

Study on Ship Hull Three Dimensional Modeling Application Technology

【作者】 彭辉

【导师】 聂武;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 船舶与海洋结构物设计制造, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文根据我国造船规模不断扩大、迫切需要新型实用技术和提高应用开发能力的实际情况,以计算机辅助几何造型理论为指导,充分利用国内外已成熟和普及的软件,对船舶CAD先进技术进行深化和细化,在技术的实用上开辟新途径、提出新方法。针对我国广大船舶工程技术人员对船体曲线曲面生成算法实现实用技术缺乏全面系统掌握的实际,在总结国内外学者研究成果的基础上,针对算法实现,对B样条及NURBS曲线曲面的几何定义,参数形式、性质及相应曲线曲面的插值算法作了全面深入的综合与分析,结合实例详细阐述了船体曲线曲面算法实现步骤及计算过程,将使船体曲线曲面生成算法真正成为与实际应用紧密结合、广泛普及的技术;提出了将国内型线光顺软件与国外曲面造型功能强大的通用CAD软件结合进行船体曲面建模的新思路,主要研究了将沪东HD-SHM软件与CATIA V 5软件结合实现船体曲面建模的关键技术问题,包括HD-SHM型线光顺和CATIA V 5曲面建模的方法与过程,重点研究了型线的三向光顺和由型线模型转化为曲面模型的问题,以型线曲率变化较大的150吨冷藏船为实例研究国内船体建造专用软件与通用高端CAD软件CATIA V5曲面设计模块结合进行船体曲面建模的关键应用技术;分析比较了各种AutoCAD二次开发技术特点,详细阐述了基于VB(VBA)的AutoCAD二次开发应用,包括基于AutoCAD VBA的船舶CAD应用程序菜单设计、基于AutoCAD二次开发的船舶静力学常规计算、基于VBA生成图形的船体横剖面几何要素计算,不仅研究成果可供广大工程技术人员参考和使用,同时也说明了AutoCAD二次开发技术具有强大的生命力和重要应用价值;对ATIA V5二次开发方法进行了比较,深入研究了基于AutomationAPI的CATIA二次开发方法,对CATIA的组件对象模型(COM)及其访问方法、零件三维建模、零件三维曲面建模、装配设计、组件管理、约束管理多项关键技术结合编程实例进行了深入研究,实现了零件三维建模及其装配的参数化;深入分析了国内外CAD技术在船体结构三维建模中的研究和应用现状,阐述了自主研发面向对象的船体结构三维建模系统的设计思想、开发过程、船体结构三维建模方法及整体技术,对一些关键技术进行了探索和研究,深入研究了基于约束的船体横剖面参数化设计、研究了基于特征的参数化造型技术在船体结构参数化建模上的应用、基于CATIA的船体结构参数化建模、数据库技术应用及船体结构三维建模系统开发。通过对CATIA二次开发构造出船体常见类型的结构模型,实现了参数化、智能化,能够满足船体结构优化设计的需要,从中揭示出基于通用CAD软件的船体结构三维建模技术开发完全可行,并具有适合国情、应用基础广泛的特点。本文充分利用了国内外现有的技术平台,将几何造型理论与实际应用结合,国外技术与国内技术结合,针对我国造船实际应用需要研究开发了面向广大船舶工程技术人员、便于推广的船舶CAD实用技术,不仅研究成果具有应用价值,并且开展研究的思路和方法也具有一定的示范作用。

【Abstract】 According to China’s shipbuilding continues to expand the scale, there is an urgent need for a new practical, technical and ability to improve the actual application development, take the computer-aided geometric modeling theory as a guide, make full use of software which has become mature and popular in domestic and foreign, deepening and refining the advanced ship CAD technology, opened up new ways and new methods in technology practicability. Now, large number of engineering and technical personnel lack of a comprehensive grasp of the ship hull curves and surfaces generation algorithm , basis on research results of the conclusion of domestic and foreign scholars , making integrated and comprehensive in-depth analysis to B-spline surface NURBS curves of the geometric definition, parameter forms, nature and the corresponding curves and surfaces interpolation algorithm for algorithm realization, Elaborating the hull curves and surfaces algorithm steps and calculation process with examples, making hull curves and surfaces generation algorithm truly become closely integrated with the practical application and widely popular technology; giving new ideas of combination of Domestic-made lines fairing software and a powerful abroad general CAD modeling software which for curve modeling to hull surface modeling, A major study will be the key technical issues for realization of the hull surface modeling with the combination HD-SHM software and CATIA V 5 software , includes HD-SHM Line Smoothing and CATIA V 5 surface modeling methods and process. Focus on the problem about the offset line, with three direction fairing and offset line model into a curve model, take the 150 tons of frozen cargo ship which has large Curvature-line changes as an example to study the key application technology to the hull curve modeling with the combining national special hull construction software to general high level CAD software - CATIA V5 surface design module; comparative analysis of the various technical features of AutoCAD secondary development, detailed describing the development and application of AutoCAD Based on VB (VBA), including CAD applications menu design, based on AutoCAD VBA ships, conventional ship static calculation based on the AutoCAD secondary development, geometric elements calculation of the cross-section of the hull based on VBA generated graphics, the use for study results not only of reference by large number of engineering and technical personnel , but also specifying that secondary development of AutoCAD technology having great vitality and important value; comparing the ATIA V5 secondary development methods, high level studying of CATIA secondary development Based on Automation API, with a number of key technologies combination programming examples on CATIA Component Object Model (COM) and its visit, 3D modeling of parts, 3D surface modeling of parts、assembly design、component management、constraint management, carrying out the 3-D modeling and assembly parts in parameter way ; in-depth analysis of the research and application status about domestic and foreign CAD 3D modeling in the hull structure, expatiating method and the overall technical of independent study and development on design consideration, the development process, the hull structure of 3D modeling in the hull structure of object-oriented 3D modeling system, exploration and research for the key technologies, making in-depth study on Constraint-based cross-sections design of the hull in the parameters way , on application of modeling technology in the parametric way based on the characteristics in the hull structure modeling in parametrical way, on the hull structure modeling into the parametric way based on CATIA, on the applications of database technology and 3D structure of the hull Modeling System Development.Through development of CATIA secondary and making common types of structural model of hull and realized the parameters way, intelligence way , meeting the needs of optimizing hull structure design, revealing the result that hull structure 3D modeling technology development based on the general CAD software being entirely feasible, and being with suitable conditions, the application of a broad-based features.This paper made full use of existing technology in domestic and abroad, integrating geometric modeling theory and practical application,research and development facilitate ships CAD practical technologies for the broad masses of the shipbuilding engineers and technisions in light of China’s shipbuilding practical application-oriented needs , research achievements have not only application value, but also open their ideal.
