有林场改革对主要利益相关者的影响来构建国有林场改革动力。该文对国有林场的性质和现行管理体制进行了分析,认为国有林林场事业化管理体制和经营机制是制约国有林场可持续发展的重要原因。针对目前国有林林场事业化的观点和趋向,该文提出生态建设不是国有林场事业化的理由,多元化发展混业经营使国有林场难以事业化,国有林场事业化面临诸多体制难题,进而提出企业化才是国有林场改革与发展的方向。由于国有林场复杂多样,不可能只存在一种改革和发展模式,该文分析了我国国有林场体制改革与发展可供选择的模式,并提出了生态经营型林场的概念。该文在构建国有林场可持续发展的动力系统基础上,对于事业型国有林场、企业型国有林场、民营化国有林场3种类型的国有林场进行了管理体制和经营机制构建,并分析了不同区域条件下的国有林场可持续发展的模式选择和总体推进战略。国有林场体制改革与发展,是一个工作点多、牵扯面广、政策性强、极其复杂的社会工程,不是一蹴而就、一步到位的,有个很长的历史过程,也必定是艰难的、复杂的,尤其是国有林场企业化改革,更会遇到利益相关者的重重阻力。除了大力宣传,使政府和社会充分认识国有林场的改革意义,进一步解放思想,消除内部改革阻力以外,还需要有足够的改革与发展的外部条件。该文阐述了国有林场改革与发展的外部条件,如林业部门需要进行的林场分类经营改革、林业行政管理制度改革、林地林权制度改革等,以及各级政府需要进行的社会保障体系改革、财政政策改革等。该文提出应统一国有林场隶属关系,理顺国有林场管理体制,各级政府应承担起对生态公益林而不是国有林场的出资职能,切实解决国有林场的历史负担问题,完善社会保障体系,积极运用市场化手段构建国有林场的可持续发展机制。

【Abstract】 The state-owned forest farms are the basic forest units to run the ecological forest in China. They have got great achievement in half a century, become an important base of safeguarding ecological security, offering forest resource in support and producing woods. The state-owned forest farms play a key role in unisonous and sustainable development of the environment, economy and society in China, but face a dangerous and difficult situation in recent years. The problems of the state-owned forest farms are affecting the effective forest protection and planting, and the all-around sustainable development of the environment and society, far from the demand of forest development in new period. Now the government is reforming the public institutions according to the different sorts, the state-owned forest farms face the choice of development strategy.At first, this thesis sums up systematically the main economics and management theories relating to the reform and sustainable development of the state-owned forest farms. Then it discusses some conceptions in the study, and summarizes the progress in research. Based on the abundant provision of theories, some typical state-owned forest farms are chose to investigate all-sided for realizing and holding deeply the practice of the reform and development of the state-owned forest farms. All these set up a steady foundation in theory and practice.In the part of the development status of the state-owned forest farms in China, this thesis introduces the achievement which the state-owned forest farms gained, sums up the important position and function, points out the dangerous and difficult situation faced now, probes into the difficulties and problems lying in the state-owned forest farms, summarizing the important acts of the government and the forestry administer department, and the effect of the reform of the state-owned forest farms in some area.In the study on the reform and development of the state-owned forest farms, this thesis reviews the reform course of the state-owned forest farms, analyzes the administering mechanism and management system, borrows ideas from the administering and management experience of foreign state-owned forest, compares with collective and private forest farms, works over the management experience of fine state-owned forest farms. It thinks that the ill-suited system and the lack of driving power is the key reason which restricts the state-owned forest farms to achieve sustainable development.This thesis analyzes the exterior factors in nature, society and policy, then the interior factors in capital, resource, personnel and technique, and the system factors in character, administering mechanism and management system, builds up the analysis frame of the stakeholders analysis in the reform of the state-owned forest farms, farther builds up the driving power of reform by making sure the position of the stakeholders and the influence of reform to the stakeholders.This thesis analyzes the character of state-owned forest farms and actual administering mechanism of them, thinks that the administering mechanism and the management system turning to public institutions is an important factor that restricts the sustainable development of state-owned forest farms. Aim at the viewpoint and trend that state-owned forest farms turning into public institutions, this thesis brings forward that ecological construction is not a reason of state-owned forest farms turning into public institutions, the mixed management makes it difficult to turn state-owned forest farms into public institutions, and turning state-owned forest farms into public institutions faces some puzzle in system. So turning state-owned forest farms into enterprise should be the reform way of state-owned forest farms. Because of multiplicity and complexity, it is impossible that there is only one reform and development model, so this thesis studies the different models which may be chosen, and brings forward the new concept of ecological-management farm. Based on the setting up the system of driving power for sustainable development, this thesis builds up the administering mechanisms and the management systems for the state-owned forest farms which turn to public institutions, turn to enterprises, or turn to privatization, and brings forward the strategy of model choice and whole advance progress.The reform and development of state-owned forest farms is a complicated and difficult social system work which involves large numbers of places and aspects, so it can not be achieved in one step, and need a long historical course. Especially, the state-owned forest farm turning to enterprise will meet resistances ring upon ring of the stakeholders. Besides make knowledge of the reform energetically to make the government and society wake up to the significance of the reform, free ideology more to remove the inner resistances, the exterior condition of reform and development for state-owned forest farms should be afforded adequately. This thesis sets forth the exterior condition of reform and development for state-owned forest farms, for example, the reform of forest farm classified management, the reform of forest administering mechanism, the reform of woodland and the property, which should be pushed by the forestry administer department, then the reform of social security, the reform of financial policies, and so on, which should be pushed by the government. This thesis brings forward that the state-owned forest farms should be subjected to the forest department in one level, different government should pay the compensation for ecological forest but not the state-owned forest farms, solve actually the historical burden of the state-owned forest farms, and construct actively the sustaining development mechanism of state-owned forest farms with market measures.
