

Research on the Modular Manufacturing Networks of Shipbuilding Industry

【作者】 杨国兵

【导师】 李柏洲;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,我国造船业经过快速发展,取得了辉煌的成就。造船业国际竞争力不断提高,造船业在国际市场的地位也不断提升,但是同日韩等世界先进造船国家相比,仍然存在巨大差距。这种差距主要表现在由造船方式的落后带来的。很多产业的实践证明,模块化与模块化制造网络是应对复杂产品系统的组织与过程的有效方式。所以,转变造船模式,大力发展模块化造船是进一步提升我国造船业产业国际竞争力、应对世界船市供大于求且竞争日趋激烈的必然途径。模块化造船方式的不断应用,将带来我国造船业产业组织范式的伟大转变,形成造船业的模块化制造网络。因此,研究我国造船业模块化制造网络具有非常重要的理论与实践意义。在文献阅读与整理的基础上,论文首先梳理了产业组织演化与产业集群理论、复杂产品系统理论、复杂性科学中关于演化的理论、模块化制造网络的相关理论,并对产业集群、复杂产品系统、模块、模块化、模块化制造网络等概念进行了界定。在此基础上从造船模式的转变、模块化网络出现的动因、我国造船业在高速发展的背后面临的挑战以及造船业模块化制造网络的形成机理,对我国造船业模块化制造网络的成因进行了详细分析,并结合FPSO的建造分析了造船业模块化制造网络的形成。在经济发展过程中,随着物质、人力、技术、信息等资源发生变化,制造网络也在不断地变化,而这种变化往往是长期的,从而构成了制造网络的演变过程。从时间维度来讲,研究模块化制造网络的发展主要就是要研究产业的纵向结构与横向结构演变。本文在纵向结构分析中,介绍了制造网络纵向组织的表现和纵向增值过程,以及产业链中的物流模型,建立了供应链战略选择及敏捷供应联盟盟员选择模型,并结合45000吨化学品船(成品油船)阐述了造船业纵向结构关系。在横向结构的分析中,分析了制造网络中的横向组织表现,产业中的竞争网络,以及产业中的竞争合作网络。从空间维度来讲,本文在阐述产业集群与产业集群网络结构框架的基础上,分析了造船业的产业集聚现象,并通过对长三角船舶产业集群进行的实证分析发现我国造船业模块化制造网络的演变形态为产业集群。最后本文构建了我国造船业模块化制造网络绩效评价模型。首先设计了针对造船业的模块化制造网络绩效评价指标体系,包括产业规模与效益、产业运营效率、产业创新能力、产业配套能力四个方面的指标;并利用BP神经网络模型进行了仿真。提出限制我国造船业模块化制造网络发展的限制因素:造船业产业结构问题、造船技术研发与产品创新方面的问题、造船业的信息化能力薄弱问题、缺乏能力强的规则设计者或系统集成商的集成能力不足、军民无法统一限制了军用的发展等方面的问题。在此基础上,提出了促进我国造船业模块化制造网络发展、提升我国造船业国际竞争力的一些相应对策。

【Abstract】 Since the beginning of reform and opening up, our country shipbuilding industry has got brilliant achievements by the fleetness develop. Along with the unceasing improvements of its international competitiveness, the shipbuilding industry’s position in international market enhances unceasingly. But when compared with the advanced world shipbuilding country such as Japan, Korea and so on, there is still enormous gap with them which is brought by the backwardness production way of shipbuilding. Much the estate practice is testified that modularization and modular manufacturing networks is an effective way to reply to the organization and process of complicated product system. Therefore, in order to enhance the international competitiveness further and reply to boat market’s excessive supply over the world, it is certain that we need to transform shipbuilding pattern and develop the modular shipbuilding energetically. With modularization shipbuilding way are ceaselessness applied, it will bring about great changes of organizing form and form modular manufacturing networks of shipbuilding industry. Therefore, it is very important and significant to study how our country’s shipbuilding industry modular manufacturing networks forms.On the basis of reading and arranging literatures, the thesis estates some correlation theories firstly, such as organizes evolution and estate fixes in cluster theory , complex product system theory, the evolution theory on the complexity science, the relevant theory on modules and modular and the related theories on modular manufacturing networks and so on. Then it defines to the industrial colony, complex product system, module, modulation, modular manufacturing networks and so on. Here, based on that, this paper gives an multi-analysis to the formation causes of modular manufacturing networks from four aspects: the pattern change of shipbuilding, the reason to why modular manufacturing networks appears, the challenge while shipbuilding industry developing highly and the formation mechanism of modular manufacture network. Besides, the paper analyses how modular manufacturing networks forms unified FPSO.In the course of economic development, following the changing of the resources such as material, human, technology and information, the manufacturing networks is changing continually and forms its own evolvement in the long term. From the angle of time, to analyze the modular manufacturing networks is mainly to explore the vertical and transverse structure evolvements of industries. During the analyses of vertical structure, this dissertation introduces the performance of organizations, value added process and logistic model of industry chain, establishes the strategy choosing and quick membership choosing models, and states the vertical structural relation of ship-building industry taking 45, 000 DWT chemical ( product oil) tanker for example. In the analyses of transverse structure, it examines the performance of organizations in the network, the industrial competition network as well as the competition and cooperation network. From the angle of space, this dissertation investigates the ship-building industry clusters, on the basis of analysis on industry cluster and its network structure, and proves that the evolvement form of modular manufacturing networks is industry cluster through the empirical study of ship-building cluster in Yangtze River Delta.Finally the thesis has structured a model to evaluate the performance of China’s shipbuilding industry modular manufacturing networks through BP nerve network and has carried on the simulation to its achievements. The dissertation finds some elements which limit the development of modular manufacturing networks of shipbuilding industry in China, then this paper provides some ways to enhancing the competitiveness of China’s shipbuilding industry on this basis.

  • 【分类号】F273;F426.474;F224
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】940
  • 攻读期成果