

Constitutional Monarchy in the Late Qing: Conception and Practice

【作者】 孙德鹏

【导师】 王人博;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 君主立宪与革命是清末的两大话语系统和救亡运动。士大夫阶层倡言君主立宪制,主张渐进式的改良,而革命则以全国的民众相号召,其目的则是实现绝然不同于君主立宪制的民主制。本文主要从中国的传统入手,探寻君主立宪话语中宪法概念的思想渊源。经过长期的争论,清政府终于在1906年宣布进行立宪改革,采用君主立宪制度。在慈禧统治的末期,清廷颁布了《宪法大纲》,对于宪法的态度是“大权统于朝廷,庶政公诸舆论”,因此,宪法要发挥使“君民一体,上下相通”团结功能。在清末的君主立宪话语中,宪法、代议制政府、中央与地方的关系、地方自治等问题都被广泛讨论,在帝国的体制内部,人们相信,在制定宪法和实现“政治现代化”的过程中,如何界定皇权的地位至关重要。在面对宪法问题时,无论是朝廷内部的官员,还是专制皇权的批评者,都是在承认儒家的民本思想和圣王地位的前提下展开讨论的。西方在清末的变法运动中确实扮演着重要的角色,但制度构建的主要方面依然是儒家式的,相应地,宪法概念的思想渊源也主要来源于儒家的民本资源和圣王传统。

【Abstract】 During the late Qing period,advocates of democracy in China were divided into two groups,the Revolutionaries,and the Constitutionalists. Though the two groups were equally committed to securing democracy for China,their ideas about how to achieve this goal differed greatly.From the perspective of the Confucian social tradition,focusing on the discourse of Constitution monarchy,this dissertation analyzes and understands how the constitution has been interpreted.Upon broad discussion within the governing regimes from central to local,Qing Government formally announced to conduct the Constitutional Reform on 1 September 1906.At the ending of period of Empress Dowager’s governance,the Principles of Constitution were promulgated, which was the first constitution in the history of China.The Principles of Constitution are highly of Chinese characteristics,which laid down the dual mode of monarchy and constitution of "general powers under the imperial court and other powers entrusted to the public opinions",being new guidelines of traditional China.The reform movement engaged in a creative appropriation,based on limited knowledge of the West,of several notions that were seen as compatible with Chinese culture:the nationstate, mass citizenship,a constitutional monarchy and representative government(local self-government and national parliaments ),and commercial development.In other words,for the reformers,"political modemity" did include the institution of the monarchy.The moral authority of an emperor’s critics never extended to challenging the institution itself;nor did it even match the charismatic authority of the emperor,which was rooted both in ancient cosmological notions and in the Confucian social tradition.Of course,"new knowledge" from the West played a major role in this process,but the essential framework remained Confucian.In China’s institutional and legal framework,the ancient pedigree and traditional charisma of the monarchy were seen as advantages.Reformers seized on the long-standing links between the sage-king ideal and the Mencian notion of popular legitimacy(minben民本)

  • 【分类号】D929
  • 【被引频次】1
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