

A Study on Juvenile Criminal Proceeding

【作者】 胡昊昕

【导师】 卞建林;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 诉讼法学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 少年刑事司法程序,是出于保护少年的目的,针对少年身心的特殊性而建立的一种专门诉讼程序。我国尚未从国家立法层面建立专门的少年司法程序,现行的少年刑事司法的程序依据主要是司法部门的司法解释。这些解释在我国少年司法程序中发挥着重要的作用,但也存在一定的不足,与国际标准和法治国家的立法有一定差距。本文旨在对少年刑事司法程序的模式、理论基础、价值取向、基本原则和制度以及具体的程序设计等做一整体研究,以期对我国少年司法程序的立法完善和制度健全有所裨益。本文主要运用了比较研究的方法,关注我国正在进行的相关试点改革,结合我国具体的国情进行分析借鉴。全文共七章。第一章介绍了各国刑事司法意义上的少年和少年犯罪,对我国相关概念行了界定,并对少年刑事司法程序的法律思想发展和立法趋势以及特征进行了初步的介绍。第二章是少年刑事司法程序的比较考察。对以美国、德国为代表的少年法庭模式、以瑞典为代表的儿童福利委员会模式比较考察,对少年刑事司法的国际标准进行了研究。从中总结出一些具有普遍性的发展趋势。第三章是少年司法程序的理论基础和价值取向。在本章中笔者探讨了现代少年司法程序建立的三个理论基础。一是国家亲权理论;二是“儿童宜教不宜罚”的特别保护的理论;三是以实证主义哲学理论为基础的近代刑罚教育刑论。同时通过对少年司法程序的比较分析得出了少年刑事司法程序的基本价值取向:保护少年的尊严与自由;强调少年福祉;注重少年的未来;追求实质公正;少年与社会双保护。并对这些理论和价值进行了论述,说明。第四章是我国少年司法程序的宏观构想。主要包括少年司法程序的基本目的,原则和制度以及专门司法组织的健全。建立少年司法程序的基本目的是贯彻教育、感化、挽救的方针,建立保护性的少年刑事司法程序,基本原则是双保护原则;减少司法干预原则;诉讼不公开原则;迅速简约原则。少年刑事司法程序的基本制度包括:社会调查制度;合适成年人制度;辩护制度;司法转处制度。笔者对这些原则、制度的概念、内容、理论依据以及表现形式都进行了研究。第五至七章是对少年司法程序的宏观构想下的具体程序,按照审前程序、审判程序和执行程序的模式进行研究。在各程序阶段,笔者选取了富有少年司法代表性的问题和当前试点的热点问题加以研究。第五章审前程序。审前程序包括侦查和审查起诉程序。侦查程序中,笔者对少年刑事司法的侦查的立案、传唤、讯问、羁押和保释、侦查中的分流进行了探索。对审查起诉的会见制度、分案制度、不起诉制度和缓起诉制度进行了研究。第六章审判程序。研究内容包括:少年审判组织;适合少年审判的氛围,少年审判中的保护性制度,少年审判中的教育,暂缓判决制度。第七章执行程序。主要研究了执行的目的和原则、监禁刑的执行、社区矫正制度、刑事污点取消和限制公开制度。

【Abstract】 Criminal judicial procedure on juvenile,with the purpose of protecting the juveniles,is a kind of special criminal proceeding in order to adapt to the particularities in the body and the mind of the juveniles.At present, China has not yet established national legislation of criminal judicial procedure on juvenile.Therefore,the current juvenile criminal justice process is mainly based on the judicial interpretation of the judiciary.As a matter of fact,these interpretations played an important role in our juvenile justice process though there are still some deficiencies.Hence, much more efforts need to be exerted to meet the international standard or to become a country under the rule of law.The paper here explores into the models,the rationale,value orientations,basic principles and systems, as well as specific procedures of the juvenile criminal justice process for the purpose of perfecting its legislation and relative systems.The thesis, through the comparative research method,analyses China’s relative ongoing pilot reform based on the specific national conditions.This thesis consists of seven chapters.Chapter one mainly introduces the concept of juvenile and juvenile delinquency around the world and particularly points out China’s interpretations of the relevant concepts. Meanwhile,a brief introduction to the development of legal thought,the legislation trend and the characteristics of the criminal judicial processes on juvenile is also given in this section.Chapter two focuses on the comparison of various juvenile criminal justice procedures.In this chapter,the author probes into the international standard of the juvenile criminal justice through the analysis of several countries’ procedural models,such as the American arid Germany juvenile court model,the Scandinavian child welfare board model and so on.As a conclusion,the author stated that there is certain common development trend shared by these judicial procedures.Chapter three is the theoretical basis and value orientation of juvenile criminal proceeding.Three bases are discussed in this section:the national parental rights theory;the special protection theory of "Children should be persuaded rather than punished" and the modern education criminal penalties theory based on positivism.Meanwhile,through the comparative analysis of juvenile criminal proceeding,the author concludes that the fundamental value orientations are:protecting the dignity and freedom of the juvenile;stressing the happiness of the juvenile;focusing on the future of the juvenile;pursuing the real justice;double protection from both the family and society and advocating the harmony justice,followed by some relative interpretations and conclusive statements.Chapter four is the macro blueprint of China’s juvenile justice process, mainly including the basic purpose,principles and systems as well as the perfection of specialized organizations.The basic purpose is to implement the policy of "education,reform and rescue".The basic principles are: double protection principle;the principle of the reduction of judicial intervention;non-public trial principle;the principle of rapidness and simplicity of procedures.And the basic systems consist of Social Survey system;suitable adult system;defense system and judicial rotating system. So in this chapter,the concept of these principles and the system,the content,the theoretical basis and forms are what the author mainly concerns about.The last three chapters introduce the specific procedures under the macro blueprint of the juvenile judicial process.The author researches on pre-trial procedures,the trial procedures and the procedures for implementation respectively.In each procedural stage,representative and heatedly-discussed juvenile justice issues are selected as illustrations to study on.Chapter five:pre-trial procedures.Pre-trial procedures include the investigation and review proceedings.In investigation proceedings,the author probes into the filing,summons,questioning/inquiry,detaining and releases on bail and the segregation of investigations.The system of meeting,the points system,non-prosecution system and suspended prosecution in review and prosecution proceedings are also discussed in detail in this chapter.Chapter six:Trial system.The research includes the trial organs;the appropriate atmosphere in juvenile trial;the protective system in juvenile trial;education in the juvenile trial and the suspend judgment system.Chapter seven:The phase of execution.The main issues are concerned with the purposes and principles of implementation,the execution of imprisonment,community correction system,the abolishment of criminal record and restrictions on public trial.

  • 【分类号】D925.2
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】968