

Research on Adaptive Power Control System of a Cold Milling Machine

【作者】 马鹏宇

【导师】 胡永彪;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文结合陕西省自然科学基金资助项目“连续行走作业机械功率自适应控制系统模型研究”(2007E221),针对目前一些冷铣刨机行走作业功率控制主要凭司机经验人工控制造成了铣刨机的发动机功率利用率低、生产率不高及能耗比较大的使用情况,提出了“冷铣刨机功率自适应控制系统研究”的课题。本文所研究的功率自适应控制系统主要由三个子系统组成,一是最大功率或者最大生产率自适应控制子系统,该功能主要满足发动机油门固定在最大位置,当外负荷的干扰超过控制器的设定值时对机器的作业速度进行控制,从而使发动机转速平稳并保持额定功率输出或者使机器能在最大生产率下工作;二是行走机构滑转功率自适应控制系统,当机器在大负荷的工况下作业时其行走机构的阻力非常大,此时一味的追求高生产率可能会使机器的滑转率迅速增加,虽然此时能够使发动机在额定工况下工作,但是这时机器的轮胎磨损严重,滑转功率损失增加,并且其作业速度并没有明显的增加,在此种工况下通过滑转功率自适应控制系统将铣刨机行走机构的滑转率控制在最佳滑转率上,以提高机器的生产率,降低机器的功率损失;三是发动机变功率自适应控制子系统,当冷铣刨机在小负荷下工作时,面临着即使把行走变量泵的排量加到最大,其发动机的功率仍然得不到充分利用的工况。此时还把发动机油门固定在最大位置势必会增加燃油的消耗,此种工况下由发动机变功率控制子系统完成发动机的油门开度控制,使发动机输出功率与机器实际消耗的功率相匹配,以减小油耗。由上述内容可以看出,“冷铣刨机功率自适应控制系统研究”课题旨在采用自适应控制的理论、方法和技术对铣刨机消耗的功率进行自动控制,充分发挥机器的装机功率,提高功率利用率,降低功率消耗和功率损失,充分发挥机器能力和提高生产率以及作业效率,提高机器的可靠性和寿命,降低机器的燃油消耗。本文以冷铣刨机功率自适应控制系统为研究对象,对系统进行了数学建模、硬件设计、软件设计、系统仿真和样机试验等研究工作,主要研究工作如下:1.通过查阅大量的国内外文献,总结了冷铣刨机的技术发展和机电一体化过程,分析了机器功率自适应的发展历程,介绍了目前国内外冷铣刨机的控制方式和相关产品,分析了国产小型冷铣刨机的功率控制技术研究与应用现状。进而提出了在冷铣刨机功率自适应控制的过程中,不仅要考虑发动机输出功率的控制,同时也要考虑机器作业过程中行走机构滑转率和发动机油门开度控制的研究方案。2.对冷铣刨机功率自适应控制理论及原理进行了系统地分析。详细阐述了本文所研究功率自适应的控制原理及理论依据,分析了冷铣刨机发动机、作业装置及行走机构所消耗功率的影响因素,提出了以铣刨机作业速度作为主控参数的结论;并分析了功率自适应控制对已有冷铣刨机功率使用的影响。在回顾传统性能参数匹配的基础上,对功率自适应控制系统对冷铣刨机传统性能参数匹配的影响进行阐述和理论证明。3.冷铣刨机功率自适应控制系统的设计和系统实时运行必须以一定的系统模型为基础,论文利用理论分析和参考相关试验数据相结合的方法,推导、建立了冷铣刨机整机系统的数学模型,主要包括发动机的模型、行走机构的模型、作业装置的模型、油门执行器模型等。根据对模型的仿真表明该模型有着良好的动静态性能,能够对铣刨机的作业过程进行相关仿真研究。4.系统研究了冷铣刨机功率自适应控制系统的各个功能模块,文中根据铣刨机的作业特性,分别阐述了各个功能模块的工作原理,重点阐述了功率控制、油门开度控制及行走机构滑转率控制的电路工作原理。并对相应功能模块的控制电路进行了设计,对各电路中的电器元件选择进行了介绍。室内调试的结果表明该设计能够满足功率自适应的功能要求。5.结合所建立的冷铣刨机整机数学模型,对传统的PID控制及其控制效果进行简单介绍,并对近年来流行的几种人工智能控制算法进行了比较,重点对模型参考模糊自适应控制与单神经元自适应控制进行了研究,并给出了这几种控制算法应用于本系统的仿真结果。根据对各种控制算法优缺点的比较及冷铣刨机控制的需要,选择了模型参考单神经元自适应控制算法。在研究控制算法的基础上,对冷铣刨机功率自适应控制主要模块的控制策略进行了研究,并给出了软件设计的流程图,提出了冷铣刨机作业过程中发动机油门开度、滑转率及功率自适应三者的联合控制策略。6.基于冷铣刨机的系统结构及参数配置,利用本文研究的控制策略及控制算法,设计开发了具有实际应用价值的功率自适应控制系统。7.对功率自适应控制系统进行了现场试验,试验结果表明:全功率自适应控制系统能够满足作业的需要,并对机器的生产率产生显著影响,试验结果与铣刨机功率自适应控制的原理相吻合。使用功率自适应控制前发动机要么出现轻载要么会出现过载的情况,这使发动机的功率很难充分发挥;使用功率自适应控制系统后,铣刨机完成起步后发动机大部分时间能够工作在额定工况附近;使用功率自适应控制系统后,铣刨机的作业速度亦即生产率得到提升。在铣深4cm时提升了4.1%,在铣深为8cm时提升13.3%,而在铣刨深度为12cm时提升了43.9%之多。这说明所研究的功率自适应控制系统能够用于提升机器的作业效率,与仿真中的负荷越大生产率提升越显著的结论一致。

