

A Positive Analysis of Legal Consequences of Void Contractual Act

【作者】 谢耿亮

【导师】 米健;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 民商法学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文致力于采用新视角和新材料对我国无效合同行为法律后果制度的实际状态进行实证分析,为此提出并论述了从事实出发的法律实证分析框架,收集了较为完整的原始法律资料尤其是以往被研究者所忽视的最高人民法院作出的以及其正式和非正式认可的法院判决文书,作为分析资料。在凯尔森的纯粹法理论的基础上,本文整合了霍菲尔德的法律关系理论、茨威格特和克茨的功能主义比较法理论、黑克的利益法学和庞德的社会学法学以及利益相关者理论,强调应从两个基本事实——法律所要解决的事实上利益纠纷和法律据以表现其自身的原始法律资料——出发来研究实证法。在这一框架之下还论述了法学上的利益相关者分析法,描述了法律识别和反向法律识别的分析思路,系统整理了静态法律范畴体系、肯定的反向静态法律范畴体系以及否定的反向静态法律范畴体系这三种法律认识范畴体系。通过对规定我国无效合同行为法律后果的制定法文本进行严格语言分析并进行案例比较分析,本文认为该制度项下之确认合同无效规范、无效返还-赔偿规范和收缴财产规范虽然均属私法上的强行法,但是在实践中却表现出不同程度的强制性;认为我国无效合同行为的法律后果制度主要以恢复原状为目的,即通过确认无效合同规范、返还财产规范和赔偿损失规范,试图将当事人之间的利益状态恢复到合同订立之前的状态,为此不但当事人之间的具体合同应当被具有溯及力地废除,一方当事人应将其取得的“返还利益”转移给受损人,而且有过错的当事人还应当赔偿受损人的“信赖利益”损失。在特定情况下,该制度还具有剥夺当事人通过无效合同行为而获得的不正当利益和惩罚的目的。通过对法院裁判案例的比较分析,本文发现:一方面,最高人民法院的很多判决在相当程度上不能满足形式正义和程序正义的要求,尤其表现在其对类似的案件事实作了不同的裁判;另一方面,最高人民法院在具体的案件裁判中也作出了不少创造性的判决,弥补了制定法文本过于简单的不足,由此也累积了宝贵的司法经验。为了促进立法和司法之良性发展,非常需要法学界重视对法院裁判尤其是最高人民法院裁判的研究和评论。

【Abstract】 In view of new perspective and introduction of new sources,this dissertation focuses on the positive analysis of what are the legal consequences of void contractual act in Chinese legal system.To that end it proposes and demonstrates a framework for positive analysis of law based on facts,collecting more complete primary sources of laws especially judicial documents made or recognized officially or unofficially by the Supreme People’s Court which had been ignored by researchers.Based on the Kelsen’s Pure Theory of Law,this dissertation integrates Hohfeld’s Theory of Legal Relations,Zweigert & K(o|¨)tz’s Functionalist Theory in Comparative Law,Heck’s Jurisprudence of Interests,Pound’s Sociological Jurisprudence with Stakeholder Theory,this dissertation emphasizes that we should make research on positive law in light of two kind of fundamental facts including interest dispute de facto which is the object of legal adjustment and primary legal sources which are the manifestation of laws themselves.It manages to provide Stakeholder Analysis Method in Law,to display an analytic routine of Legal Characterization and Inverse Legal Characterization,and to systemically address Static System of Legal Categories,Positively Inverse Static System of Legal Categories and Negatively Inverse Static System of Legal Categories.Through strictly linguistic analysis of statute text of the legal system and comparative analysis of cases,this dissertation advocates that although the norms of voiding contract,the norms of restitution-compensation and the norms of forfeiture of property all are ius cogens in private law,they have different levels mandatory qualification.And it.concludes that the legal system has a primary function for restoration through the norms of voiding contract and the norms of restitution-compensation,which are to put the parties to as good as a position as that occupied by them before the contract was made.But in special circumstances the legal system also has the purpose to deprive the party of gains which has been acquired under void contract and to punish the party who violates the law.When having made comparative analysis of the court cases,the dissertation discovers that on the one hand,many of the Supreme People’s Court cases considerably cannot meet the requirements of formal justice and procedural justice,particularly manifested by the fact that the courts treat the similar cases differently;on the other hand,the courts have made many creative awards which make up for the shortcoming of excessive simplicity of statues,consequently accumulating valuable experience in legal practice. In order to promote the healthy development of legislation and the justice,it is necessary to pay more academic attention on court case studies and commentaries.

  • 【分类号】D923.6
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】2097