

On the Criminal Procedural Cultures

【作者】 阿儒汗

【导师】 刘金友;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 诉讼法学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 经过探索和实践,当人类将理想的社会治理方式定格为“法治”时,问题并未因此变得简单许多。且不说法治的范式没有固定的模式,单就实现法治的法律而言,如何理解和建构,就是一个没有定论的话题。之所以会出现这种局面,根源于“法律是一种地方性知识”。这一命题决定了:法律不仅是规则的集合体,还是一种动态的文化现象,不但与其所属的社会环境具有不可分割的关系,而且还会依循它的历史轨迹延续发展。也即法律是一种生命的有机体,它不仅本身是由一系列有着特定功能和特定结构的要素有机组合而成的,而且还受到特定的文化、社会、历史等因素的深刻影响。因此,对于法律的理解和建构,不仅要关注“形式意义上的法律”,还要注意“实质意义上的法律”;不仅要关注法律的今天,还要注意法律的过去;不仅要关注外国的法律,还要注意本土的法律文化。正是循着这一思想路径,笔者选择对刑事诉讼法律的理解和建构具有重要意义和实践价值的刑事诉讼文化作为研究主题,不仅将刑事诉讼法律作为一种动态的文化现象,还试图从文化的视角揭示刑事诉讼法律的生成和演进。进而强调理解和建构刑事诉讼法律制度,必须考虑其赖以存在的特定社会在历史演进过程中所积淀的刑事诉讼文化传统。本文共六章:第一章是刑事诉讼文化的概念和特征。在简要梳理不同的文化学说和法律文化观基础上,笔者认为刑事诉讼文化的概念存在广义和狭义之分。广义的刑事诉讼文化是指历史地凝结成的,与刑事诉讼有关的所有法律现象的总和。狭义的刑:事诉讼文化则是指蕴含在刑事诉讼法律制度、刑事诉讼行为模式、刑事司法体制和机制、刑事司法机构和设施之中,并在精神和原则上引导或制约它们发展的观念及价值系统。本文所探讨的是广义刑事诉讼文化。刑事诉讼法律的特殊性决定了刑事诉讼文化的特殊,刑事诉讼文化除具有文化和法律文化的一般属性和特征外,还有特殊的合宪性,知识的地方性,稳定性与发展性相统一等有别于其他文化的特征。第二章是刑事诉讼文化的结构和功能。结构关系的根本特点,是各部分之间的相对固定的关系而不是各部分或各要素本身。“结构”的意义,表现在它具有决定事物性质的功能和作用。结合本文对刑事诉讼文化的定义,将刑事诉讼文化的结构分为内部结构和外部结构。每个结构又包含若干组成要素,各要素之间相互影响和作用,进而构成一个“系统”,一个“整体”。刑事诉讼文化内部结构的核心要素是刑事诉讼法律观念。刑事诉讼文化外部结构的核心要素则是刑事诉讼法律制度。刑事诉讼文化的功能主要有表达象征功能、沟通整合功能、权衡指令功能、制约规范功能、建构评价功能。第三章是刑事诉讼文化模式。如果说第二章主要探讨的是刑事诉讼文化的内部结构关系及其功能,那么,本章则是要强调某一种刑事诉讼文化作为整体所具有的特质和功能。文化模式是正确理解文化表象意义及功能的背景性知识。文化模式理论强调文化的特殊性、地域性和民族性。