

Study on the Problem of Appearing in Court as a Witness in Criminal Action in China

【作者】 郑好

【导师】 宋英辉;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 诉讼法学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文通篇围绕两个问题展开研究,一是我国刑事证人不出庭的成因;二是刑事证人法庭调查模式的选择。以刑事诉讼实践为根本出发点,运用思辨、比较和实证的研究方法,对上述两个问题进行了深入分析。第一章是事实确证与证人出庭作证。诉讼过程在很大程度上是事实的确证过程,事实的确证过程必须符合人类认识的一般规律。本章在辨析事实、真实和确证等认识论上的基本概念及其关系的基础上,引入内在主义和外在主义的两种确证路径,对认识论上一般确证过程做了简要的阐释,论述证人证言在案件事实确证中的重要作用;通过对认识论的分析,阐释了证人出庭作证在确证案件事实上的基础性地位,为进一步分析证人出庭作证进行了理论上的铺垫。第二章是我国刑事证人出庭现状及成因分析。本章对我国刑事证人出庭的现状、危害及现状与危害之间的因果关系进行阐述。在本章第一部分,笔者根据刑事审判实践的内在需求界定了刑事证人应当出庭作证的范围,根据现有刑事证人出庭情况的实证资料,对此范围内的证人出庭情况进行了分析,得出我国刑事证人不出庭的实质是控方证人不出庭,刑事证人不出庭从主体上可以直接归因于检察官和法官的消极态度。根据现代认知心理学理论及实证研究资料,揭示了证人证言的风险性,证人不出庭对刑事证明标准的侵蚀以及对保障无辜这一诉讼价值目标的危害。在本章的第二部份,笔者运用经济分析的方法对现行制度框架下检察官、法官以及控方证人在证人出庭作证和不出庭作证两种情形下的效用变化进行了研究,阐释了检察官、法官、证人在现行证人作证制度下消极对待证人出庭作证的原因。第三章是我国刑事证人出庭制度的反思。我国现行证人出庭作证制度上的缺陷既有立法技术层面上的原因,更有价值选择层面上的原因。本章第一部分通过对美国正当程序的以及刑事诉讼中诉讼权利发展历程,论述了正当程序的理念基础以及刑事诉讼中的诉讼权利的本质;在正义这一根本价值目标的视野下,阐释了保障无辜在刑事诉讼程序位阶序列上的优先地位。在本章的第二部分,笔者论述了我国证人出庭制度在保障证人出庭方面的缺陷,阐述了程序性制裁机制在确保证人出庭上的重要性。第四章是刑事证人法庭调查模式的性能比较。依据认知心理学和实证研究文献,笔者比较了当事人主义调查模式与职权主义调查模式在发现真实和程序内可接受性上的性能差异,并对两种证人调查模式融合的可能性及效果进行了分析。第五章是我国证人作证制度改革的动力及方向。从市场经济改革对我国社会关系和诉讼文化的影响入手,对我国证人制度变迁的动力和方向进行了探讨。

【Abstract】 The whole of this article centers on two problems,one is about causes of witness not appear in court in criminal Litigation in our country and the other is about the choice of pattern of witness testimony.According to the practice of criminal prosecution,the article has a deeply analysis on the above two problems by the research techniques of speculative,comparative and empirical analysis.The first chapter is about proof of facts and witness to testify before the court.The fact irrevocably proved that appears in court with witness to testify.The lawsuit process is to a great extent the fact proof process,the fact proof process must conform to the general rule which the humanity knew.This chapter in discrimination fact,real and epistemology and so on proof basic concepts and in relational foundation,the introduction intrinsic principle and the external principle’s two kind of proof way,the general proof process gives the brief explanation to the epistemology,elaborates witness testimony in the case fact proof influential role;At the same time, through to the epistemology analysis,explained witness to appear in court to testify in proof case foundational status in fact,and to further analyze witness to appear in court to testify has carried on the theory upholstery.The second chapter is about the present situation of criminal witness appearing to testify in our country and its origin analysis.This chapter elaborates the present situation of witness testimony in our country and the harm of its cause and the relatedness between them.The first part in this chapter has limited the scope of criminal witness appearing to testify according to the criminal trial practice’s intrinsic demand.This part draws the conclusion that witness not to appear in court to testify possibly attributes to the public prosecutor and judge’s negative attitude.At the same time,this part has also analyzed the false risk of witness testimony and the corrosion to the proof standard because of not appear in court to testify and the danger to the realize of safeguarding the value of innocent lawsuit according to the materials of empirical study and the theory of the modern cognition psychology scientific.The second part in this chapter utilizes the method of economic analysis to the public prosecutor,judge and the change of effectiveness of witness appearing to testify or not under the present system of witness testimony,and has explained the reasons why treat negatively to witness appeared in court to testify by the public prosecutor, judge,witness under the present system of witness testimony.The third chapter is the reconsider on the system of witness appears in court to testify in our country.Besides the reason of the legislative technology,another more important reason is the value to choose which also become part of flaws of the system of witness appears in court to testify in our country.The first part of this chapter is mainly about the basic theory of due process and the nature of human rights according to the history of the American due process and the criminal prosecution; under the version of the goal of Just,then explains why the safeguard innocently in the criminal prosecution procedure position should be put at the first status.In the second part of this chapter,the author elaborates the importances of making sure witness to appear in court to testify in our country,and legislative flaws of this system.The fourth chapter is mainly about the reform path on the system of witness appears in court to testify in our country.Based on the cognition psychology and the empirical study literature,the author compares the litigant principle witness to testify the pattern and the authority principle testifies the pattern,from the possibility of discovering the truth and the the acceptable performance of procedure,then has an analysis on the possibility and the effects between the two patterns.In the second part, from the effects of the market economic reform on our country social relations and the lawsuit culture’s influence,the auther has carried on the discussion to vicissitude’s power and the direction in our country’s witness system.

  • 【分类号】D925.2
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