

Study on Criminal Policy of "Strike-Hard"

【作者】 何挺

【导师】 王牧;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 刑法学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文由前言、正文和结语三部分组成。前言部分,主要阐述笔者为何要提出并研究“严打”刑事政策这一问题,研究的价值何在以及如何开展研究工作的。“严打”刑事政策是维护社会治安、控制犯罪的有效手段,也是保护广大人民群众生命、健康和财产安全的重要方法,必须长期坚持。该政策具有坚实的理论基础和巨大的实践价值。同时,在落实科学发展观,构建社会主义和谐社会的今天,我们又必须要理清这一政策与综合治理方针、宽严相济政策的相互关系。坚持在宽严相济基本刑事政策的指引下,不断丰富发展“严打”政策的内容,使其发挥出更大的政策法律效果和社会效果。形势的发展迫使我们必须对这些问题进行深入、系统、理性的研究。在研究方法上,笔者运用了实证研究、比较研究、基础研究等方法。正文由第一章至第六章构成。第一章是“严打”政策概论。笔者首先论述了“严打”政策的基本含义。认为“严打”是“依法从重从快打击严重危害社会治安的犯罪分子”的简称。本文所提的“严打”,主要指刑事政策层面的“严打”,即“严打”刑事政策,但为了论述的完整性,对实践层面的“严打”(即“严打”活动)也有涉及。其基本内容包括“从重”、“从快”、“从严”三方面,基本程序要求是基本事实清楚、基本证据确凿。其次总结了“严打”政策的三大特征:即实践基础与政策基础并存、由应急性政策转变为长期性政策、体现了政策性与法律性的结合。同时通过考察美国、日本、德国等有关国家和地区的“严打”政策,认为“严打”政策都是各国对于严峻犯罪形势和某种或某几种特定犯罪的正常反应,在各国有个性,也具有普遍的规律性。第二章是“严打”政策的形成与发展。笔者认为我国古代的“严打”思想根源即文化根源主要表现为“刑罚世轻世重”、“以刑去刑,以杀止杀”、“王者之政莫急于盗贼"、“盗贼重法”等刑事政策思想;其思想发端于革命战争时期和镇反运动期间丰富的实践积累;其实践基础主要在于社会转型期内犯罪猖獗的现实;其群众基础在于广大人民群众的意愿,即要求国家严惩严重违法犯罪行为,保持稳定的社会治安态势。同时,在“严打”政策形成过程中,当时中央主要领导人的思想起到了重要的推动作用,最终导致中央的“严打”政策和国家有关“严打”法律规定的颁布实施。第三章是“严打”政策的理论基础。笔者首先从“严打”政策与刑事政策的关系切入,论证了“严打”政策与刑事政策的相互关系和“严打”政策的科学依据。认为,“严打”政策是刑事政策秩序价值的体现,“严打”政策是具体刑事政策,“严打”政策主要依据某个国家特定历史时期的犯罪原因、犯罪规律、刑罚学原理等因素制订实施的。笔者随后论证了“严打”政策的三大理论基础是:人权保障理论、刑事法治理论和正当程序理论。人权保障理论要求“严打”犯罪要在尊重和保障人权的前提下开展,要更多体现在保障被害人和大多数公民的权利,要与轻缓刑事政策的要求相适应。刑事法治理论对“严打”政策的要求主要体现在法定原则和罪责原则两大方面。正当程序理论则要求,“严打”行动中,对公民生命、自由、财产等重要权利的剥夺或者限制必须通过一定的程序才能决定,无论这种剥夺或限制是个别进行的还是具有一般的性质。同时,这种程序本身必须公正,其核心要求是被“严打”的当事人获得被告知、听审、并辩护的机会。第四章是“严打”政策和社会治安综合治理方针。笔者首先探讨了社会治安综合治理的概念,认为“综合”是社会治安综合治理概念的核心范畴,“治安”是社会治安综合治理的本质所在。其次,在探究了我国社会治安综合治理方针的形成、发展和国外有关综合治理政策的基础上,论述了社会治安综合治理方针地位、意义和科学根据。最后笔者着重研究了“严打”与社会治安综合治理的关系。认为,二者一致的,并且是包涵与被包涵、指导与被指导的关系。具体表现在:“严打”以社会治安综合治理方针为指导;社会治安综合治理方针以“严打”为首要环节,因为“严打”不仅是有效遏制犯罪的前提,能加强综合治理的效果,而且在现实社会治安形势比较严峻、司法资源有限的情况下,在“严打”和其他综合治理措施的适用上,应更多的强调“严打”;“严打”和其他社会治安综合治理方法相辅相存,缺一不可。尤其考虑到犯罪预防是综合治理的重要内容,笔者还专门探讨了“严打”和犯罪预防的关系。认为二者关系需要具体情况具体分析,二者没有谁先谁后的关系,应该有机结合,同时进行。对一些轻微犯罪,危害性不大或者犯罪人主观恶性小的犯罪,主要靠预防,而对于一些已经发生的重大恶性案件,则应以打击为主。第五章是“严打”政策的实践与反思。笔者首先考察了我国1983年、1996年、2001年在全国范围内统一开展的“严打”活动,以及一系列的专项整治或专项治理活动,认为,我国“严打”的问题,主要在于实践或者说执行层面的问题,“严打”政策本身应该是无可厚非的,只是随着时代的发展不断完善发展的问题。其次总结了“严打”实践的一些经验,比如综合治理与“严打”两手抓、加强立法、突出“严打”重点、充分利用信息化手段开展“严打”等等,都是值得肯定和坚持的。但同时也要重视和反思“严打”执行中出现的一些问题,比如“严打”目标设计不合理、“严打”中存在执法违法的问题、“重打击、轻防范”现象比较严重、公安司法机关之间配合不力等问题。在此基础上,笔者认为,开展“严打”活动符合当时社会历史条件,坚持“严打”活动符合宽严相济刑事政策的要求,因此否定“严打”活动尤其是“严打”政策是完全错误的。我们应该一如既往坚持“严打”活动,不断发展“严打”政策。第六章是“严打”政策与宽严相济政策。在最后一章研究这个问题,是笔者基于“宽严相济政策是我国当前的基本刑事政策,也是‘严打’政策发展的必然结果”这一基本逻辑关系的考虑。笔者首先研究了宽严相济刑事政策的概念和本质。认为“宽严相济”在本质上是和谐社会“以人为本”要求在刑事政策领域的体现。其次研究了宽严相济政策的主要内容,认为宽严相济主要指对刑事犯罪区别对待,做到既要有力打击和震慑犯罪,维护法制的严肃性,又要尽可能减少社会对抗,化消极因素为积极因素,实现法律效果和社会效果的统一。即,当宽则宽,当严则严,宽严适当。第三部分探究了宽严相济政策的形成和发展。认为,该政策在形成时期主要表现为镇压与宽大政策,发展时期主要表现为镇压与宽大相结合的政策,镇压与宽大相结合的政策又发展成为惩办与宽大相结合的政策,惩办与宽大相结合的政策最后过渡到现在的宽严相济政策,这是一个历史的承接和发展过程。第四部分论述了“严打”政策与宽严相济政策的关系。认为,宽严相济政策是“严打”政策的历史发展,它必然包含了“严打”政策的内容,二者是基本刑事政策和具体刑事政策的关系,后者必须受前者的约束。“宽严相济”政策是在吸取“严打”刑事政策的经验教训和弥补其实现方式上的不足的基础上提出的,而且“宽严相济”刑事政策与“严打”政策都体现了“重重”这一刑事政策理念。从“严打”刑事政策的打击对象和“宽严相济”刑事政策中“严”的适用对象来看,两者也有着一脉相承的特点。第五部分笔者论述了“严打”政策的发展。这是基于“严打”政策是宽严相济政策的重要内容的考虑。宽严相济政策中的“严”的内容也需要不断完善和发展,这也就是“严打”政策的发展,是我们必须长期坚持“严打”政策的基本理论支撑点。笔者认为“严打”政策的法律化、“严打”活动中尊重和保障人权,是发展和完善“严打”政策的主要内容。

【Abstract】 This article is composed of three parts:preface,text and conclusion.The preface mainly states why the author raises and studies the issue of the criminal policy of "strike-hard",what the value of the study is and how the study is carried out.The criminal policy of "strike-hard" is an effective resort to maintain social security and control crime rate,and an important measure to keep the life,health and property of the mass safe, and therefore on the long run,it must be adhered to.Such policy enjoys solid theoretical ground and huge practical value.Meanwhile,when implementing the views of scientific development and constructing a harmonious society,we must also make clear the interrelationship between this policy and comprehensive treatment