

Application of USBL Positioning Technology on Underwater Submersible Interfacing

【作者】 郑翠娥

【导师】 田坦;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 水声工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 21世纪是人类全面开发利用海洋的新世纪。深海空间站是一个有助于充分利用我国海洋资源的平台。为保证深海空间站的正常运转,由穿梭潜器来保障物资及人员的输送。本论文的主要工作以穿梭潜器所需的超短基线定位为背景,研究了高精度超短基线定位技术、多目标定位技术、安装误差校准技术和位姿测量技术。超短基线定位系统的定位精度主要取决于基阵测向精度。由Cramer-Rao下限理论可知,相位差的估计精度取决于信号的信噪比和带宽。为了得到更高的定位精度,考虑从系统基阵阵型上打破传统超短基线基阵设计的束缚,设计适合本系统的新阵型。而在大孔径阵型条件下,抗模糊成为挑战性的难点。本文对窄带信号提出了利用脉冲对相位抗模糊的方法,对宽带信号的提出了一种易于工程实现的相位解缠绕方法。理论分析和仿真结果都证明本文提出的抗模糊方法成功的解决了这一问题,从而在保证定位精度的条件下简化了基阵,降低了系统的复杂性。超短基线定位系统除了声学定位设备外还配备有GPS设备和姿态传感器,这样整个系统的传感器就至少包括水声传感器、姿态传感器、GPS天线。然而各个传感器所在的坐标系并不能保证在同一坐标下,各个传感器所在的坐标系之间存在着角度偏差,这种偏差是可以通过安装误差校准来修正的。基于平均声速的常规安装误差校准技术在深水条件下由于忽略了声线弯曲而存在较大的误差,无法满足高精度定位要求;针对这一问题,本文提出了一种基于声线跟踪的安装误差校准方法,仿真和试验证明了该方法的有效性。为实现水下对接,需要知道穿梭潜器和深海空间站的相对位姿信息。本文研究了基于COSTAS阵列的跳频信号和基于OFDM调制与GOLD序列相结合的多目标定位技术,在此基础上提出了一种位姿解算算法,并导出了对接的准则。最后通过试验数据分析验证了该位姿解算算法的有效性。

【Abstract】 The 21st century is a new century for mankind to exploit and utilize the ocean resources comprehensively. Deep sea space station is a possible platform for ocean sea resources exploitation. Shuttle submersible is an important component of deep sea space station, which can transport the materials and staves between deep sea space station and surface vessels. The dissertation focuses on the positioning technologies of USBL (ultra-short base line) in shuttle submersible, including high-precision positioning method of USBL, multi-target positioning method, installation error calibration method, positioning and attitude measurement method, etc.The precision of USBL depends largely on the direction finding of array, which can be obtained by phase difference estimation or time delay estimation. According to Crammer-Rao Bound Limit (CRBL), the estimation precision is restricted by SNR (signal to noise ratio) and signal bandwidth. In order to improve this precision, we propose the following methods. A new array shape is designed for this system, which breaks the traditional array design. In the condition of large aperture array, anti-ambiguity of phase measurement becomes challenging. The design of dual-pulse waveform is proposed in the case of narrow band signal. Meanwhile, in the situation of wide band signal, a new phase unwrap method is suggested, which can be implemented easily in the engineering. Both theoretical and simulation results are given to verify the correctness of these methods. Consequently, what the author presented here simplifies the array engineering design and reduces the system complexity at certain positioning precision.Acoustic sensor, attitude sensor and GPS, etc, constitute the USBL system. Different locations of these equipments cause the installation errors, which can be eliminated by coordinate transformation. This method is called installation error calibration. Conventional calibration method based on the average sound speed can not satisfy high-precision positioning requirement due to the error introduced by the bending of sound ray in deep sea. Installation error calibration method based on ray tracing is presented here, which has been proved effectively through simulation and sea trial.To implement underwater mechanical interfacing, we need to know the relative position and attitude information between the shuttle submersible and deep sea space station. Multi-target positioning method using hopping-frequency signal based on COSTAS array and the signal based on the OFDM combined with GOLD sequence is also studied in this dissertation. The author proposes a position and attitude solution algorithm and suggests an interfacing criterion. Finally, sea trial data proves it effective.
