

The Protection of Intellectual Property Rights Model Research

【作者】 叶长龄

【导师】 杨荣新;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 诉讼法学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 随着全球化市场的发展进程,企业所面临的商业利益冲突也呈现出多元化的面貌,其中有关知识产权保护的问题亦不例外。知识产权保护的影响范围实际涉及到的已非单纯司法保护的问题,故除了需要对知识产权保护的司法性问题进行研究外,还须审视知识产权保护的实体商业与社会问题,期使企业的知识产权保护具有稳定性。虽然目前知识产权保护在很大程度上是依附于法院,而这也对知识产权的发展有一定程度的影响性。但随着市场经济和国际经济贸易的发展,以及国际商事仲裁的发展,各国逐渐认识到非司法保护的重要性。因此,开放司法保护管制的思维观念,正逐渐改变了各国对非司法保护的态度。这也引发出作者对企业在面对知识产权保护议题时,究竟能如何借助兼顾司法保护、行政与非行政保护方法的组合,期以相应作出合法性与正当性的知识产权保护的相关权利请求或损害预防的行动。为此,企业要如何作出能达成上述目标的方法组合,首先需探讨的是,方法组合是与社会价值观的调整与重组互有变化关联性。故保护模式的利益衡量策略与决策在制定时,必须能适应这种变化关联性。尤其当投资国处于社会转型时期,利益呈现复杂多元化时,调整利益冲突的规则更需多元化。因此,如何有一个合适的利益衡量策略与决策模式,使企业保护模式利益的衡量在法律上有得以适用规定的同时,当有不符合社会公义价值时,又可弹性为特殊情况而予以调整的机制,是企业在知识产权保护模式上必要建置的功能。即企业除了要有合法的知识产权保护模式行动外,尚需参考投资国政治模式及社会普遍性的规则与发展现况,以适时进行保护模式行动的调整。毕竟,国家法律的本质目标是社会公义,企业对知识产权保护的方法或选择,若未能达到上述目标,是不可能在知识产权保护上产生稳定的商业利益。故本论文的研究,是从企业的知识产权保护相关因素收集出发,并在分析知识产权保护不同的关键因素后,对保护模式的各种组成形式做整合,亦即从知识产权的保护结构、界定设计、关键因素、策略思维等宏观面分析,期以了解企业有关知识产权保护模式易被忽视的问题所在,并在造成这些问题的原因基础上,对于企业的知识产权保护的关系特点与运作方式进行研究。也因此本论文对知识产权保护模式的研究创新重点是:企业对于知识产权司法保护、行政与非行政保护等方法选择组合上,如何在遵循公益和商业利益兼顾原则的同时,又能降低企业知识产权保护的成本。

【Abstract】 With globalization market development recently, enterprises had to face up to the business profit conflict diversificationally. Even the intellectual property right was not in exceptions.The intellectual property rights (IPR) was affect not only judicial protection which need to make a study of but also non-judicial aspect such as real business and social problems to anticipate that enterprises will be solid by protection of IPR.Even now the IPR was attached to the court and related civil economic trail which affect the IPR development very much. Nowadays, according to the development of market economy, international trades and international trails, every country realized the importance of the non-judicial protection. Also, the opinion to open judicial protection was changed attitudes through the non-judicial protection in every nation.The topic was attracted to the author that how cans an enterprise to consider the combination of judicial protection, administrative and non-administrative protection solutions to request judiciality and legitimacy IPR protection or damage prevention when facing IPR questions.At first, we may discuss the relationship between social values adjustment and reorganization to reach the purpose which mentioned before.When there is a connection, the decision should consider and make an accommodation to the relation between profit measuring strategies which to reserve and decision making.Enterprises needed to build up functions to balance the profit measuring strategies and decision making to conform to the law and when not fitting in with the social justices values, Enterprises may adjust based on situations at the same time.Enterprises should not only to have judicial actions of IPR protection models, but also to analyze the politic situation and refer to the social generally regularity development for adjusting judicial IPR protection models timely and properly. After all, the essential of the national laws was social justices, and it is not possible to earn solid profit without following the goals mentioned before when choosing IPR protection models or solutions.In this study, our research methods were stared from factors collection of Enterprises IPR. After analyzing different IPR key factors, we integrated all kind of combination of IPR protection models; in other words, we took four macro aspects as below into consideration, such as: IPR protection structure, definition design, key factors and strategic thinking. In the basis of reasons of those questions above, we researched specific relation points of enterprises IPR and the way they processed.Also,th innovation points of IPR protection models which researched in this paper were concerned how enterprises can follow the social justices, earn business benefits and reduce the cost of IPR when choosing the combination of judicial,administrative and non-administrative protection solutions.

  • 【分类号】F204
  • 【被引频次】6
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