guideline and policy of combination of leniency and harshness.More legal effect and social effect of the policy can be exerted with the guidance of the basic criminal policy of combination of leniency and harshness,and continuous enrichment and development of the policy of "strike-hard".The developing situation compels us to do in-depth,systemized and rational research on these issues. Empirical study,comparative study and basic study were adopted for studying methods.The text consists of six chapters.Chapter 1:Introduction of the "Strike-Hard" Policy.The author first discusses basic definition of the "strike-hard" policy."Strike-hard" is short for "legally strike criminals severely endangering social security to the heaviest and fastest extent".The "strike-hard" referred in this article mainly means "strike-hard" in the aspect of criminal policy,i.e.,criminal policy of "strike-hard",however,for the completeness of the dissertation, "strike-hard" in practice level(i.e."strike-hard" campaign) is also involved. Its basic content includes "heaviest","fastest",and "hardest",basic proceeding requires basic facts to be clear and basic evidences to be conclusive.Second,three major features of "strike-hard" policy are concluded:coexistence of practice foundation and policy foundation, changing from an emergency policy into a long-term policy,embodiment of combination of policy and law.Meanwhile,after the review of "strike-hard" policy in relevant countries and regions such as USA,Japan and Germany,it is concluded that the "strike-hard" policy is normal response of each country towards the severe situation of crime committing and certain specified crime(s),and having individuality as well as general regularity in each country.Chapter 2:Formation and Development of the "Strike-Hard" Policy. The author believes that the ancient ideological root(i.e.cultural root) of "strike-hard" mainly represents as criminal policy ideology such as "to decide the propriety on penalty according to the standard that things change as time flies","executing cruel torture to decrease crime rate,carrying out death penalty to stop killing","attacking steals and violent crimes as top priority","heavy penalties of robbery",etc.;its idea develops from rich accumulation of practice during revolutionary war period and Suppression of Counterrevolutionaries Movement;its practice foundation rest with the reality of rampant crime committing during social transition;its mass foundation lies in the will of the mass,requesting the country to severely punish serious offences and crimes and to maintain the stable situation of social security.Meanwhile,the idea of the then-current central major leaders functioned as an important driving force during the formation of "strike-hard" policy,and finally led to the issuance and implementation of central "strike-hard" policy and "strike-hard" related laws of the country.Chapter 3:Theoretical Foundation of "Strike-Hard" Policy.The author cuts in by the relationship between "strike-hard" policy and criminal policy and reasons the interrelationship between the two policies and scientific ground for "strike-hard" policy.It is believed that "strike-hard" policy embodies the order value of criminal policy,"strike-hard" policy is a specific criminal policy,formulated and implemented mainly according to factors such as cause of crime,crime pattern and penology principle,etc. during a certain historical period of some country.Then the author argues that three major theoretical foundation of "strike-hard" policy are:theory of protecting human rights,theory of rule by criminal law and theory of due process.The theory of protecting human rights requires that "strike-hard" of crimes to be carried out on the condition of respect and guarantee human rights,to be represented more in guarantee of the rights of the aggrieved person and most citizens,and to adapt to the requirements of the policy