

The Study of Self-Organization Evolution Mechanism of Strategic Alliance for Enterprise

【作者】 韩斌

【导师】 傅毓维;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 随着现代科技的飞速发展和全球市场竞争的日益复杂化,越来越多的企业开始认识到单凭自身的力量很难在日益激烈的竞争环境中求得生存和发展。企业战略联盟作为一种新型竞争方式,已经成为现代企业获取竞争优势的重要手段,被誉为20世纪20年代以来最重要的组织创新。然而并非所有的联盟都有成功的业绩,许多实证研究表明,企业战略联盟的不稳定性限制了战略联盟的进一步发展,导致企业战略联盟的高失败率。20世纪70年代,自然科学领域自组织理论研究开始兴起并成为一门新兴学科,用自组织理论研究社会、经济等现象已经成为当今社会科学发展的新方向。企业战略联盟做为复杂的经济系统,具有自组织演化的特性。在此背景下,运用自组织理论方法解决企业战略联盟演化过程中的复杂性问题,探讨企业战略联盟自组织演化机制,也就成为重要的研究课题。本文从企业战略联盟、熵、自组织等基础理论出发,运用系统分析、动态与静态相结合、定性分析与定量分析相结合、理论分析与实证分析相结合等研究方法,对企业战略联盟的自组织演化机制进行研究。论文首先对企业战略联盟的系统性及其复杂性来源进行分析,认为企业战略联盟系统复杂性是自组织演化的产物,分别对企业战略联盟自组织演化的内涵及自组织演化方式进行界定与剖析。在分析企业战略联盟自组织演化过程基础上,对企业战略联盟自组织演化机制耦合作用进行分析,并建立企业战略联盟自组织演化机制生成维度。通过对企业战略联盟自组织演化机制生成的价值网分析,基于组织资本,建立企业战略联盟自组织演化机制价值创造模型。运用Logistic模型构建企业战略联盟自组织演化模型,并进行稳定性分析。论文揭示企业战略联盟自组织演化的耗散结构条件,在分析企业战略联盟耗散结构中熵流的基础上,形成企业战略联盟耗散结构中联盟熵的判据。在建立基于组织资本的企业战略联盟耗散结构联盟熵生成模型的基础上,形成联盟战略熵、结构熵和文化熵。通过建立企业战略联盟耗散结构的布鲁塞尔模型,分析使企业战略联盟系统出现失稳向耗散结构突变的数学条件。结合组织资本,构建基于组织资本的企业战略联盟自组织演化协同动力模型分别从适应性战略协同、学习性结构协同和创新性文化协同三方面对联盟协同动力机制的运行模式、作用机理进行论述。结合企业战略联盟自组织演化的超循环作用机理,分别构建企业战略联盟超循环资源、结构和动力结合模式,并对上述超循环中蕴含的主要功能耦合关系进行论述。在前文论述的基础上,构建企业战略联盟自组织演化评价指标体系,建立模糊积分综合评价模型,应用模糊积分综合评价方法,从战略协同能力、结构协同能力、文化协同能力、联盟经济效益四个层面,对八个企业战略联盟自组织能力给予综合评价。在此基础上进行实证研究并对实证结果进行分析,验证本文所构建的联盟自组织演化评价指标体系及其评价模型的实效性。本论文以企业战略联盟自组织演化机制为研究对象,为企业战略联盟研究开辟了新的思路,对企业实施战略联盟管理提供了一定的理论支持和指导价值

【Abstract】 With the fast development of science and technology and the increasingly complicated competitive environment, more and more enterprises start to realize that it’s difficult for them to survive and develop by means of their own strength under such competitive conditions. Strategic alliance, as a new type of competitive model, has already played a crucial part in the acquisition of the competitive advantage, which is named the most important organization innovation since 1920s. Not all of the alliance, however, has procured success. It was proven by a substantial number of real cases that the lack of stability of the strategic alliance for enterprise restricts its further development so that leads to a heavy rate of failure. Since the 1970s, the self-organization theory in physical science has sprung up and evolved into a new subject. It has become a new direction to employ the self-organization theory to study society, economy and etc. under the circumstances of current social and scientific development. The strategic alliance for enterprise, as a complex economic system, owns the feature of self-organization evolution. Therefore, it is becoming an essential subject to settle the complicated matter in the evolution process of strategic alliance by employing self-organization theory and discuss the self-organization evolution mechanism of strategic alliance for enterprise.In this thesis, on the basis of strategic alliance for enterprise, entropy, self-organization evolution, the self-organization evolution mechanism of strategic alliance for enterprise is explored with the analysis of system, combining dynamic analysis with static analysis, qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis and theoretical analysis with the case study. Beginning with the discussion of systematic and complex source, which is considered as the product of self-organization evolution, the connotation and manner of self-organization evolution is confined and analyzed. In analysis of self-organization evolution for strategic alliance for enterprise, the thesis discloses of the coupling of self-organization evolution mechanism of strategic alliance for enterprise, and the dimensionality is set up. Through the value net analysis of self-organization evolution mechanism of strategic alliance, the thesis constructs the value created model of self-organization evolution mechanism of strategic alliance based on organizational capital. The model self-organization evolution mechanism with logistic model is established, the stability of which is analyzed.This thesis discloses the condition of dissipative structure in the self-organization evolution. On the basis of analyzing the entropy in dissipative structure of strategic alliance for enterprise, the criterion and productive factor of alliance entropy are shaped. With the help of founding inborn model of strategic alliance, dissipative structure and alliance entropy, the thesis sets up the alliance strategic entropy, structure entropy and culture entropy.On the foundation of Brussels’ model of the enterprise strategic alliance dissipative structure, the thesis analyzes mathematical condition which makes the system of enterprise strategic alliance unstable and break into dissipative structure. After the combination of organizational capital and the foundation of evolutive synergy dynamic model of enterprise strategic alliance self-organization, the thesis discusses the runnable model and mechanism of action of the alliance synergy dynamic mechanism from three aspects which are adaptability strategic cooperation, learnable structural cooperation and innovative cultural cooperation. Through illustrating of hyper-cycle function of self-organization evolution in strategic alliance, the thesis constructures combination models of hyper-cycle in stratigic alliance based resource, construction and dynamics, and discusses the each other’s conrrelation on main function of the hyper-cycle constructons.From the above, the evaluation index system of self-organization evolution in strategic alliance is built, a comprehensive evaluation model of fuzzy integral is established and comprehensive evaluation methods of fuzzy integral is put into effect. By means of the ability of strategic synergy, structural synergy, cultural synergy, alliance economic performance, the self-organization capacity of the strategic alliance for the eight enterprises is estimated comprehensively. Based on the above, the real case is studied and then the result is analyzed, which verifies the effectiveness of evaluation index system and evaluation model of the alliance self-organization evolution proposed in this thesis.This thesis aims to make a thorough study of the self-organization evolution mechanism of strategic alliance for enterprise, offer new thoughts for the study of strategic alliance and provide certain theoretical support and value of guidance for the management of strategic alliance for enterprise.
