

Study on the Sustainable Innovation Management of National Defence High-tech Enterprises

【作者】 英爽

【导师】 傅毓维;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 国防工业是关系国家安全的战略性产业,国防高新技术企业作为国防工业的主要承载者和主力军,不仅成为发展国防工业的主导要素,而且成为当代世界经济发展和强军立国的驱动力。从比较国内外国防高新技术企业的发展来看,虽然我国国防工业取得了很大的发展和一些可喜的成绩,但存在生产经营管理落后,人员激励滞后,尚未形成精干、高效、相互协同的组织形式。这严重抑制了我国国防工业及其企业自主创新体系的形成。在此背景下,探析束缚我国国防高新技术企业发展的解决途径,成为重要的研究课题,也是本论文着力要解决的问题。本论文运用高新技术理论、创新理论、企业能力理论等,采用比较分析和以能力为基础的平台方法,探析了我国国防企业一系列坎坷的改革历程,揭示了抑制我国国防工业及其企业发展的根源在于企业“自生能力”的缺失,并对“自生能力”进行了阐释和缺失的原因探析,得出了国防高新技术企业迫切需要解决的不仅仅是技术问题,更多的是管理问题,是全员参与创新、增强内在活力和能力的管理问题。并针对国防高新技术企业创新行为的偏离,提出了创新资源观,并基于创新管理在创新行为基本层面研究的不足,提出了持续创新管理,针对解决国防高新技术企业自生能力形成的障碍,构建了持续创新管理体系,识别出持续创新管理所要提升的关键维度:持续创新战略、持续创新动力、持续创新能力,目的就在于纠正创新行为的偏离,带动国防高新技术企业内在能力的跨越,从而建设起国防工业及其企业的自主创新体系。在对持续创新管理各关键维度研究上,采用系统分析结合实证分析、定性分析结合定量分析的方法,分析了持续创新战略、持续创新动力、持续创新能力对影响企业自主创新体系形成的促进关系,揭示了各关键维度基于全员主体性的内在本质,给出相应的形成导向或驱动途径,并以此作为构建各关键维度激励模型及其为各模型运作选择主导要素的基础,确定提升国防高新技术企业各关键维度的结构组成,为持续创新管理强有力地促进企业形成自生能力以及自主创新体系,提供可实施性的途径。总之,国防高新技术企业持续创新管理研究,将创新过程的三大主体:创新者、创新推动者、创新接受者,一起纳入研究框架,探讨倡导、推动进而带动三大主体创新的过程,建立起国防高新技术企业持续创新管理体系及其提升其关键维度结构组成的构架,提供各关键维度及其各激励模型内部构成对持续创新管理绩效作用的路径,并针对国防高新技术企业迫切需要建立起自主创新体系的现实问题,提出对策建议,为国防高新技术企业形成自生能力以至形成自主创新体系提供了能力储备和积累的操作平台。

【Abstract】 The national defence industry is the strategic industry relating to the country safety, and the national defence high-tech enterprises are the main supporters and the main force of the national defence industry. They are not only the main prominent element to develop the national defence industry, but also the driving force to promote the economic development of the world and to strengthen the military to defend our country. By comparing the development of the national defence high-tech enterprises home and abroad, a conclusion could be got that though the national defence industry of our country has made big progress and got some achievement, but the management of production lags, the employee stimulation is lacked, the organization form which is crack, high effective, and cooperative is not formed. That constraints the development and the independent innovation system construction of the national defence high-tech enterprises. Under that background, exploring the way to resolve the constraint of the development of the national defence high-tech enterprises is becoming an important project, so it is the problem to be solved in the paper.The paper applies the high-tech theory, the innovation theory, and the enterprise capability theory, adopts the comparison analysis and the method based on the capability, analyzes a series of the rough reforming process of the national defence enterprises, exposes the root that constraints the development of the national defence industry and that of the national defence high-tech enterprises lies in the lack of the enterprise "self-autogenic capability", expatiates the signification of "the self-autogenic capability", analyzes the reason for the lack of "the self-autogenic capability", draws the conclusion that the problems to be solved of the national defence high-tech enterprises are not only the technical problems, but also the more management problems, and to solve the problems, it needs the whole staff to participate to advance the internal energy and the capability. Aiming at the deviation of the innovation actions of the national defence high-tech enterprise that leads to "the endosarc" are not touched, the paper proposes the innovation resource viewpoint. Aiming at the lack of the study of the innovation management on the basic level of the innovation actions, the paper presents the concept of the successive innovation management, and in order to get rid of the barriers to the formation of the self-autogenic capability of our country’s national defence enterprises, the paper construct the successive innovation system to identify the key dimension to be promoted by the successive innovation management: the successive innovation strategy, the successive innovation power, the successive innovation capability. The goal of that is to correct the deviation of the innovation actions, and to drive the internal capability spinning of the national defence high-tech enterprises, and to construct the independent innovation system of the national defence industry and the national defence enterprises.On the base of studying the key dimensions of the successive innovation management, the paper adopts the method of the system analysis combining the demonstration and the qualitative analysis combining the quantitative analysis, analyzes the promotion relation of the successive innovation strategy, the successive innovation power, the successive innovation capability to the formation of the independent innovation system of the enterprises, exposes the internal essence of the key dimensions based on the whole staff subjectivity, presents the corresponding formation direction and the driving pathway, based on that to construct the key dimension stimulation model and to choose the prominent elements for the model operation. That confirms the construct components to promote the national defence high-tech enterprises’ key dimensions, provides the implementary method to the successive innovation management, and strongly supports the enterprises to form the self-autogenic capability the independent innovation system.In conclusion, the study on the successive innovation management of the national defence high-tech enterprise puts the three main bodies of the innovation process: the innovator, the innovation propellent and the innovation receiver into the research frame, explores how to sparkplug, to drive and to promote the innovation process of the three main bodies, constructs the successive innovation management system of the national defence high-tech enterprises and the framework to promote their key dimension construct components, provides the method of the key dimensions and the model acting on the successive innovation management performance. Aiming at the practical problem that the national defence high-tech enterprises need to set up the independent innovation system urgently, the paper presents the corresponding advices, and that offers the platform of the capability storage and accumulation for the national defence high-tech enterprises forming the self-autogenic capability and the independent innovation system.

  • 【分类号】F276.44;F426.48
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】547
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