

Research on the Mechanism of the Mode of Transportation to the Pattern of Suburbanization

【作者】 陈和

【导师】 赵坚;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 产业经济学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 聚集与分散是城市化历程前后相继的两个阶段。以人口、工业、服务业、办工业等从大城市中心区向郊区迁移为表现的城市郊区化,是城市空间成长的一种必然过程。如果没有城市空间结构的这种离心扩散过程,就不可能诞生现代的大城市。对城市现实问题的关注,无法回避城市郊区化现象。论文以城市土地利用和交通发展的密切联系是城市空间扩展变化的根据与条件为理论线索,研究交通方式对城市郊区化模式的作用机制问题。交通方式导致的可达性的改变对土地开发利用强度的影响,决定并强化了城市空间形态,城市空间形态在很大程度上是交通方式和土地利用模式相互作用的结果。微观个体(厂商、居民)因交通方式进步降低了交通成本而不断进行的再区位过程,促使了城市空间的分散扩展,交通成本扮演了城市分散因子的角色。在交通方式对城市空间形态的决定和强化作用以及城市交通的廊道效应等影响下,主要交通方式决定了不同国家和地区城市郊区化模式的差异。因应不同的主要交通方式,在当代,已完成城市郊区化的发达国家,形成了蔓延式郊区化和新城模式郊区化两种典型模式。以美国为代表的小汽车导向的蔓延式郊区化,使城市空间在一个广阔的地域内低密度延伸,成为一种不可持续的城市发展模式。而以法国、日本等为代表的通过轨道交通导向的建设郊区新城来疏散中心城市功能的规划实践,则是一种城市空间扩展的崭新思路。在比较研究的基础上,论文认为以公共交通为导向,建设郊区新城,构建多中心组团式的城市空间结构,是国情约束条件下中国大城市郊区化的理性模式选择。呈现在人们面前的郊区化现象,是交通因素在一个连续的时间过程中作用于城市空间的结果,基于交通因素的城市郊区化研究打破了人们审视城市空间的“中心城市——城市郊区”的二元结构思维,把城市的发展置于区域基础之上。这是对城市空间组织体系运动规律的正确认识与把握。

【Abstract】 The agglomeration and dispersion is the succession of two stages in the urbanization process. As a performance that population, industry, services and office move from the major city centres to the suburbs, suburbanization is an inevitable process of urban growth. If there is no this kind of centrifugal proliferation, the modern major cities can’t exist. Once we have concern about urban practical issues, we can’t evade suburbanization.In terms of close relationship between urban land-use and transport development, the dissertation studies the mechanism of the mode of transportation to the pattern of suburbanization. The accessibility affecting by the mode of transportation changes the intensity of land development, and strengthen the form of urban space, the form of urban space is the results of interaction between the mode of transportation and the pattern of land-use. By reason of the transport cost reduced by traffic progresses, micro-individuals’ (manufacturers, residents) process of re-location has affect the dispersion of the urban spatial structure, and transport cost plays a role of dispersion factor. Under the influence of both the role of determining as well as strengthening to the form of urban space by mode of transportation and the effects of urban transport corridor, major mode of transportation determines different pattern of suburbanization.Because of the different major mode of transportation, nowadays, there are two typical patterns of suburbanization in developed countries: suburban sprawl and suburban new towns. The dissertation considers that the auto-oriented suburbanization represented by the United States is not a model of sustainable development. And the planning practice of rail transit-oriented building of suburban new towns represented by France, Japan and others is a new idea of urban expansion.On the basis of comparison, the dissertation agrees it is the rational choice of suburbanization of major cities in China to build public transport-oriented suburban new towns and construct multi-centre groups of urban spatial structure.The phenomenon of suburbanization is a result traffic factor affects urban space continuously. The study based on traffic factor for suburbanization breakspeople’s thinking about "central cities------suburbs" dual structure of urban space, itmakes people develop city on the basis of region. This is the correct understanding about system of urban spatial structure.

  • 【分类号】F299.2;F572
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1181
  • 攻读期成果