

Research on the Relations between the Administration and Legislation of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

【作者】 郝建臻

【导师】 廉希圣;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 行政与立法关系是任何一种政治体制最核心的部分。香港基本法设计的特区政治体制中行政与立法关系最鲜明的特点就是以行政为主导,行政与立法相互制约、相互配合。但在香港回归祖国后的政治实践中,行政主导非但没有得到很好体现,相反受到来自立法会的严重挑战,立法主导的趋势日益明显,特别是在香港政制发展的关键问题上表现得尤为突出。本来应该强势的政府却经常处于被动和弱势地位。如何协调香港行政与立法的关系,维护和突出行政主导已经成为特区政府和中央政府必须面对的重要政治课题和法律课题。香港基本法承诺最终达致普选目标,全国人大常委会也已于2007年12月29日作出决定,同意于2017年先行普选产生行政长官,立法会全部议员的普选随后进行。在“双普选”的条件下,如何体现和巩固行政主导更是一个不容回避且对香港政治发展意义重大的问题。本文旨在对上述问题开展研究。文章正文共分五个部分。第一部分,阐述了行政与立法关系的一般理论,并对世界上几种典型政体中的行政与立法关系进行分析比较。第二部分,分两个阶段对香港回归之前的行政与立法关系进行历史回顾和梳理,介绍了从传统政治阶段的总督专制到过渡期随着代议制改革的推行对行政与立法关系的影响之间发生的政制嬗变。第三部分,对香港基本法设计中的行政与立法关系进行规范分析和立法原意阐释。第四部分,对香港回归后的行政与立法关系的发展进行总结,归纳了行政主导原则受到严重挑战的表现形式和带来的影响,分析了导致行政主导原则受到严重冲击的原因。比如,政制结构性矛盾导致行政长官缺乏稳定支持;基本法法理矛盾导致立法会权力不断增大;港人缺乏国家认同导致行政长官左右为难;缺乏健康的政治文化导致不能凝聚政治共识;行政失误给了反对派可乘之机;外国势力的干预使行政立法矛盾愈加复杂化。第五部分,也是本文最核心的部分,作者对协调和改善香港特区行政与立法关系,维护行政主导,实现强政励治提出建议。作者首先阐述了香港特别行政区政制发展必须坚持的四项原则,即政制发展必须要与香港社会、经济、政治的发展相协调;有利于社会各阶层、各界别、各方面的均衡参与;有利于行政主导体制的有效运行;有利于保持香港的长期繁荣稳定。接着作者从“普选行政长官,提高其认受性”、“保留功能议席,保持均衡参与”、“正视政党存在,建立执政联盟”、“落实沟通管道,加强议行协调”四个方面提出有利于巩固行政主导原则的可行途径。作者通过自己的研究,对香港政制的发展满怀信心。相信只要敢于面对现实,不断总结经验,通过制度、体制和机制的改良大胆革除政制弊端,基本法确定的行政主导原则必将充分实现,行政与立法关系将逐渐迈入和谐发展的新阶段,为香港的长期繁荣稳定和港人民主权利的实现作出贡献。

【Abstract】 The relation between the administration and legislation is the core part of all political systems.The brightest characteristic of the political system elaborated for SAR by Hong Kong Basic Law is the mutual restriction and mutual coordination of the administration and legislation,with administration as the dominant.But in the political practices after the return of Hong Kong,the administrative leadership did not get a good developing platform,but received serious challenges from the Legislative Council on the contrary,and the legislative domination tendency was obvious day by day,especially in the key issues relating to the development of the political systems of Hong Kong.The government that should be in the powerful position actually was often in a passive and weak position.The ways to coordinate the relation between the administration and legislation and to maintain and give prominence to the administrative leadership have already become the important political and legal subject for both Central Government and the government of Hong Kong.The Hong Kong Basic Law pledged that it will obtain the goal of general election ultimately,and the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress also made a decision in December 29,2007,approving the advanced general election of the Chief Executive in 2017 as well as the later general election of the congressman of the Legislative Council.Given the "double general election",to manifest and consolidate the administrative domination will become an unavoidable issue of vital significance to the political development of Hong Kong.This paper aims to research and discuss the above issues.The paper is divided into five parts.The first part mainly elaborates the general theories on the relation between the administration and the legislation,and compares and analyzes the relation between the administration and legislation in several typical kinds of regimes in the world.The second part mainly carries on historical review and carding to the relation of the administration and legislation before the return of Hong Kong in two stages.The third part carries on standard analysis and original legislative intention interpretation to the relation between administration and legislation elaborated in Hong Kong Basic Law.The fourth part analyzes the development of the administrative and legislative relations after the return of Hong Kong,summaries the expression form of the principle of administrative domination after being seriously challenged as well as its influence,and analyzes the reasons causing these serious challenges.For example,the structural contradiction of the political system causes the Chief Executive losing stable support;the jurisprudence contradiction of the Basic Law causes unceasingly increasing of the power of the Legislative Council;the lack of national approval for people of Hong Kong places the Chief Executive into a dilemma;the lack of health political culture causes the incapability to condense political consensus;the administrative fault provides opportunity for the opposite faction;the intervention of foreign strength makes the contradiction of the administration and legislation even more complicate.The fifth part is the core of the paper,in this part,the author puts forward proposals to coordinate and improve the relation between the administration and legislation in Hong Kong,to maintain the administrative leadership,and to realize strong politics.The author firstly defines the four principles needed in the political development of Hong Kong Special Administrative District, which are:the political development must be coordinated to the development of the society,economy and politics;the political development must be conducive to the balanced participation of various social strata and circles;the political development must be conducive to the effective movement of the administrative leadership system;the political development must be conducive to the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong.Then the author proposes the feasible ways that are advantageous to consolidate the principle of administrative leadership in four aspects:"elect the Chief Executive through general election to enhance his or her popularity to the public","keep functional seat and maintain balanced participation","envisage the existence of all the political parties and establish the governing alliance","strengthen the communication bridges and enhance the coordination of words and activities".The author is confident to the development of the political systems of Hong Kong after his research.So long as it can face up with the reality and learn from its experience unceasingly,and by its abolishment of the disadvantages through the improvement of the systems and mechanisms, Hong Kong can fully realize the principle of administrative leadership defined by the Basic Law,and the relations of the administration and legislation will step into a new harmonious stage,making contribution to the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and to the realization of the right of People of Hong Kong.
