

Impacts and Evaluation of Wildlife Recreation

【作者】 王红英

【导师】 刘俊昌; 公培臣;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 野生动物资源是重要的经济与生态资源及战略资源,是人类生产活动重要的物质基础。国内外对野生动物资源的利用,除了实物资源的消耗性经济利用之外,以野生动物为对象的休闲旅游活动也是一个重要组成部分。我国有着丰富的野生动物资源,包括生态观鸟在内的以野生动物为对象休闲旅游活动日益兴起。如何系统和深入认识我国以野生动物为对象的休闲旅游活动及其规律,是人们所关注的研究课题,开展该领域的研究无疑具有重要的理论和实际意义。本论文运用可持续发展和生态旅游理论、休闲理论及价值评价等理论,通过大量问卷调查,结合计量经济和多元统计方法,对以野生动物为对象的休闲旅游活动进行了深入、系统的分析。首先较为系统地认识我国以野生动物为对象的休闲旅游活动的现状、剖析存在的问题;其次是结合鄱阳湖的吴城自然保护区和象山公园生态观鸟旅游的典型案例,具体分析了以野生动物为对象的休闲旅游活动对经济、社会和生态所产生的影响,以及影响以野生动物为对象的休闲旅游活动的因素;再是对该休闲旅游活动的休闲旅游价值与生态旅游环境承载力进行了评价。本文研究成果主要体现在:(1)本文通过座谈、调查问卷,结合相关理论和统计分析方法,运用Binary Logistic回归模型,对生态观鸟旅游产生的影响进行了分析,研究认为我国包括生态观鸟旅游在内的野生动物为对象的休闲旅游规模较小,还处于旅游发展的探索和导入期,其所产生的经济、社会和生态影响较小。(2)本文拓展运用TCM方法,提出了估算生态观鸟旅游价值方法,并估算2007年鄱阳湖象山森林公园观鸟旅游价值为2千多万元。同时对生态观鸟旅游环境承载力进行了分析,研究表明,象山森林公园的观鸟设施成为该旅游景点的旅游环境承载力限制性因素。(3)本文通过对生态观鸟者的典型调查,对观鸟者的特征进行了研究,总结了我国生态观鸟者的群体特征,这将为我国生态观鸟旅游客源市场开发提供分析资料。(4)论文提出了观鸟旅游影响因素的指标体系,结合层次分析法的有效运用,分析了影响生态观鸟旅游的主次要因素,研究认为旅游资源、野生动物保护和管理及生态观鸟旅游者的特征是影响生态观鸟旅游的主要因素,这部分研究将为我国生态观鸟旅游可持续发展提供决策分析资料。(5)论文对我国的野生动物休闲旅游基本情况及其问题进行了总体性的透视和分析,首次利用相关文献和统计资料估算出我国部分野生动物观赏景点开展休闲旅游的游客人数和收入,为了解我国野生动物休闲旅游总体规模提供了认识的依据。(6)结合案例和相关研究成果,对鄱阳湖生态观鸟旅游开发、管理提出了相应的对策与建议。

【Abstract】 Wildlife resources is important economic and ecological resources as well as strategy resources, and is the important material basic of human productivity. The utilization of wildlife resources also includes the important parts of the wildlife recreation besides the consumptive economic utilization of material resources at home and abroad. There are very rich and diversified wildlife resources in our country, the wildlife recreation included birdwatching ecotourism is gradually becoming fashion style of tourism. It is a focused topics for people how to analyze the tourism activity of the wildlife recreation and to probe the rule, and it is significant theoretically and in practice to study on the wildlife recreation.This paper uses sustainable development and ecotourism theories, recreation theories and consumer behavior theories, uses the methods of econometrics and the multivariate statistics, and uses lots of the questionnaires, to have a in-depth and systematic analysis on the wildlife recreations. Firstly the situation of the wildlife recreation in China is recognized roundly and the problems are analyzed and discussed deeply . Secondly the impacts of the wildlife recreation on local economy, society and ecological environment are analyzed in detail, and the factors which have impacts on the wildlife recreation are analyzed in detail with a typical case study of birdwatching ecotourism at Wu Cheng natural reserve and Xiangshan forest park in Po Yang Lake areas. Thirdly, the ecotourism value and the environmental carrying capacity of the wildlife recreation is evaluated.The main researches results are that: (1) This paper uses Binary Logistic model with the relative theories and statistics method by the face to face investigation and the questionnaire, to analyze the impacts of birdwatching ecotourism on the economy and society and ecological environment. The findings are that the size of the wildlife recreation included birdwatching ecotourism in China is small. The wildlife recreation is at the stage of infant period and the introduce period, and have a slight impacts on the economy and society and ecological environment. (2) TCM is extended and used to set up a method of assessing the value of the birdwatching ecotourism. The value of the birdwatching recreation at the Xiangshan forest park in Po Yang lake areas in 2007, is valuated as more than 20 million Renminbi yuan by using the method. Meanwhile the carrying capacity of the birdwatching ecotourism at xiangshan forest park is analyzed, the findings is that the infrastructure of watching birds in the park is key restricted factor. (3) This paper analyzes the characteristics of the birder by the typical case study of birdwatching ecotourism, and summary the group characteristics of the birders. The findings will provide some information to develop the birder market of birdwatching ecotourism in China. (4) This paper provides the index system of factors impacted on the birdwatching ecotourism, and analyze the main and the minor factors of having an impacts on the birdwatching ecotourism by using effectively the analytic hierarchy process. the conclusion is that the factors such as the wildlife resources, protection of the wildlife and the characteristics of the birders are the mainfactors which have an impacts on the birdwatching ecotourism.

【关键词】 野生动物休闲旅游鄱阳湖观鸟评价
【Key words】 wildliferecreation tourismPo Yang lakebirdwatchingvaluation
  • 【分类号】F592;F224
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1675
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