of venial penalty.The requirements of theory of rule by criminal law for "strike-hard" policy mainly show in legal principle and principle of suiting punishment to crime.And theory of due process requires that during "strike-hard" campaign,deprival of or restriction on important rights such as life,freedom,property,and etc.of citizens must be decided through certain proceedings,whether such deprival or restriction is carried out separately or is of common property.Meanwhile,such proceedings must be justified,whose essential requirement is that the party under "strike-hard" acquires the opportunities of being informed,oyer and defence.Chapter 4:"Strike-Hard" Policy and Comprehensive Treatment Guideline of Social Security.The author first discusses the concept of comprehensive treatment of social security,considering "comprehensive" as the core category of the said concept,and "security" as the nature of comprehensive treatment of social security.Second,on the basis of exploration of the formation and development of comprehensive treatment guidelines of social security of this country and relevant policies of comprehensive treatment at abroad,the author discusses the status, significance and scientific ground of comprehensive guidelines of social security.Last,the author puts much emphasis on and studies the relationship between "strike-hard" and comprehensive treatment of social security:the two are consistent with each other and are of the relationship of including and included,guiding and guided,which is represented in: "strike-hard" takes comprehensive treatment guideline of social security as its guidance;the comprehensive treatment guideline of social security takes "strike-hard" as the prior operation,for "strike-hard" is not only the condition for effective deterrence of crime and intensify the effect of comprehensive treatment,and also under the situation of severe social security in reality and limited judicial resources,"strike-hard" shall be emphasized more in applying "strike-hard" and other comprehensive treatment methods of social security;"strike-hard" and other comprehensive treatment methods of social security supplement and compliment each other.The author specially discusses the relationship between "strike-hard" and crime prevention,especially considering that crime prevention is an important part of comprehensive treatment.It is believed that the relationship between the two needs to be specifically analyzed under specific circumstances,there is no order relationship,rather, they two shall combine and process together.Some minor crimes,crimes with a little harm or crimes committed by those with little subjective malice rely on prevention,however,strike shall be taken as primary measure for some existing major malicious cases.Chapter 5:Practice of and Reflection on of "Strike-Hard" Policy.The author first reviews 3 "strike-hard" campaigns held uniformly in the whole country in 1983,1996 and 2001 and a series of special rectifications and special control campaigns,and thinks that the main problem of "strike-hard" in China is about practice or,in other words,implementation. There should be nothing wrong with the "strike-hard" policy,rather,it’s a matter of continuous perfection and evolution with time.Then he concludes some experience of practicing "strike-hard",such as giving equal importance to comprehensive treatment on one hand and "strike-hard" on the other,strengthening legislation,highlighting key points of "strike-hard", by fully utilizing information technology carrying out "strike-hard",etc., are all worth affirming and adhering to.However,at the same time,some problems appearing during the implementation of "strike-hard" should also be regarded and reflected,such as inappropriate design of the target of "strike-hard",violating the law by law executors during "strike-hard", serious phenomenon of "stress strike and belittle prevention" and bad