

On Reform of Telecommunications Regulation System in China

【作者】 杨勇

【导师】 石亚军;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 政治学理论, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 随着信息社会的来临,电信业作为国民经济基础性、先导性、战略性产业,在拉动国民经济增长,促进经济结构转型,推进社会信息化进程,增进社会福利,提高国民素质等方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。改革开放以来,中国电信业发展十分迅速,但电信业在迅猛发展的同时,电信市场也越来越多地涌现出竞争无序、消费不透明、服务质量下降等令人堪忧的现象。究其深层次原因,主要在于中国电信监管体制改革相对滞后,已不适应电信产业发展的需要。然而,学术界在中国电信监管体制改革方面的研究极为薄弱,迄今为止,鲜有这方面的全面系统的论著出版。因此,在此背景下,本文认为十分有必要对中国电信监管体制进行系统的研究。本文采取规范分析、实证分析和历史分析相结合的方法,通过对电信监管体制的理论阐释和实践考察,分析了电信监管体制变革的理论基础和实践路径。论文着意探讨了电信监管体制的理论基础,介绍了国外电信监管体制改革的经验,回顾了中国电信监管的制度变迁,同时在剖析当前电信监管体制现存问题的基础上,揭示了中国电信监管体制改革的现实动因,并前瞻性地提出了中国电信监管体制改革的策略选择。本文主要内容由以下四个部分构成:第一部分,电信监管体制的理论基础。现代多元电信监管体制的提出有其深刻的理论渊源。本文主要从公共行政学的理论视角,运用自然垄断理论、公共物品理论、政府失灵理论以及治理理论,为电信监管以及构建现代多元电信监管体制提供理论支持。自然垄断理论和公共物品理论在论证电信业政府监管合法性的同时,也指出放松传统高度政府监管,引入电信市场竞争机制的必要性;政府失灵理论则从政府本身机能缺陷的角度,分析了政府监管失灵的可能性,以及完善政府监管,合理界定政府职能、市场竞争与社会自治边界的重要性;治理理论更是指出现代公共事务治理,不能再仅仅依赖政府,还要注重社会自治与市场机制的作用,形成政府、社会与市场合作的公共事务治理之道。第二部分,国外电信监管体制改革及其经验借鉴。本章从电信监管体制改革的法律依据、电信政府监管体制、电信监管体制中的市场体制和电信监管体制中的社会监督机制四个方面,介绍了世界其他国家电信监管体制改革,分析了这些国家电信监管改革的共性特点与制度背景,以及电信监管体制改革对电信业发展的影响,同时总结分析了现代电信监管体制改革的经验与趋势,以期为中国电信监管体制改革的政策选择提供国际背景与实践参考。第三部分,中国电信监管体制的制度变迁与问题分析。本章对当代中国电信监管体制的历史演变进行回顾,分析了中国现行电信监管体制形成的外部生态环境,总结出中国电信监管体制的特点。同时,在与发达国家电信监管体制的对比研究中,也指出了中国电信监管体制的制度性缺陷与不足。第四部分,重塑中国电信监管体制的动因分析与策略选择。中国电信监管体制建设相对滞后,问题重重,但当下的电信技术革新、后WTO时代面临全球电信市场竞争的挑战,都要求把电信监管体制改革提上议事日程;此外,中国行政体制改革的推进也必将挟裹着电信监管体制不断发展完善。基于此,本文提出了完善中国电信监管体制的若干策略选择,即在完善电信监管立法、建立综合独立性监管机构的同时,也要注重塑造有效竞争的电信市场体制,健全电信行业的内部监督机制与社会监督机制,形成以政府监管机制为主导,市场竞争机制与社会监督机制为补充的新型电信监管体制。

【Abstract】 As the information age arrives,with the characteristics of basic infrastructure,leading industrial position and strategy,telecommunication industry plays a more and more important role in motivating the national economy growth,encourage the economic structure reform,pushing the information reform progress of the society,improving the social welfare, as well as improve the all-round development of people.Since the reform in china,telecommunication industry in China has experienced a very fast growth.At the same time in the competition, situations like disorder,non-transparency,lousy service quality are seen more and more.The in-depth reason for that is the reform of supervisory system in the telecommunication industry lays behind of the development, and it cannot serve the fast growth steps in the industry.However,there is little research has been done from the academic perspective in this area and therefore,there is very few reports or articles have been published in a systematic way.Hence,at this background,it is believed that it becomes critical and important to have a system study in the supervisory system for China telecommunication industry.Combining the methodologies of regulation analysis,sample analysis, and historic analysis,through theory argument and case study,this thesis analyzed the theory base and practice ways of the telecom supervisory system.This article focused on the theory base of the telecom supervisory system,introduced the experience of the telecom supervisory system in other countries,oversaw the changed of the system,and based on the current issues in the system,reviewed the true practical reasons for the China telecom supervisory system reform.It also foreseen the strategic choice for China telecom supervisory system reform There are 4 parts of the contents in this thesis.Part one:the theory base of China telecom supervisory system reform. The modern telecom supervisory system has a well rooted-theory base. This thesis provided theory support from the different angles including Public Administration,Natural Monopoly Theory,Public Good Theory, and Government Failure Theory.Part two:learning on telecom supervisory system reform in foreign countries.From different angles of the legal support of the reform, government supervisory system,market system on the reform and the social supervisory system,this article introduced the telecom supervisory system reform in other countries,analyzed the common feature and system background,the influence on the telecom industry development due to the reform on the telecom supervisory system.Part three:the regulation changes and issues analysis on China telecom supervisory system.This article reviewed the historic evolution of China’s telecom supervisory system,analyzed the surrounding environment of the current on-going system,summarized the features of the system.At the same time,it also pointed out the defaults and areas to improve compared with the system in the developed countries.Part four:Re-build the reform motivation and strategic choice.China telecom supervisory system lays behind the market development with lots of issues.But the changes have to be put into the schedule given the background of technical advancement,market challenges after WTO. Besides,the reform in the administrative area also brings this optic forward together.Based on all those,this article raised several strategic options to improve the China telecom supervisory system,i.e.to form a brand new telecom supervisory system by improving the legislation, setting up the comprehensive and independent supervisory system to form the system with government supervise as the backbone with the supplementary elements including market competition and social supervisory.

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