

Research on Coordinated Development between Regional S&T and Economy System

【作者】 姜钰

【导师】 傅毓维;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 随着知识经济时代的到来,科技与经济的关系日益密切,科技作为第一生产力,在转变经济增长方式、调整经济结构、提升竞争力等方面发挥重要的作用。区域科技与经济系统的协调发展是实现区域集约型经济增长方式的突破口,是获得高质量经济增长的重要途径,是区域振兴的关键,是区域可持续发展的前提和基础。论文以区域创新理论、区域新经济增长理论、区域可持续发展理论和复杂性科学理论作为理论基础,以区域科技与经济系统为研究对象,以协调发展为研究主线,以面向协调的管理为出发点,以协调发展的运行机制为研究核心,以区域科技与经济系统协调发展的评价与预测、控制为研究重点,对区域科技与经济系统协调发展的主要问题进行了系统地梳理、整合与创新。论文通过对美、日、韩三国和我国科技与经济系统协调发展的比较,指出目前我国科技与经济系统协调发展中存在的主要问题,对比国外的成功经验,找出它们的共同点和带给我们的启示。论文通过剖析区域科技与经济系统,指出区域科技与经济系统具有协同性、复杂性和可调控性等特征,并利用Logistic曲线阐释了区域科技与经济系统的演进机理,指出其可持续发展的关键在于区域科技与经济系统的协调发展。论文重点解析了区域科技与经济系统协调发展的形成机理,借助协同学理论指出协同效应是区域科技与经济系统协调发展的内在动因,借助耗散结构理论指出负熵流入是区域科技与经济系统协调发展的外在因素,并由此构建了区域科技与经济系统协调发展的理论框架。以理论框架为基础,提出了区域科技与经济系统协调管理的概念,并从区域科技与经济系统协调发展的运行机制、区域科技与经济系统协调发展的评价、区域科技与经济系统协调发展度预测和优化控制等方面构建了区域科技与经济系统协调发展的实施框架。论文在构建了区域科技与经济系统协调发展的循环链接模式的基础上,对循环链接模式中各网络结点进行了深入地分析。以此为基础,从市场机制、多元投资机制、科技创新机制、中介服务机制和保障机制五方面构建了区域科技与经济系统协调发展的运行机制网络体系。分析了各运行机制间的耦合互动关系,并对各运行机制促进区域科技与经济系统协调发展的内涵和实现机理进行较为全面的论述。论文构建了一套比较完善的评价区域科技与经济系统协调发展的指标体系,从区域科技与经济系统相互协调促进作用评价入手,分别对区域科技与经济系统相关性、经济促进科技发展有效性和科技进步贡献率等方面进行了相应的模型的构建;同时利用主成分分析与回归拟和相结合的方法构建了区域科技与经济系统发展水平协调性评价模型;最后提出应用模糊积分方法对区域科技与经济系统综合协调发展度进行测定,为评价区域科技与经济系统协调发展提供了理论支持。区域科技与经济系统协调发展的预测与控制也是区域科技与经济系统协调发展研究的重点。论文构建了区域科技与经济系统协调发展度的非线性自回归预测模型,并对预测模型的不同动态行为进行分析,明确了区域科技与经济系统协调发展度的变化规律。基于协调发展度预测模型的动态行为特性,研究了区域科技与经济系统协调发展度的调控方法。论文最后选取黑龙江省作为研究对象,应用本文提出的理论与方法,对黑龙江省科技与经济系统协调发展状况进行了全面地分析与评价。并以黑龙江省为例,从建设多元化科技投融资体系、完善区域科技创新体系、加强产学研合作等方面系统地提出了协调发展的对策,为促进区域科技与经济系统协调发展提供了有效地决策借鉴。

【Abstract】 With the coming of the era of Knowledge Economy, the relationship between science and economy becomes closer. S&T as the first productivity act important role in the aspects of converting the economic growth patten and adjusting the economic structure and increasing the competition ability. The coordinated development between S&T and economy system is the breakthrough of intensive economical growth pattern, the way to achieve economical development of high quantity, the key to achieve regional development, the base to achieve sustainable development. Based on the regional innovation theory, the regional economic growth theory, the regional sustainable development theory and complexity science theory, the paper takes the regional coordinated development as the main line, the coordinated managememt as the start, its operational mechanism as the key, coordinated development evaluation and estimation as the point. The main questions of coordinated development between S&T and economy system are reviewed and innovated to some extent.The paper analyzes the coordinated development of America、Japan and Korea and China.Through making a compare between them, the paper points out the main questions existing in China. The paper discovers overseas common ground and enlightenment by analyzing the successful case of their S&T and economy system coordinated development.The paper analyzes the regional S&T and economy system and points out its characters of coordination、complexity and adjustment. Logistic curve equation is applied to describe the sustainable evolution process of S&T and economy system. The key to sustainable development is coordinated development. The paper analyzes the basic formation mechanism on coordinated development of S&T and economy system. From the aspect of synergetics, it is recognized that synergia are the internal dynamics of system coordinated development, and from the aspect of dissipative theory, it is recognized that the inflow of negative entropy is the external factors of system coordinated development. Based on these two recognitions, the paper sets up the theory frame. Further, the concept of coordinated management are brought forward and the operating frame including operating mechanism, coordinated development evaluation, estimation and optimized control is set up.This paper sets up the circulating chain pattern on coordinated development of regional S&T and economy system and analyzes the point of it. It also set up the corresponding mechanism system including market mechanism, diversity investment mechanism, S&T innovation mechanism, lie service mechanism and guarantee mechanism. This paper analyzes the relations of them, their content and realized mechanism.The paper sets up a series of indices system for the coordinated development of S&T and economy. This paper sets up the models of correlations, S&T input-output evaluation and S&T progress contribution evaluation. Development level coordination evaluation model combining principal component and regression analysis is put forward. At last, a synthesis coordinated development degree evaluation method of fuzzy integral,which provides theory support for coordinated development is put forward.This estimating analysis and the optimized controlling is the research key for coordinated development of regional S&T and economy system. A non-line regression model for estimation it is set up. Analysis is made in the different dynamic behaviors of the estimation medel. It make it clear for the variety regulation of the degree. Based on this, The paper makes a research for controlling the coordinated development degree.A systematic analysis are conducted on coordinated development of Heilongjiang province based on the theories and methods. It puts out some countermeasures on the future coordinated development of S&T and economy system in Heilongjiang province. They are to construct the multi-level system, to improve the regions’ S&T innovation system and to strengthen enterprises-universities-researches cooperation and so on.

  • 【分类号】F062.3;F061.3;F224
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】915
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