cooperation among police and justice,etc.On this basis,the author believes that carrying out "strike-hard" campaign accords with the then-current social and historical situation,adhering to the "strike-hard" campaign answers for the requirements of criminal policy of combination of leniency and harshness,therefore,it is absolute wrong to deny "strike-hard" campaign,especially its policy.We should stick to "strike-hard" campaign as always and develop "strike-hard" policy continually. Chapter 6:"Strike-Hard" Policy and Combination of Leniency and Harshness Policy.The reason for the author to study this issue in last chapter is based on the consideration of basic logical relationship that "the policy of combination of leniency and harshness is a basic criminal policy in our country at present,and is also an inevitable result of the development of ’strike-hard’ policy".The author first studies the concept and nature of the policy of combination of leniency and harshness and believes that in nature,it is an embodiment in the filed of criminal policy of the requirements of "people oriented" in harmonious society.Then the author also studies the main content of the policy of combination of leniency and harshness and believes that combination of leniency and harshness mainly means to treat criminal crimes differently,not only to effectively strike and deter crimes,and to maintain the seriousness of the legal system but also to decrease social antagonism as much as possible,to turn negative factors into positive ones,and to realize the unification of legal effects and social effects,namely,decide appropriate punishment,be lenient where should be lenient,be harsh where should be harsh.Third part explores about the formation and development of combination of leniency and harshness policy.It is believed that the policy was represented by suppress and leniency policy during the forming period and combination of suppress and leniency policy in the developing period,then the combination of suppress and leniency policy developed to combination of punishment and leniency policy,and finally transited to combination of leniency and harshness policy nowadays.Fourth part discusses the relationship between "strike-hard" policy and combination of leniency and harshness policy.It is believed that the policy of combination of leniency and harshness is the historical development of "strike-hard" policy.It certainly includes the content of "strike-hard" policy,and these two are of the relationship of basic criminal policy and specific criminal policy.The latter has to be bound by the former."Combination of leniency and harshness" policy is put forward on the basis of absorbing experience and lesson of "strike-hard" criminal policy and making up the shortage in its realization forms.Besides,"combination of leniency and harshness" policy and "strike-hard" policy both show the concept of criminal policy "emphasizing heavy punishment".Viewing from the stricken object of "strike-hard" criminal policy and the applicable object of "harshness" in the criminal policy of "combination of leniency and harshness",these two are successive.In fifth part,the author discusses the development of "strike-hard" policy.It is out of consideration that "strike-hard" policy is an essential part of the policy of combination of leniency and harshness.The content of "leniency" in the policy of combination of leniency and harshness also needs to perfect and develop continuously.This is the development of "strike-hard" policy,and a supporting point of basic theory on which we must adhere to "strike-hard" policy for a long term.The author believes that the legalization of" strike-hard" policy and respect and guarantee human right in "strike-hard" campaign are main content of developing and perfecting "strike-hard" policy.

【关键词】 “严打”刑事政策研究
【Key words】 "Strike-Hard"Criminal PolicyStudy
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