

Research on Control and Reconfiguration of Satellite Formation Flying

【作者】 刘剑锋

【导师】 崔乃刚;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 飞行器设计, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 卫星编队飞行是一种崭新的航天器空间在轨运行模式,凭借其巨大的技术优势和广阔的应用前景,从研究之初就备受关注,是一种能够代表未来航天发展趋势的技术。同时,卫星编队飞行对目前的航天技术提出了巨大挑战,在动力学、相对导航、队形控制等方面还有许多问题有待深入研究。本文以近地轨道卫星编队飞行为研究背景,对卫星编队的动力学、相对导航、队形保持、队形重构以及卫星编队飞行应用于空间轨道的封锁等问题进行了较为深入的研究和探讨。主要研究内容包括:编队卫星数学模型的建立和队形设计。分别从动力学和运动学角度出发,建立了两种卫星编队飞行的数学模型,推导了这两种数学模型之间的坐标转换关系,在此基础之上,分析了地球非球形引力、大气阻力和太阳光压等轨道摄动力对编队飞行的影响,然后针对主星在圆或椭圆轨道上运动,进行了队形设计。卫星编队飞行相对导航研究。本文提出了激光测距仪测量、特征光点与CCD相机组合测量、激光测距仪和特征光点组合测量三种不同的卫星编队飞行相对测量方案,利用扩展卡尔曼滤波算法、Unscented卡尔曼滤波算法和粒子滤波算法对星间相对导航问题进行了深入的研究,仿真结果表明无论是估计精度还是收敛速度,Unscented卡尔曼滤波在相对导航应用中都要优于扩展卡尔曼滤波,而粒子滤波对于系统噪声是非高斯白噪声的情况具有较强的适应性。卫星编队飞行的队形保持和控制研究。根据卫星编队飞行的动力学模型,提出了线性二次型调节器控制和势函数控制两种不同的控制方案。线性二次型调节器控制主要是针对主星在近圆轨道上运动,无摄动的情况,而势函数控制理论可以适用于主星在任意椭圆轨道上运动,有摄动的情况,数学仿真验证了这两种不同控制方法的有效性。卫星编队飞行队形重构研究。研究了基于多种约束条件下的编队卫星队形重构技术。根据队形重构的特点,推导了防止星间碰撞、燃料消耗均衡和控制力限幅等约束条件,将编队的队形重构问题归结为代数方程求解问题,提出了基于非线性规划和遗传算法的求解思路,数学仿真验证了方法的可行性。卫星编队飞行轨道封锁研究。文中探讨了轨道封锁机理和本质,研究了主星在椭圆轨道上运动情况下,编队卫星轨道封锁问题,数学仿真显示,利用编队卫星进行空间轨道封锁是可以实现的。总之,本文以理论分析与仿真计算相结合的方式,对近地轨道航天器编队飞行的动力学、导航、控制以及应用进行了有益的研究和探讨,提出了若干解决编队控制和应用问题的方法,对于其它轨道上的航天器编队飞行的相关研究也具有借鉴意义,将为我国分布式航天器技术的理论研究和实际应用提供参考。

【Abstract】 Formation flying is a new paradigm in space mission design, which has been a hot view since it appeared and is regarded as trend about spacecraft technology, at the same time, there are a lot of challenges in dynamics, relative navigation, control and application.Based on the excellent characteristic and the wide application of low earth orbit, the research on formation flying, including formation dynamics and design analysis with perturbations, relative navigation, formation maintenance and control as well as formation reconfiguration problem which formation orbit transfer and maneuvers in phase, are studied detailed in the dissertation. What’s more, there is a discussion on the method and the ability of local space control with formation flying. The main contents are as follows:Model building and formation designing on formation flying. From the view of dynamics and kinematics accordingly, the two models of formation flying are built, and transform matrix is also be derived between them, on this condition, the different perturbation from the J 2 perturbation arising from the aspherical nature of the Earth, drag and solar radiation pressure is analyzed, at last formation is designed when master satellite is in circle or elliptical reference orbit. Achieving the objectives of maintenance and control, therefore, understanding and utilizing the dynamics of relative motion is of significant importance.The research on relative navigation of formation flying. Three different measurement methods are proposed in the dissertation, which are laser range finder, charge coupled device sensor and a combination of laser range finder and charge coupled device sensor, relative navigation is approached respectively by extended kalman filter, unscented kalman filter and particle filter, by comparing the characteristics of extended kalman filter with that of unscented kalman filter , the conclusion can be drawn that unscented kalman filter gets better performance than extended kalman filter in the relative navigation, especially, paticle filter is fit for non-Gaussian noise well.The research on maintenance and control of formation flying. According to dynamics model of formation flying, two kind of control scheme that is LQRcontroller and potential function controller is studied in the dissertation, LQRcontroller is applied when master satellite is in circle or very small eccentricityreference orbit, and Tperturbations have no effect on formation. TPotential functioncontroller is applied when master satellite is in any reference orbit, andTperturbations have effect on formation. TThe simulation results show that the twocontrol method is effective.The research on formation reconfiguration. The technique is developed forthe numerical treatment of optimal control problems for formation systems inorder to compute optimal control laws for the reconfiguration of a group offormation flying satellites. In process of formation reconfiguration, the collisionfree,equalization of energy, limited controller and so on are regarded as restrictconditions. Nonlinear program and Genetic Algorithms are applied to satellitesformation reconfiguration, the simulation results validate t the reconfigurationmethod is feasible.The research on space combat using satellite formation flying. The differentmethod to control local space is discussed in the dissertation. the problem ofcontrolling local space using satellite formation flying is investigated as masterbeing in circle or elliptical reference orbit, the results indicate the research onspace combat using satellite formation flying is significative.In conclusion, by analyzing and simulating, it mainly makes researches onthe problems in dynamics, relative navigation, control, reconfiguration andapplication of satellite formation in the dissertation and proposes some methodson the navigation, control and the application of satellites formation flying,which maybe provide ideas for the research on formation flying in differentorbits and be of some help to the development of distributed spacecraft system.