【Abstract】 According to the requirement of Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province‘Research on the Model of the Adaptive Power Control about the Continuous Going and Working Machine’(2007E221) and many cold milling machines are operated by the driver through their experience which leads to the low using ratio of the engine power, the low productivity and a high consumption of the oil, the problem of‘Research on Adaptive Power Control System of a Cold Milling Machine’is put forward. The adaptive power control system in this research is composed by three subsystem, the first one is the engine rate power control subsystem. When the engine accelerograph is at its maximum position and the load of the machine exceeds the fixed value, this subsystem will control the machine to make the machine work at its rated power or at its maximum productivity. The second is the slip power control subsystem. The resistance of the drive system is very big when the machine worked at the high load, in this work condition ,the slip ratio will increase greatly if the work speed is increased to improve the productivity. This operation maybe make the machine work at its rated power, but it can also lead to the increase of the consumption of the slip power and the serious abrasion of the tyre while the work speed is hardly increased. So it is necessary to make the machine work at its optimum curve and make the machine productivity increase in a lower consumption of slip power. The third one is changing power control subsystem. When the machine work in little load and the work speed is the maximum, the engine power is also not in full use. In this work condition, that the accelerograph is at its maximum position will leads to higher oil consumption. Then the changing power control system is to match the power that the machine consumed to the engine output power and decrease the oil consumption. So the research on adaptive power control system of a cold milling machine is to realize the power control by the way of adaptive control theory and method to make full use of the engine power, increase the machine work productivity and work efficiency, increase the work life and dependability and decrease the oil consumption. The adaptive power control system of a cold milling machine is the research object, the mathematic model of the system is built up, the design of the hardware and software of the system is finished, the simulation of the model and experiment of the control system are also accomplished. From the research work , the conclusions is as follows:(1)After many literatures are consulted, the method and the developing process of the mechanical and electrical integration of the cold milling machine is summarized, the developing process of the machine adaptive power control is analyzed, some control methods and products of the cold milling machine are introduced, the utilization and research actuality of the power control of the minitype cold milling machine are analyzed. According to the analysis, the viewpoint that the engine output power is not only the control aim, but the slip ratio of the drive system and accelerograph are also the control aims is put forward.(2)The theory and elements of the adaptive power control of a cold milling machine are analyzed across-the-aboard. The influence on work equipment and drive system power consumption is analyzed in detail. According to the analysis the work speed is selected as the main control parameter. The influence on the power use of the existing cold milling machine is also analyzed. Based on the analysis of traditional matching of the performance parameters, the influence of the adaptive power control on the matching of the performance parameters of a cold milling machine is analyzed through theoretical verification.(3)The research of the adaptive power control of a cold milling machine can not leave its mathematic model. The mathematic model of the cold milling machine is built up by the way of consequence and experiments. The model is composed by four sub models which are the model of engine, the model of drive system, the model of work equipment and the model of the gun executor. The simulation of the mathematic model shows that the static and dynamic performance of the cold milling machine is represented well.(4)Every function module of the adaptive power control system is researched by the numbers. According to the work characteristic of the cold milling machine, the work principle of Every function module is expatiated in detail. The power control, the gun position and the slip ratio control are talked especially. Based on these analyses, the electro circuit of every function module are all designed, and how to choose the electronic component is also talked in detail. The experiment in the lab shows that the design can meet the control target. (5) According to the mathematic model, the traditional PID control arithmetic and its control effect is expatiate, the model reference fuzzy adaptive PID and the model reference single nerve cell PID adaptive control are introduced mainly. After the excellence and shortcomings of these three arithmetic is compared through simulation by the software of Matlab/Simulink, the model reference single nerve cell PID adaptive control is selected as the arithmetic of this adaptive power control system. Based on the research of arithmetic, the control strategy of the main control module is studied, and the flow chart of the software is designed. The combined control strategy of the engine gun control, the slip ratio control and the power control is put forward.(6)Based on the structure and parameters matching of a cold milling machine, a kind of adaptive controller which can be used on the cold milling machine is developed. (7)The adaptive power control system is used on a cold milling machine which works on the asphalt pavement road. The experimental result shows that the adaptive power controller can meet the requirement of the cold milling machine and has great effect on the machine productivity, the experiment is coherent to the theory. The machine is either in over load or light load without the adaptive power controller, which is hard to make full use of the engine power. The machine works at its rate power by the adjustment of the adaptive power controller. When the machine is equipped the adaptive power controller and the milling depth is 4cm, 8cm and 12cm, the machine work efficiency is improved more 4.1%, 13.3% and 43.9% than a machine without the controller. The adaptive power control system can be used to improve the machine productivity, and these experiment conclusions verify the simulation result that the higher the load is the control effective is more obvious.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期