据此,笔者认为刑事诉讼文化模式决定刑事诉讼模式。当不同的刑事诉讼文化相遇时,必然发生彼此冲突的现象。同时,由于文化模式具有整合功能,不同的刑事诉讼文化之间除了产生冲突,还会相互交流、影响,乃至融合。刑事诉讼文化的冲突与互动主要表现为:本土与外来、国家与民间、内部与外部、传统与现代的冲突与互动。刑事诉讼文化就是在这些冲突与互动中实现自身的发展。第四章是两大法系国家刑事诉讼文化的演进。根据文化模式理论,在人类法律文化的发展史上,不但不同的历史时期存在不同的刑事诉讼文化模式,在相同的时代,不同地域和民族的刑事诉讼文化模式也不相同。这些刑事诉讼文化模式因何不同?一个有效的方法就是通过其演进的历史来阐明。因篇幅所限,同时考虑到不同刑事诉讼文化模式在历史上的影响力不同,本文不仅将视野限定在大陆法系和英美法系刑事诉讼文化的演进,而且还只选择其中能够比较全面地反映这两个法系刑事诉讼文化特点及发展历程的国家作为分析对象。需要说明的是,基于本文所持的广义刑事诉讼文化观,以及制度文化反映观念文化的原理,本章对两大法系国家刑事诉讼文化演进的分析,主要是以制度文化的演进来进行的。第五章是中国的刑事诉讼文化。中国的刑事诉讼文化经过三千多年的发展,虽然模式相对单一,但仍有不少特点值得归纳总结。受篇幅和能力所限,本文并未对中国刑事诉讼文化的所有特点一一进行分析和论述,而只对笔者自认为具有深远影响的“无讼”和“讯问”问题进行了简要的阐述。笔者认为,从刑事诉讼的角度而言,“无讼”论所提倡的主要是消除民事诉讼,其所涵盖的刑事诉讼是轻微刑事案件,大体相当于现代刑事诉讼法所规定的自诉案件。为此,从“无讼”论的缘起,“无讼”所指涉的诉讼种类,犯罪成因决定了刑事诉讼非“无讼”所能禁,民、刑起诉原则之异所体现的“无讼”指向等方面论证了笔者的观点。“讯问”自古以来在中国的刑事诉讼中占有十分重要的地位,有罪推定、刑讯逼供无不与讯问直接相关。在中国这个具有“重实体、轻程序”刑事诉讼文化传统的国度,如何实现“讯问”程序的正当化已成为时下人们关注的重点问题。为此,本文在考察检察机关实行讯问职务犯罪嫌疑人全程同步录音录像制度的基础上,简要探讨了实现侦查讯问程序的正当化如何面对文化传统。第六章是基于文化传统的刑事诉讼法制建构。如果说前面五章的内容主要是提出问题和分析问题,那么本章所要论述的则是如何解决问题。也即对笔者所强调的“理解和建构刑事诉讼法律制度,必须考虑其赖以存在的特定社会在历史演进过程中所积淀的刑事诉讼文化传统”的解答。笔者认为:首先,建构刑事诉讼法制的落脚点是能用、管用、真用,为此在建构刑事诉讼法制过程要坚持四项原则,即现实性与前瞻性相结合原则、法定性与制裁性相结合原则、系统性与特殊性相结合原则、可操作性与开放性相结合原则。其次,要确立控制犯罪与保障人权黄金分割的刑事诉讼目的,为此建构刑事诉讼法制时要考虑三个因素,即诉讼规则与程序的多元化、注意发挥判例作用、加强刑事政策的调节作用。最后,要建立对抗与合作、和解相结合的刑事诉讼模式,为此要在传统的以“对抗”为理念的刑事诉讼模式基础上,确立以“合作”为理念的协商性司法模式和以“和解”为理念的恢复性司法模式,并对这两种模式的制度设计提出了设想。

