

Study on the Nature of Civil Priority

【作者】 鲍轶欣

【导师】 李永军;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 民商法学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要运用体系分析、比较分析以及历史分析的方法,对优先权的性质问题进行全面而细致地研究,并试图在明确优先权性质的基础上,指出对我国优先权制度架构的影响。除引言和结论外,论文的主体分为以下五章:第一章为“优先权的概念”。该部分在介绍优先权的不同用法的基础上,指出了确定优先权概念的前提条件,并进一步指出了什么是优先权;其次介绍了优先权在各国法上的表达,并指出称谓的选择最终以契合习惯者为先;再次指出了确定优先权类型的基础为特种债权的范围,而优先权根据权利指向对象的差异,区分为一般优先权与特定优先权两大类型;最后介绍了关于优先权性质的观点,即可区分为非统一本质说和统一本质说。第二章为“优先权的立法例分析”。该部分首先考察了罗马法上的立法例,指出罗马法上虽通过法定抵押权制度表现出优先权观念,但并未产生形式上的优先权制度;其次考察了法国模式下的优先权制度,指出罗马法上的优先权观念,经历了法律角色的演变后,到了法国民法时期才作为一种独立的物的担保制度加以明确;再次考察了德国模式下对特种债权的保护制度,指出缺乏公示方法的优先权制度难以在强调公示原则的德国民法典中立足,有关优先权制度所规范的社会关系,只能通过在特别法中规定优先权制度、具有相似功能的法定质权以及通过程序法中规定清偿顺序或保护措施进行处理;最后指出了法国模式与德国模式在优先权制度规范模式出现差异的原因。第三章为“特定优先权的性质”。该部分首先在明确物权与债权的区分标准为支配效力和排他效力基础上,论证了特定优先权是物权;然后在明确担保物权的性质与判断标准的基础上,论证了特定优先权是担保物权;最后论证了特定优先权是法定担保物权。第四章为“一般优先权的性质”。该部分着重指出,由于一般优先权指向的对象不具有特定性,也缺乏相应的公示方法,故其不是物权,只是债权的对抗或优先效力。第五章为“我国法上的优先权制度架构”。该部分首先指出了我国的优先权制度大体可分为明确承认的优先权制度、性质发生争议的优先权制度以及替代优先权制度功能的制度三种类型;其次介绍了不同权利性质主张下的优先权制度规范模式;最后基于对特定优先权为法定担保物权、一般优先权为特种债权的效力的认识,指出我国可采取在担保物权制度和特别法中规定特定优先权制度、适当保留或改造已存的法定担保物权制度以及在特别法中规定一般优先权或其替代制度的模式。

【Abstract】 This dissertation which mainly adopts some research approaches like systems analysis,comparative analysis and historical analysis performs a comprehensive and detailed study on the nature of civil priority.This dissertation attempts to point out impact of the nature of civil priority on china’s institutional framework of civil priority on the basis of clarifying the nature of civil priority.Besides introduction and conclusion,the article is divided into the following five chapters:ChapterⅠis "The concept of priority ".Firstly,it introduces the different usage of civil priority,explains the premise that determines the concept of civil priority,and further points out what is civil priority. Secondly,it introduces the expression of civil priority in different countries, and concludes that the title corresponding with custom is preferred as the final choice of title of civil priority.Thirdly,it points out that the basis of determining civil priority is the scope of special obligatory right.According to differences of object,civil priority is divided into two types:general priority and special priority.Lastly,it introduces views of the nature of priority,which includes the view of non-uniform nature and the view of uniform nature.ChapterⅡis "legal system of priority ".Firstly,it inspects legal system of Roman law,and points out that although the legal mortgage had implied ideas of priority,but Roman law did not have a formal priority system.Secondly,it inspects legal system of French law,and points out that after ideas of the priority of Roman law experienced the evolution of the role of the law,the priority system was clearly established in French law as an independent system of guarantees.Thirdly,it inspects the protection system of the special obligatory right in German law,and notes that because the principle of real right’s publicity in the German Civil Code is fully stressed,so priority system lacking methods of publicity is very difficult in existence.Therefore,in German law,social relations regulated by the priority system are adjusted by special law that provides the priority system,a similar function of the statutory mortgage,as well as procedure law that provides the sequence of liquidation or protection measures.Lastly, it concludes the reasons of differences between the French model and the German model of the priority system.ChapterⅢis "the nature of priority ".Firstly,it demonstrates special priority is real right through cleating the criteria of distinction between real right and obligatory right is dominant effect and exclusionary effect.And then demonstrates special priority is real right for guarantee on the basis of the nature and criteria of real right for guarantee.Lastly,it demonstrates special priority is legal real right for guarantee.ChapterⅣis "the nature of general priority ".It Stresses that the object of general priority is not specific and general priority is lack of appropriate means of publicity.Therefore,general priority is not real right, but priority effect of obligatory right.ChapterⅤis " Priority system of China ".Firstly,priority system of China can be roughly divided into clearly recognized priority system, controversial in nature priority system,and an alternative functional system. Secondly,it introduces modes of priority system under different views of nature of priority.Finally,according to the standpoint that special priority is legal real right for guarantee and general priority is effect of obligatory right,it points out regulating modes of priority system of China,which includes special priority system,other legal real right for guarantee system and general priority system or corresponding alternative system.

【关键词】 优先权性质特定优先权一般优先权
【Key words】 prioritynaturespecial prioritygeneral priority
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】4
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