【Abstract】 While the rule of law is accepted as an ideal way to rule the society which is resulted from practice and exploration of the mankind through long history,it does not mean to the man everything have settled.Because not only is the model of rule of law not fixed but also the disputes on how to make and explain the statues which bear with the rule of law will not stop.Because the law is a kind of local knowledge,which means the law is not only the compound of regulation but also a kind of dynamic cultural phenomenon.It has close relationship with the society in which the law roots but also will follow the orbit of the social progress.That is to say,the law is an organism being organized by a series of actors bearing with specific form and use but also affected deeply by some specific social and history factors.As conclusion,when making the law and try to explain the spirits of the law,we should give eyes to the law of formal meaning and equally to the law of substantial meaning,not only to today law but also to yesterday law,not only to the foreign law,but also to the native and the local law.Being based on the above-mentioned consideration,the criminal procedural cultures which play an important role and have practice values in making and understanding the criminal procedure law is chosen as the topic of this essay.In this essay not only will the criminal procedure law be studied as a dynamic phenomenon but also the born and evolution of it will be discussed from the cultural views.Then the view of the cultural history in which the law originated and rooted should be given enough emphasis when making and understanding the system of the criminal procedure law.This essay will include six chapters and sections.The first one is on the concept and characteristics of the criminal procedural cultures.After studying different cultural theories and law cultures,it concluded that the criminal procedural law should include broad sense and narrow one.The broad sense is that the criminal procedural cultures are collections which formed into being historically and one with all kinds of legal phenomenon that have related with the criminal procedure law.The narrow sense one is that the criminal procedural cultures is a system mingled with all the views and values being contained in the criminal procedural law system,behavior patterns of criminal procedure, criminal judicial system and mechanism,criminal judicial structure and facilities which reversely also gives restrictions and guides to their progress. I’d like to say that this essay only talks on the broad one.The specification of the criminal procedure law decides the specification of the criminal procedural cultures.Except the usual and specific characteristics of the general culture and law culture,the criminal procedural cultures also have the specific characteristics of conforming to the constitution,localization knowledge and unity of stability and development which different from other culture.The second chapter is about the structures and functions of the criminal procedural cultures.The basic relationship of the structures is focus on the relatively fixed relationship of every part and factors not on the parts and factors themselves.The significance of the structure lies that it can decide the affairs’ nature.The structure of the criminal procedural culture can be divided into the inner part and exterior.Every part includes several factors which will influence each other and will mingle in a system or a whole entity.The nucleus factors of the inner part is the ideas of the criminal procedure law but of the exterior is the system of the criminal procedure law.The functions of the criminal procedural cultures mainly include the function of expression and symbol,of the exchange and unification,of the weigh and direction,of the restriction and regulation,etc.The third part is about the model of the criminal procedural cultures and mainly talks about the characteristics and functions of certain kind of criminal procedural culture when it being studied as an entirety.The model of cultures is an important knowledge when you trying to study deeply the function of expression and symbol of the criminal procedural cultures.The model of cultures mainly touches on the cultures with characteristics of specification,locality and nationality.In view of this point,the model of the criminal procedural culture plays a determinant role when to choose which model of the criminal procedure law should be taken.If different kinds of criminal procedural cultures meet together,conflicts will take place and exchange,influence each other and even to merge into together will also happen at the meantime.Conflicts and mutual effects of the criminal procedural cultures mainly happened between the locality and foreigner,the country and common people,the inner part and exterior and the tradition and contemporary in which the criminal procedural cultures get development.The fourth part is about the development of the criminal procedural cultures in the system of civil law and case law.In line with the model of the culture,there are different kinds of models of the criminal procedural cultures during the different history,age,areas and different nation.What does make this difference? One of the effective ways is to clarify the development of the criminal procedural cultures.Being limited by the length of this article,in line with the different kinds of the model of the criminal procedural cultures will give different effects during the different history,this article only do give eyes mainly on the development of the criminal procedural cultures of the system of the civil law and the case law and at the meantime only touches on some country which can show the specific characteristics of the criminal procedural cultures of the two legal system.It is no needless to say that in line with the broad sense of the criminal procedural culture this article studied and the system culture mirrors the way of looking at a thing,the clarification to the development of the criminal procedural cultures of two legal systems mainly be realized through to show the development of the system cultures.The fifth part is about the criminal procedural cultures of China.The criminal procedural cultures in china have been being developed for three thousand years.It has many characteristics to summarize although its single model.On account of the length of this article,only the No-LAWSUIT and INTERROGATION get discussed.I argue that,from the views of the criminal procedure law,the theory of NO-LAWSUIT mainly stands for clearing up civil case.This theory only includes simple criminal cases, generally speaking,which is commensurate with the private cases stated by today criminal procedure law.The INTERROGATION plays an important role in the history of the criminal procedure law in china.In china how to make the process of interrogation in the criminal procedure more justice appears to be hot point.For this purpose;,after checking the video recording rule taken by the procuratorial organs during procurator interrogating the suspects,this article will talk about how to deal with the culture tradition during the process of making the inten’ogation in the criminal procedure being more justice.The sixth part is about the construction of the criminal procedural system which is rooted on traditional culture.If the forgoing statement is about to raise and analyze question,this part will mainly about to solve the question.That is to say,to answer the argument that when we study and construct the criminal procedural legal system,the tradition of the criminal procedural culture which come into being in specific social history should be given more consideration.Firstly,the basic points of constructing the criminal procedural law should be it can,will,and does work.For this purpose,when we construct the criminal procedural law,the rule of reality and forwardness,of legality and sanction,of systematic and specific,of manipulative and open should be adhered to.Secondly,in order to keep equal situation between controlling crime and protecting the legal rights of suspects which is the purpose of the criminal procedure law pursuit,there are three factors should be considered when constructing the criminal procedural law,that is,diversity of the procedural rule and process, attention to example of the case,strengthening the regulation effects of the criminal policy.Finally,the criminal procedural model of confrontation and cooperation or reconciled should be developed.For this reason,the judicial model of consultation in line with the view of cooperation and the model of recovery in line with the view of reconciliation should be developed.

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